57’s 54th by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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There are different ways in which the journey of my ‘57’ could be presented and summed up. However, probably the most striking and enriching of them is the description of the evolutionary trajectory of the

protagonist of this 57. What you are witnessing and internalizing is part of my ‘protagonist 57’ expressing a part of my ‘theatre 57’, as my consciousness is attempting to simulate a portion of my experience-cognition to present itself as a comprehensible reality for your experience-cognition, with the help of the restrictive media of language. In another way; it is one set of processed information from my side, seeking the transference to your side for another set of information processing. The dots of two protagonists of you and me are supposed to be joined by pathways of information. It is primarily up to how innocently and compassionately the Information moves. The optimality of transference is however also dependent on how the two consciousnesses of you and me stand as protagonists and theatre of experience-cognition.

There are so many such parts and portions of my contemporary protagonist, which has evolved in the time-space journey, to be labeled with a collective matrix of 57. Collectively and cooperatively, these parts and portions constitute the spectrum of my consciousness, even while only a slice of it is available for successful recall; thanks to precariousness of my lazy memory as well as the fact that writing experience is more emergent than simple recall. The journey to this contemporaneousness of ‘57’ is seemingly the making-unmaking and learning-unlearning of these different parts and portions of the protagonist-theatre of my consciousness-spectrum.

Actually; it is a summation of different information-graphs of connecting dots, which got imprinted and embossed on the memory field of my subconscious, as my body-mind navigated or was made to navigate through the milieus; both external and internal. Presenting and experiencing the realities of ‘I’ and external milieus, in terms of information dynamics facilitates non-intuitiveness and thus enables novel-alternative cognition of probable actualities of realities.

The evolution, interaction and integration of these parts and portions of the protagonist and theatre of my collective consciousness are almost impossible to be expressed and communicated through the restrictiveness of language but are the true and marvelous proceeds of my ‘57’. These proceeds happened as information happened and were journeyed. How connecting dots of information in the mega universe of infinite probabilities engendered these parts-portions and how collectively and cooperatively these information graphs, made out of connecting dots created the collective consciousness of my ‘57’ are realities, are magical and mesmerizing. Probably; the mysticism behind these realities emanate out of the ways the memory stacks and catalogues processed information and qualifies itself as a poor librarian to make them available for active recall.

This memory as an inefficient media, linking the theatre and protagonist parts of consciousness, is a major trouble for humanity and one of the causalities for pathologies. I had talked about them at the very start of this 57’s 54th.

It is mystical-magical yet hugely satisfying as how the spectrum of unconscious-subconscious-conscious engenders parts-portions of ‘Self’ and how one part or portion turns into a protagonist, witnessing and experiencing other part. So, the old memories act and behave as protagonist, witnessing new experiences and even subconsciously-consciously mediating the finality of response for the collective protagonist of self. The vice-versa happens as new experiences witness-mediate and even override old memories for finality of responses. At times, the dominant practices or collective will of external milieu becomes protagonist and shapes up responses mediating-overriding responses of self.

Another time, emotional response of hormonal interplay stands up as dominant protagonist and decides against might of collective will and

populist customs of the ambient milieu-culture. These different protagonists within the singular matrix of ‘My 57’ happen because of the fact that the substrate of the biochemical being of my body is singular, which engenders different dimensions of information processing and its action-behavior platform of the body of ‘57’ is one.

All these different parts-portions of protagonist-theatre spectrum of consciousness and its multidimensional experience-cognitions mediating the finality of actionable reality for the self are nothing but layers and dimensions of Information Processing of the brain states. How brain does it, how information themselves weigh upon mediating finality, how information itself gets constituted to create weights and favorability and how different information processing layers of brain states enable one information set to observe and mediate another information plexus are questions yet to be fully resolved. The different constituents of the biochemical substrate, where information processing happens, are increasingly being known by modern science but how and why the substrate does it are still to be deciphered. The journey of collective intellect of science is however on right track.

Intuitively, all these parts and portions of the spectrum of my consciousness are singular me – ‘the 57’ and even while these parts witness and mediate each other, there is an overriding sense and feel of one singular ‘I’ or me doing it all. In another word, even while there are different competing and cooperating protagonists within the spectrum of my consciousness, intuitively, there is feel of only one compact protagonist. Even the conflicts of these protagonists are assigned and aligned to the feel of singular ‘I’.

Non-intuitively though; the protagonist of my ‘57’ has different sub-protagonists and each one of them has differentiated information processing

layer, with varying propensities to assign weight to information. It requires conscious mind training to evolve this non-intuitiveness to see and accept the multidimensionality of protagonism of consciousness, which is popularly referred as dualism. The conflicts, dualism, split experiencing-cognition of the singular dominant protagonist and its trajectories have to be clearly understood and mastered. Ancient traditions of spiritualism and philosophy talk in details about dualism and techniques to evolve consciousness to such non-intuitive cognitions. The brain states have the neural wherewithal to facilitate it, which modern neuroscience and artificial intelligence make easy to understand. The substrate is now being unraveled.

The artificial intelligence scientists and geniuses of neuroscience have few answers about the mechanism of this ‘dualism’ in brain states but they are still evolving. Still, they help a great deal in developing a novel-alternative non-intuitive perspective in witnessing-observing my own consciousness and its parts-portions, heralding new experiences-cognitions in life-living.

It is not easy but always great to feel that I am never alone and lonely as my

‘57’ is like sitting with many friends (even enemies) in a room and exchanging ideas to know exactly what’s going on in their minds. The magic happens when the ‘friends’ talk amicably and compassionately and even the ‘enemies’ don’t hit below the belt.

Personally, I have learnt from both ancient philosophy as well as modern science about all life-living realities. My collective and compact protagonist, having this humility and compassion to witness and maneuver different other sub-protagonists (friends and enemies) of the spectrum of my consciousness is hugely beneficial and satiating, in terms of the proceeds of experience-cognition it offers. It has been very tough but with all humility at my behest, I may say that my ‘57’ has partially been successful in ensuring harmony and rhythm in the ‘room’, where all the

friends and enemies of my ‘57’ sit together and chat. Consciously, my ‘57’

has been partially successful in dissociating and un-aligning with those physical-psychological-cultural milieus, which may possibly bring about cacophony in the room, where the friends and enemies of my ‘57’ sit together and chat. My ‘57’ is growingly in good company and milieu…

The happy situation is that at least we can now say with reasonable assurances that the ‘friends and enemies’ are all simulated realities of information dynamics and their processing in the brain states. Very naturally, the focus of the protagonist of my conscious self, shifts from partial I-centric experience-cognition to the more holistic Information-Centric ones. The hydra-headedness of ‘Self’ is growingly being actualized and made to benefit my ‘57’ and its experience-cognition journeys.

This in turn facilitates how we can understand and unravel the mystery of the parts-portions of self and its mediation-witnessing mechanisms. When cognition of causality is invested more on information than consciousness or milieus, there is better probability of understanding reality as information itself is the primary causality of all realities. The ‘I’ and all friends and enemies of my ‘57’ are purely information and also act as respective media to exchange information, engendering the observer-witness experience-cognition. Witnessing-observance is primarily about causal juxtaposition of different sets of information.

This truly empowers the self as it allows the required critical information to get consciously assigned to consciousness, which in turn enriches and empowers the potential of consciousness to journey novel and alternative territories of experience-cognition. This is true and rather satiating proceeds of life-living. Thankfully, this all happened as information dissemination and reception facilities were augmented massively in the last two decades,

with hugely facilitative technologies. The best thing the modern technologies did is bolstering the efficiency of the precarious and poor memory; especially that of my ‘57’, by facilitating, what scientists lovingly call the hybrid brain. Devices and techniques of external information processing and digital memory have truly helped brain’s own tumultuous internal information processing and storage of processed data. My poor and stupid brain, finding it hard to handle something like one GB data; now has the luxury of having a 128 GB memory smart devise in my hands, with smarter interfaces than my lazy brain could ever engender. The internet, providing easy and instant connect with infinite data, has enabled the hybrid brain of my ‘57’ to break free of the crippling stupidities and restrictiveness of my natural brain.

This relationship of information with consciousness as interface and the experience-cognition as processing tools of information is the central theme of life-living and if human life-living has to have any distinctiveness and superiority compared to animal life-living, it has to come through the growing prosperity of multidimensionality of this relationship.

Consciously, a human life has to launch a disciplined entrepreneurship to acquire as much and as true-objective information throughout life so that the consciousness has as many enriched- diverse parts-portions of theatre and protagonist (empowered-compassionate friends and enemies).

In other words, the Protagonist part of consciousness has to be always aware that its primary role may be reacting and presenting action-behavior spectrum to milieus but its vitally parallel purpose is to enrich and diversify the information inventory of the Theatre portion of consciousness. More consciously; the Protagonist has to ensure that it keeps augmenting the proficiency of information processing that happens between protagonist and theatre of consciousness to engender prosperity of experience-

cognition. This is what modern scientists are doing with artificial non-biological consciousness.

This information internalization has to happen through combination of acquisitions of the inventory of modern scientific knowledge, created by contemporary collective human intellect, as well as through highly aware personal experience of diverse realities in external and internal milieus, with a focus on understanding the causalities of Information. Both knowledge acquisition and aware experiencing are exclusively human probabilities, which are not only not required, rather detrimental to intuitive animalistic instinctive joys of consumption. That is why, for most men and women, objective-holistic knowledge is scary and unacceptable as it kills the intuitive bliss and pride, by dissipating and emaciating the thick walls of the inventory of ignorance, partial knowledge and self-evidence.

The attainment worth a penny for a human life-living is how many holistically informed parts-portions his or her consciousness spectrum has and how they stand in good connect and sync to witness and observe each other. This immensely facilitates the protagonist of consciousness to observe-mediate-experience the moment of life-living journey in optimality. Using the above-mentioned metaphor; if consciousness is the room with intelligent friends and compassionate enemies and the talks are creating a harmonious-rhythmic buzz, it is truly a blissful situation. The relationship between Information and Media creates this very critically human facility of conscious-conscientious observing-witnessing-experiencing of the fleeting moment of ephemeral contemporaneousness in most profitable ways.

Only human life-living has this potential of having a powerful and self-critical observer-witness-experiencer, which could consciously lead one’s

experience-cognition mechanism-processes to the objective ideals of non-intuitiveness. For animalism, the spectrum of consciousness is only intuitive as the observer-witness facility is either missing or very weak.

Intuitive life-living in mass majority of humans is innate and by default as it is the design of the hardware, shaped up by evolution. Software of non-intuitiveness is only human potential but not an automatic accrual or attainment. It comes as the human media of consciousness is well trained to evolve and organize non-intuitive experience-cognition, through loads of objective-sincere information. This is the road of human life-living needing to be well traveled.

Information is the singular utility-worth-value in the universe and biosphere and consciousness as a navigational media must be a highly galvanized interface to successfully lead a human body-mind not only through diverse physical-psychological milieus but also through many diverse simulated realities of personal experiencing-cognitions, using the light and energy of information. Human life prosperity and wealth is proportional to acquired information and the experiences-cognitions, which the true-right information leads to, in infinite multidimensionality. Therefore, sanity-discipline-objectivity-holism of both information as well as consciousness is precondition of richness of human life-living.

There is a bare basic learning for humanity. There is no fixed independent reality available for intuitive experience-cognition of average humans.

Every intuitive reality is actually a hardware reality. All realities are possible only because there is experience-cognition of Self, a sense of ‘I’ or me as some continuous entity of reality. This self or me is actually a hardware reality and in a way a simulated virtuality or a model of reality, which the hardware of body-brain engenders. Modern neuroscience now knows as how a few parts of brain states can be tweaked to dissipate and

disorient this sense of ‘I’ and its cognition of continuity. This hardware reality of ‘I’ or Self is a plexus and array of chemical entities, which have the capacity to carry and process information. It is the chemical processing of information as inventory of memories and a bio-chemical loop of recall, which engenders or simulates the sense of a continuous ‘I’ or self in the progression of time-space.

In that way, a continuous life-living is a falsehood as it is a simulated reality and not an actuality. In the biosphere, every intuitive reality is processed information in a rather localized time-space of a fleeting moment.

This simulated intuitive feel of continuity of ‘I’, engendering the spectrum of consciousness, in collaboration with memory as inventory of processed information, is meant for survival success and not for experiential successes.

Lived out life is actually a simulated reality, made out of the cooperative of information of experienced moments, popularly known as memories. This bio-chemical mechanism called memory is a precarious and peculiar entity.

Not all lived out experiences are assigned place in the inventory of memories. Not all information in the inventory of memories are lived out experiences. Not all lived out experiences in memory are true-right-objective information as in contemporary cultures, fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist information, mostly derived from hybrid brain, are easiest and most prolific to come.

The memory is weirdly prone to many pathological propensities. The memories, which engender the simulation of a continuous self or ‘I’ and goes on to keep evolving the sense of protagonist of self, are only selective bits of information, culled out of the span of life. Partialism, of information, memory and protagonist of consciousnesses is the dominant causality of

most pathologies of modern humans. Intuitiveness innately engenders partial consciousness. Holism is the human goal of life-living and the tool for attainment is non-intuitiveness of experience-cognition, consciously and conscientiously acquired through objectivity and totality of Information.

This selective pool or inventory of consciously acquired and conscientiously experienced information, forming the readily and meticulously recallable memories to simulate a continuous self or the protagonist of ‘I’ is only a potential that needs to be optimized for attainment of true and actual wealth and prosperity of a human life. It is optimized through the richness and diversity of this information pool and brilliance of relationship between the parts-portions of information to engender non-intuitiveness of experience-cognition for a highly aware consciousness of a person. These experienced information, available for recall, reprocessing or reference and popularly known as memories, actually form the theatre of consciousness, which acts as internal milieu of a person. This internal milieu in turn, as information inventory, helps the protagonist of consciousness of a person to navigate more successfully in the external milieus as well as optimally and diversely experience the reality. It is therefore critically crucial that this information plexus must be true, objective and holistic to stand the consciousness in good stead.

This hardware reality and its simulated potentials-possibilities have to be understood well. Its understanding itself is probably the exclusivity of human life-living, as against the restrictiveness of animal life-living. The elements of well-informed discretion, disciplined experiencing and conscientious imaginativeness and their possible multidimensionality are the hardware-mounted realities, which extend superiority to human life-living, as compared to animal life-living.

For all life forms, with the ability to move in external milieus, living is only a momentous reality as experiencing or navigational goals have to be decided upon on the basis of the cognitive merit of the contemporaneousness of the fleeting moment. The sensing of movement itself engenders the sense of moment and time lapse. To understand the movement and become an observer-witness to check the intuitive movements; we have to first understand the gradient (causality of intuitiveness) of underlying energy, which induces the movement. This is where the modern scientists in cellular biology and bioenergetics are investing their best of energies. We are not going into details of it here.

However, even the geniuses of humanity understood the relationship of consciousness with this gradient, as early as more than 3000 years back.

The external milieus may be constant for longer period of time but the living organism is always in movement; intuitively following the gradient; if not physically then psychologically. Therefore, life span may be of many decades but experience-cognition happens only in a moment and cooperatively these experienced moments engender the sense of span. It is in the timeline of a moment that consciousness has to operate and only human consciousness has the luxury of elements of discretion, experiencing and imaginativeness and their possible multidimensionality to choose as how these moments have to be experienced and cognitized.

Animals probably do not have the required brain hardware to engender such memories and spectrum of consciousness to have the elements of discretion, experiencing and imaginativeness and their possible multidimensionality to consciously simulate choices by experimenting with gradients. It is therefore hugely critical that the discretion, experiencing and imaginativeness of a human consciousness are based on and guided by

objective-holistic information and not on fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist ones; as usually happens in contemporary scammed cultures.

This hardware facility to human organism is both boon and bane. This facility is an outcome of superior information inventory and processing and therefore, the true potential of the hardware facility depends on what is the quality and quantity of information inventory, how holistically available information are processed and how they stand in synced-symmetrical causal relationships. The loads of fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist information in the inventory and partial processing of these scammed information makes a human massively more dangerous than an animal as it navigates a man or woman to make hypocritical-depraved-criminalized choices for experiencing in the contemporaneousness of the fleeting moment. This is the typical hardware trouble and mass majority of 99

percent men and women have these hardware pathologies. The hardware inefficiency and corruption also restricts and scams the simulation efficiency (software) of human consciousness. This needs to be understood in details.

The hardware of animal consciousness is innately designed to intuitively experience the living moment as per the hardwired instinct of survival and successful navigation in the external milieus and therefore make singular and almost fixed choices for action-behavior. Animal consciousness is the core competence of human consciousness too as the design only has evolutional finesse in human system. Like animals, all humans are designed to and have the entrenched hardware to have broad animal goals (subconscious choices) of bare basics of survival; like food, sex, security, dominance, deception et al. In contemporary human cultures, 99 percent men and women are mostly making these animal choices, as per the requirements of their ambient milieus.

The human brains states however have evolved potentials of larger, better and varied information inventory called memories and diverse information processing called experience-cognition. Very naturally, this potential is not automatic and innate as only plethora of added and acquired information decides the actualization of this potential. The superior memory inventory and experiencing potentials are the software that a human life has, as additional to what animals have as evolution and its entropic complexities required additional hardware-software potentials in human organism, especially the brain states.

The software is not preloaded on the hardware and it is only a potential, which a human life can acquire, if subconsciously or consciously it acquires larger, better, diverse and complex information; both inputted subconsciously from external milieus as well as conscious experiencing.

This requires disciplined mind training of a human child since early days as well as sanity-sincerity of information in cultures.

Human life-living has the potential superior to animals in the sense that it can subconsciously-consciously add and upload software, given there is a well mounted hardware of healthy brain states. True-right-objective-diverse-holistic information forms the basis of the potentials of the software. The best, most satiating and lasting software are those, which a very conscious and conscientious protagonist simulates for intellectual experiencing. This is the superior witness-mode of consciousness. What these software are? What is intellect and what its role is in blissfulness of highly satiating experiencing?

Probably, the intellect is the hardware potential of disciplined and discretionary protagonist to make appropriate and multidimensional choices in acquiring more, better and objective information and process them in

brilliance of simulated models of reality. Only the true and evolved intellect has the potential to simulate the reality-models of love, compassion, fraternity, aesthetics, thoughtfulness, creativity, spirituality, et al. These intellectually simulated experiencing, based on true-objective-diverse-holistic information then goes on to form the software, which in turn augments and galvanizes the potentials of the hardware.

These intellectually simulated experiencing is exclusively human domain and it truly and only expands the scope of the moment that is available for living experiencing. It in a way probably also expands the span of the moment itself as cognition of moment also gets simulated. This is the only human potential to be attained; rest is purely animalistic. This potential has made possible the contemporary world of intellect as well as attainments.

Tragically, this potential remains unattained in 99 percent of men and women. Only one percent humans create and innovate; rest of 99 percent only copy them or follow them to get benefitted. This is a calamitous situation for humanity as intellect can lead the herd mentality of 99 percent to novelty-righteousness, whereas the corrupt-criminalized leadership can prompt them to disaster.

As intellectuals do not benefit or survive because of the stupidity-ignorance of 99 percent and the political leadership does; it is only natural that politicians are far more diligent and determined entrepreneurs of their business than intellectuals. Therefore the 99 percent is always led by them, become fodder to depraved aspirations of politicians and almost always led to disaster and depravity. Therefore, contemporary cultures are purely animalistic and full of pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality. This clearly hints at the possible remedies for all pathologies.

This syndrome of 99-percent-trap has to be understood clearly. A child is born with an entrenched hardware to automatically imbibe Information from its external milieus. In fact, the process of information internalization has already begun when the child was still in the wombs. The hardware of the child is wired for seeking information from its external milieus as its survival shall depend on the incoming information. The just born child has all the questions that are possible in the cosmos but it has no answers yet.

The questions are universal and common to all children born since millions of years and shall remain the same for millions of years ahead as the questions emanate out of the cosmic milieus, common for all lives; not only the human life. However, the answers a child shall have are not common and shall depend on what information the child is made available to. The child itself has no personal access to information leading to possible answers as it shall have only those information, which shall be fed by people and culture in local-ambient milieus. The answers shall be automatically framed out of whatever information the child gets from ambient milieus.

Interestingly, a newborn child shall still survive and live a long life, even while it has no questions and no answers or all questions and no answers.

The brain of the child is hardwired to survive and it shall automatically lead and navigate a child to subconsciously align with those sets of information that shall optimize its survival chances. In fact, these situations are the tragic reality of mass majority of contemporary children.

In contemporary human world, most children get two sets of information –

first a set of information for livelihood optimization. Even good and sufficient livelihood information is affordable only for less than five percent of human children in contemporary human world of extreme inequality and competitiveness. The second set of information is about

personal and cultural identities. Most of these information the child imbibes automatically as these identities are very powerful and stringently practiced in the child’s ambient milieus.

Tragically enough, these two sets of information are considered well enough for the child to grow up as a successful man or woman. As these two sets of information are very local and vary significantly in different milieus and cultures, the answers different child has and grows up with are also different and fixed, even as the questions that the cosmos offers them are common and infinite. Whatever be the quality and content of the two sets of information, a human child shall still survive and live out its full life, as brain has the required hardware to automatically process whatever little information it has, to lead the organism to survival success.

The pool of available information, whatever little, partial or scammed, would form the internal milieu or what we are referring as theatre of the person and the protagonist of the person shall still survive, dearly holding true the partial-scammed answers generated by this small-scammed pool of information. This is the contemporary arrangement and benchmark of success in modern day human cultures, across the globe.

Very instinctively and intuitively, the brain shall load more deception, hypocrisy, depravity and criminality on the emergent consciousness of the grown up man or woman, if it has deficit of right and sufficient information about larger and deeper questions of life-living. It is the design of the brain, which has evolved to be a valiant survivor and it shall survive by heavily borrowing on deceptions and hypocrisy, in absence of good data. A child who grows up with high loads of quality and objective information shall have better answers and therefore shall subconsciously opt for fewer amounts of unwarranted deception, hypocrisy, depravity and criminality.

Both children, with no answers and more answers shall survive in their own different ways and shall grow up to become successful men and women in their own subjective senses. Both shall procreate and shall become parents, passing on their respective information sets to their child. The two sets of required information shall remain there and as every passing moment, human world of life-living is becoming more complex, competitive and unequal, both livelihood as well as identity crises shall become deeper and more intense. Instinctively, answers shall become fewer as the only question that shall matter is livelihood for survival. For the 99 percent humans, all questions and all answers are within the localized ambient domains of livelihood and identities. The domain turns into legacy that every newborn child receives and finally bequeaths to coming generations.

The trap; the scam of humanity and cultures is perfect and immortal.

The core and critical question is – is the remedy remotely possible? Is the remedy potent enough and pathologies manageable enough to create a human world free of contemporary loads of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality? The answer is both yes and no, even while the ‘no’ is far more entrenched and embedded in the very design of life and consciousness. The

‘yes’ is a probability only because no ‘no’ can exist and mean anything without the juxtaposition of the probability of a ‘yes’. Anyways, a definitive ‘no’ shall stand as complete defeat and capitulation of the potential, which human life and consciousness has, to simulate all probabilities, in the overall scheme of realities.

We need to understand the entrenched propensities of both yes and no in the reality plexuses of human life as well as consciousness. It seems; the very pronounced and preponderant probability of ‘no’ outlines the tough architecture of the maneuverability of a precarious ‘yes’ with prolonged and persistent enterprise. This hypothesis comes out of the structural reality

of consciousness, which life itself designed to be like that and evolution stamped its seal of approval. Therefore, both yes and no are probability and reality respectively, laid out in the very structure-function of consciousness and how it has evolved over billions of years.

It very clearly seems that most pathologies of human life-living and human world of action-behavior emanate out of how an average and uninitiated human consciousness innately and predominantly relies on its intuitive experience-cognition mechanism-processes to assign meaning to the core-critical reality of successes and purposes. Innately and as per the design of evolution of human consciousness, intuitiveness of experience-cognition predominantly leads to purely animalistic successes and purposes. Very naturally, as 99 percent of humans pursue attainments of animalistic benchmarks of successes and purposes, the society and culture shall be characteristically full of propensities and attitudes, which are suitable and appropriate for wildness and ruthlessness of brute animal world. These appropriates for animal world however stand as pathologies for human world, where a viable man made society-culture requires pursuance and attainments of completely different set of success-purpose benchmarks.

Therefore, it sounds reasonably true that if human world pathologies have to be cured or managed, the contemporary benchmarks of successes and

purposes have to be corrected. This can happen only when average men and women get full-blown chance to live out their lives in an external milieu, where their innate and untrained consciousness could afford to keep aside their intuitive propensities and attitudes for animalistic successes and

purposes. Then only their consciousnesses can be trained successfully to evolve and live out non-intuitive experiences-cognitions, which are humanly designed and evolved successes and purposes, like love, compassion, fraternity, aesthetics, intellect, thoughtfulness, art, innovations,

spiritualism, et al. This is the full-blown software potential of a good hardware, in a milieu with catalytic elements to make it happen.

The cycle of pathologies has to be broken. A criminally unequal and brutally competitive-complex milieu of contemporary societies-cultures, with deprivations and deceptions writ large on their faces, mechanically and involuntarily brings to the fore and emboldens the subconscious animalism and its brute propensities in mass majority of 99 percent of men and women. These animalistic consciousnesses and their predominant animalistic experiences-cognitions shape up the external milieus of society-culture, which thrive in extending seal of approval to those successes and

purposes that animate and proliferate brutalities and criminalities of inequalities and competitiveness. Therefore, this cycle has to be shattered to smithereens. Very difficult to say, how this may happen and which should happen first, a right humanist milieu or a right evolved consciousness. Both are available in contemporary human world but only in small pockets.

The contemporary state of humanity and human world of life-living, along with the current load of pathologies, clearly sounds the defeat of the probability of Yes and ensures indefinite continuation of No. The politics of the day alone has the authority and wherewithal to effect major changes in contemporary milieus of massive pathologies but the politicians shall never do it as they themselves are the pick of most intuitively animalistic consciousness of most brutal-depraved criminalities. Their consciousnesses simply cannot be trained and initiated into understanding and accepting non-intuitive humanistic successes and purposes, as it would literally mean their certain end of survival . Nobody buys its own death. The primary question therefore is – Is the death of politics and its power-frills possible?

On the other hand, parents and families can effect major changes in individual consciousness of their own children but they too won’t do it as nobody wants to train their kids to grow as ‘unsuccessful’ persons in the contemporary brutal society-cultures, where a humanist man or woman is quickly labeled as either mad or psychedelic. Then, what the handfuls of intellectuals can do as they simply cannot design and install a sanity-symmetry system of sublime humanism, which could not be blown away by the forceful might of the animalistic consciousnesses of no less than seven billion individuals.

Does this mean, there is no hope for end of pathologies in human world of life-living? May be; there is extremely high probability of failure of a humanly designed and devised cure of pathologies as the very design of human consciousness makes it near impossible. However, the hope is always with pathologies and their innate evolutionary propensities to clean the slate and write down a novel and alternative code of successes and purposes for a completely recreated reality. The evolution of human consciousness itself seems the creation of massively long evolutionary journey of pathologies, which life and its realities engendered in the last billions of years. The pathologies themselves have the entrenched potential to weed out the unsuccessful-unviable lives and recreate such life forms, which carry on the journey ahead as carriers of novel-alternative success codes of evolution. Pathologies in a way are also Information, which in turn code novelty and alternativeness of emergent Information in progression of time and space. We already know that as many as 145 genes are now part of human genome, which have jumped from viruses, bacteria and other single-cell organisms.

The evolution is the ultimate survivor. Evolution is the god of last judgment. It is the core programming of the cosmic will. Evolution and its

journeys are nothing but infinite and unending emergences of Information, in constant and complex interactions. Life, milieus, realities are all only information. The Information alone has the pathologies as well as the potentials of all Yeses and Nos. Contemporary humanity has only begun to unravel and understand the power of information. It is this Information and its potentials, which may be designed and devised as possible cure for most pathologies of consciousnesses as well as milieus. Currently, the same potential-power of information is being used by unscrupulous political and religious leadership to unleash pathologies.

Modern intellect of humanity can do best by unleashing as much scientific-objective-holistic information in human milieus as possible, through designing and supplying such media, which could facilitate budding human consciousnesses of children to understand the realities of life-living in most holistic and objective ways – very much beyond the restrictiveness of livelihood and identities.

As contemporary science is beginning to unravel as how information happens and journeys in emergent trajectories in bio-chemical milieus at cellular levels; it may be possible in future to design and evolve an information model, which has the right potentials to rewrite consciousness codes. The artificial intelligence domain is already making progress in this area. The right-true-objective-holistic information needs to be seeded in consciousnesses at an early and appropriate time-stage of human life-living.

Rest, the Information may choose to do, the way it may unleash itself, in its infinite emergences.


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About The Author

People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’.

Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people as well as ideas that traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people, ideas as well as situations. Unconsciously, these amazing people and my own stupidly non-intuitive cognition also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you what I have internalized as body-mind Media, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators!


Do Write To Me: sjwrite@gmail.com

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