18 Paradigm Frob to Manipulate your Destiny by Aman V. Varma - HTML preview

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Dictionary meaning

img6.png (obsolete) Fastidious, particular; demanding a high standard of excellence, difficult to satisfy.

img6.png Inquisitive; tending to ask questions, investigate, or explore.

img6.png Eager to acquire knowledge.

img6.png Exhibiting care or nicety; artfully constructed; elaborate; wrought with elegance or skill.

The Concept

The 8th mindset that I want you to adopt is curious mindset. Let's start with what Albert Einstein has to say,

"I am neither clever nor especially gifted. I am only extremely and passionately curious"

Curiosity = personal evolution.

Evolution indirectly = success or legendary life.

That's all I have to say. Be curious. No matter how much explanation I give you, it will always be insufficient. That's how important this mindset is.

Today, I am inspiring people to live a great life, writing articles every week, mailing newsletters containing wisdom every single day, have written 3 ebooks, have made 60+ educational videos and have developed various models & blueprints to master every area of life. How was I able to do it? Curiosity. People look at me and are fascinated because they don't believe that what I write, speak and share is my authentic work. But that's not their fault as well. That's simplicity. I am doing successful people did at a very early age and so is my mindset more developed and conditioned to attract greatness. Yeah, I am telling you.. All these mindset are well installed in my brain and so even if I try super hard to fail, I cannot. I will fail at that, irony there.

When I look back at my life I see a different me. I was in depression 3 years ago. But now I am contagious, I am spreading positivity and happiness, I am introducing wisdom, I am conditioning people's minds to become the most epic person to live on this planet. It's surprising to me as well. But that's true. And it all happened because I somehow tapped into the curiosity zone. I switched my default to "curious hungry mind" and the ball started to roll.

Similar is the case with Tesla, Einstein, Steve Jobs, Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Franklin, Lincoln, Ford, you name it, they had curiosity for something. And that something later turned out to be BIG & WORLD CHANGING.

How to develop curious mindset?

  1. Find your niche. What's your specialization? Job's niche was technology, Einstein's niche was physics, Aristotle's niche was philosophy, Buddha's niche was spirituality, Pablo's niche was art, Shakespeare's niche was writing, Mandela's niche was social & humanitarian, Mother Teresa's niche was love, Ford's niche was auto engineering. What is that one thing that seduces you? What are you magnetically attracted to? What are you passionate about? Find that and be extremely curious about it. Go into depth and crave for deep insights. That's how you become curious.
  2. Simply Ask. After you find your niche/passion it's time to ask. Be curious about how people work, whom they work with, what technologies do they use, why some people are successful and other not so successful in that field, what the top people in that industry do that mediocre don't do, be curious about everything.

Here's the fact, when you ask a question you mind will be restless until it finds the right answer. Use this to your advantage. Google search your questions, ask people, interview experts, attain the annual meetings and seminars, take the courses, and listen to people who are sharing their experiences.

Take your mind on a marathon. And once you pick up the momentum of being curious you will become curious about the things outside your niche as well. You will become curious about people, species, art, music, books, traveling, sports, universe, existence, soul, miseries, cars, money, health, technology and even something as stupid to sound as your hairs and bathing manners. It will broaden your spectrum of knowledge and will become your best tool to construct anything in life. Soon you'll see how the dots connect, how marketing can be used in relationships, how personal development can be used in business growth, how spiritual growth can make you financially free. You will start to get a bigger picture of life. And now you will start to grow kaizen & become extraordinary. That's mind blowing how it works.

"What people call intelligence just boils down to curiosity" - Aaron Swartz

"Curiosity especially intellectual inquisitiveness, is what separates the truly alive from those who are merely going through the motions" - Tom Robbins