18 Paradigm Frob to Manipulate your Destiny by Aman V. Varma - HTML preview

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The Concept

Over delivery! Yes, that's what makes you stand out from others. The concept is simple. Whatever you do make sure you over deliver it. That means that you have to build a mindset of giving 3 times of extra value for what you receive in return.

Why & How to develop the over delivery mindset?

It will help you in every area of your life. It will magically and drastically improve your business, relationships, friendship, social circle, habits, thinking, character building, etc I mean everything! Let's take a few examples right now,

  1. Over delivering 3 times more in the quality of the products or services you sell than the fee you charge for it will make you more returning and happy customers, will increase your reputation, will strengthen your brand as well. I think that these are the critical factors of success in business which is worth to exchange for earning short term profit by selling a shit product. So next time you are making a sale ask yourself would you yourself buy your product/services. How much would you pay for the quality of product you are selling? After that decrease the cost of the product/service by 3 times. Don't worry, it's okay to have less profit than to sell contribute shitty product in the market, lose customer's trust and finally shut your business down. You get it? Good.
  2. Over delivering in relationship & friendship, makes me think that it is much more beneficial to use this mindset in relationships other than business (just a comparison) because it is a relationship that makes the world turn around. How can you over deliver in relationships? First of all money is not the factor. Get that idea out of your brain. It’s more than money - its EMOTIONS. To over deliver in relationships keep only 4 things in mind: GIVE, ZERO EXPECTATION, FUN & POSITIVITY. Get these 4 concepts tight and you will be ready to rock any relationship. So how do you practice this mindset? That's Simple, don't think too much, be like a child, do what will make you experience positive emotions and keep the negative emotions, habits, thoughts, actions and behaviors at a bay. Find a list on the Internet for "relationship bad habits". Repeat this over and over even if it feels miserable to you; repeat it to form a habit out of it. Do it. Don't give excuses. Do it. Do what it takes to build it. It's worth it. It's required. You'll be grateful for your entire life that you did this. Do it.
  3. Over deliver mindset in building character. Over deliver on yourself, give more high quality information to yourself that will help you build the right character. Literally, I am telling you if your input is mere, guess how your outputs will be? Million dollar information - billion dollar transformation. Investment always hurts but returns always blows the mind. Over deliver in the efforts you put in to change your character. Whatever you do, DO IT BIG & MASSIVE. OVER DELIVER ANYTHING & EVERYTHING.

Long term - After effects of applying this mindset:

  1. Massive growth in less time. People will notice that you are evolving like a monster! That's sweet.
  2. Business grows. Profits grow. Lifestyle grows. Freedom grows. You grow.
  3. You become magnetic. You power switch your default setting to abundance mode. Needing nothing attracts everything.
  4. Increased quality of everything you touch. Whatever task you undertake automatically becomes of superior quality. Badass!
  5. Increased respect & trust from others. Increased certainty, persuasion and influence.
  6. Life transformation.

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