18 Paradigm Frob to Manipulate your Destiny by Aman V. Varma - HTML preview

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Dictionary Meaning

img6.png To apply a force to (an object) so that it comes toward the person or thing applying the force.

img6.png The tendency to attract.

img6.png An attractive force which causes motion towards the source

The Concept:

There's only one way to get anything in your life and that is by attracting them. Learn to attract resources (things, people, situations or anything). Nothing comes without attraction. It is the attraction that makes the resources gravitates towards you. Attraction pulls resources towards you. It is a powerful force that needs to be understood, executed and mastered to create lavish life. This mindset is similar to the “fundamental mindset”. Search and seek the fundamental that will attract you everything you need and then act upon them.

So how do you attract resources towards you? Well, simply by becoming attractive. By becoming a magnet that pulls everything of the same vibrational frequency or desired thing towards you. The moment

you become a money magnet or luck magnet or health magnet, is the moment when you will see the goodness of heaven flooding in your life. My work is to help you develop right mindsets and so I won’t go into much details of how the law of attraction or the psychology of human attraction works. That’s your work. Do it. Learn it.

How to develop attraction mindset?

1. Know EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT. Get into the details, the math, the science, the architecture, everything! You have to dive deep, extremely deep, so deep that the thought appears to be materialistic and vivid. Forget the strength of making resources available to actualize it for a second. Focus on creating the blueprint. I use it regularly to make things happen in my life. It’s superficially powerful. Do it today. Know what you want clearly, precisely and vividly.

2. Dwell upon it till it comes true. Make it a priority of your life. Continuously think about it till the thoughts come automatic in your mind when you are not thinking about it. Become obsessed by the idea. Think it over and over again. Think it so much that they should come in your dreams while you sleep. Think about it so much that you become super excited and charged to manifest that thought in materialistic world. Get addicted to it. Make it so powerful that it becomes the most dominating thought on your mind. Don’t stop till it comes true.

The after effects

3. When you do the above 2 correctly, your mind will be programmed to always search for the opportunities to make that idea come true and procure the resources that will make that seed become a tree. At this point you have to work with your resourceful mindset i.e. make intelligent use of your skills and knowledge in such a way that all the elements align in order than can make the manifestation of the idea possible. At this point your mind will become like a torch light that will continuously search and enlighten the path that will lead you towards the manifestation of your idea.

4. The 4th step is to take action when the opportunities arrive. If you hold yourself back because of fear at the time of opportunity then the idea in your mind will remain an idea for the rest of your life. You could affirm daily and arrange the cosmic energies to make the idea come true through domination of thought focused on single outcome but if you don’t take action at the right time, if you don’t take advantage of the situation or if your eyes are blind at the right time, nothing is going to work. All your efforts in the first 3 steps would be a waste. I learned this in a hard way.

For example,

If you want to attract a certain car you have to become attractive or develop qualities in yourself that will make you magnetic and pull the car in your life. You will become magnetic by becoming worthy of that car.

If you want to attract a certain women you have to become attractive magnet to her first by developing a character and qualities in yourself that naturally attract its suitability and then following the 4 steps discussed earlier. For this to happen you need to understand the female psychology and what triggers attraction in them but basically females are attracted to emotions and males are attracted to visuals. Do that and when the time is right she’ll be there in front of you.