18 Paradigm Frob to Manipulate your Destiny by Aman V. Varma - HTML preview

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Dictionary meaning

img6.png To make (something) larger or more important.

img6.png To have effect; to be of importance or significance.

The Concept

Our mind is like a magnifying glass. It will magnify everything that we direct our focus on and the more we keep focusing on the thing/idea/people/situation the more intense, important, bigger and powerful will it look. Sometimes due to our intense focus, our mind blows the intensity or the importance of the thing/idea/people/situation out of proportion to such an extent that we get paralyzed by its overpowering appearance.

That being said, from now on develop this mindset of magnifying only the thing/idea/people or situation that will help you make your life easier, that will make you more powerful and confident.

You might have heard the phrase “Focus only on the positive sides of the situation” or something like “Be positive. Think Positive”. This is the real reason behind it.

Focusing on the thing/idea/people or situation that is giving you mental stress, robbing you from positivity and decreasing your emotional health will not do you any good.

So, basically this mindset is about focusing your attention on the positive side of the thing/idea/people or situation because your mind magnifies everything that you pay consistent attention to and if you are a normal human being I would assume that you want to magnify only the uplifting experiences in your life.

The only “why” to develop this mindset is to make yourself stoic or immune to the thing/idea/people or situation that are not serving you; rather they are making you miserable and exhausted.

How to develop the magnifying mindset?

There is only one key ingredient to develop this mindset and that is “Intense, Persistent, Guided, and Focused Attention”

Here is the deal, you either do it or you don’t. The Choice is always yours. You would be a fool if you don’t build courage to change your bad habit of focusing on the bad things and put in enough efforts to be aware of consciously flipping your focus from positive to negative even after knowing that your mind will magnify it, make it appear bigger, stronger and unbeatable and finally paralyze you to death.

I mean seriously? You need a how to for this? It’s either done or you suffer. It’s your decision to change and grow. It will be your benefit if you adopt this mindset. If I didn’t require any how-to I can guarantee that you too don’t need it.

Knowing this fact that “Our mind expands and magnifies everything that comes under his radar of intense focus” alone was enough for me to develop this mindset. Fit this in your mind. Do whatever it takes to learn and realize this fact. Maybe use the attraction or fundamental mindset here to your advantage!

I am repeating it again,

All the mindsets synchronize with each other; they can be used in different combination, developing all the mindsets will be your weapon to create an extraordinary life. Take this seriously.

P.S. None of the mindsets can be developed without practice. You have to take CONSCIOUS ACTIONS & EFFORTS EVERY DAY to install these power tools in your character.

P.S.S. Use this mindset to magnify your strength and qualities, Blow them out of proportion, intensify your positivity and emotional health, make the best out of this psychological hack to beat any problem and then combine it with the Pedestal Mindset to make yourself more powerful than anything else in the universe.