Dictionary meanings:
A person or thing that generates something.
A machine that converts one form of energy into another.
Having the power to create.
The concept:
Creative mindset is not what you might be thinking, it's different.
The third mindset I want you to cultivate is "creative mindset" which is all about training your mind to form a habit to become a creator, someone who produces something of value or converts low energy/value into high energy/value.
What "creative mindset" is not: Don't think that being creative is all about doing fancy artistic stuff in business & paintings. No. We are all creators, what I mean by creative here is your ability to create something out of nowhere or convert something into things which are more useful, helpful, positive, effective and advantageous.
Why to cultivate creative mindset?
In this day & age maximum people have become a consumer, which means they take more than what they produce. If you want to be successful & happy you need to minimize your consumption of things & energies to lowest and increase your production of things, values & energies to maximum.
Consumption does not create happiness. Consumption does not create fulfillment and contentment.
By consumption I mean buying or in taking useless things that are not helping you in anyway. Buying a TV won't make you smarter, buying an Xbox won't make you happy in fact it will have a reverse effect on you and make you more depressed.
People who consume a lot get trapped in hedonic adaptation treadmill, which makes them emotionally dependent on external factor for happiness and joy. They get emotionally hurt when they do not consume useless things because they get addicted to it. It is a disaster. They overfill their mind, body and soul with useless shit and low energies and its obvious how their lives would turn out to be.
Overconsumption and unnecessary intake builds the pressure in us, it makes us feel heavy and pathetic. For example, consumption of food in excess is poison, consumption of love in excess is poison, If the consumption of raw material exceeds the output in the factory then again it’s a problem.
We have to switch our default setting from a consumer to creator.
When you develop creative mindset, you are constantly giving, creating and producing value, which will make you more happy and successful because it builds strength, courage, resilience and on top of that it will bring you more money, fame, claim, fulfillment, freedom, etc which all combined together are critical factor of a successful life.
How to develop creative mindset?
Form a new habit and focus on increasing your production more than your consumption.
Let's take a few examples,
Do you see how important and advantageous cultivating "creative mindset" is? The key is to create more than you consume and convert useless into useful. That's it!
"Don't just consume things, create things." - Barack Obama