18 Paradigm Frob to Manipulate your Destiny by Aman V. Varma - HTML preview

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Dictionary Meaning

img6.png Related to a repeated set of actions.

img6.png Repetition of definite set of rituals daily to attain a certain objective.

The concept

This book is the result of my ritual to write 15 pages every day.

Rituals make your goals achievable.

The 12th mindset that I want you to cultivate is ritual mindset. Whatever you wish to achieve, it can only be done by taking right actions consistently but it becomes very difficult to stick to this habit when we have all sorts of things going on in our life. Then comes the role of rituals. Ritual is a set of activities that an individual performs everyday in the morning before starting with the regular schedule. Performing rituals everyday gives him a sense of grounded-ness and also gets the most important things done in the morning itself. If you look deep inside highly successful people's lives you will find that they all have morning & evening rituals that took care of their well being and success.

This is a concept most people are not even aware of! Think how great it would be to make "being successful" a habit. Habits are automatic and so will be your success! Sounds great right? Yes, but not everything worth comes easy. You have to take massive actions persistently to build success habits.

So if you are convinced that you can take advantage of this unbiased trick by making a few routines and sticking to it, you might also want to know how to do it? So here it is..

How to build ritual mindset & rituals?

  1. Start by redialing your body clock. Decide the number of hours you need to sleep for and then fix your sleeping and waking time. Once you have fixed it, stick to it and build the moment. So after 1 week when your body clock is reset now it's time to move further.
  2. State your priorities and "absolutely must" activities and do them in the morning right after you wake up and before you resume yourself with daily activities. For example, your priorities may include exercise, meditation, reading, spending time with family, prayer or affirmations, writing, etc. Do them in the morning itself. Whatever is important to you, do it first thing in the morning; After you have done with the priorities it's time to complete the "absolute must" activities, for example, your AM activities may include planning for the day, introspection, communicating with mentor, brainstorming ideas for business, etc. Do it in the morning before you resume your daily schedule.
  3. Block time for each activity. Prepare a timetable for your morning activities. For example, 15 mins exercise, 10 mins planning, 30 mins with family, 5 mins meditation and so on.
  4. Warning! Don't take too many tasks from the day one. Start with 1 or 2 activities and increase it at your pace. Your morning rituals can stretch from 1 hour to 4 hours depending upon your requirements. If somehow you don't get enough time to fit everything in the morning rituals you can shift them in the "evening rituals" that you perform before going to bed.
  5. The above was for making rituals. Let's look at how to develop a habit of making rituals. That is overly simplistic. Just keep in mind, maybe drill it in your mind and print it on your neurons to be aware enough to create a ritual for every goal. You can stick a Post-It note everywhere around your house that will remind you to create a ritual for ever goal.

Rituals build momentum and perseverance which are the two requirements for actualizing your goals.

Pro tip: To create balance in life (all realms of life) include 1 activity of each facet of life in the morning/evening rituals. Below is the list of essential activities you need to perform:

  1. For Spiritual & Emotional health: Meditation, introspection, affirmations, prayer, connection with nature.
  2. For physical health: exercise, breakfast, water, breathing and stretching.
  3. For career and business: planning, strategies, contemplation, networking and action plan.
  4. For relationships: time spending, communication, expression of love and sense of appreciation.
  5. For mental health: reading, leaning, teaching, expressing, understanding and structuring.