57’s 54th by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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The Journey Ahead…

In 21st century landscape of modern scientific knowledge and contemporary state of collective intellect, it seems a valid hypothesis that if human life is to be understood, humanity needs to unravel the origin of life itself and its very long journey of evolving at successive stages of time-space. Also, if human reality and its pathologies have to be understood, we need to first

decipher the very mechanism-processes of the functioning of experience-cognition structures, not only in humans but in entire spectrum of life forms, as well as its successive evolving in progression of billions of years of time-space. It has to be visualized that probably consciousness is easy to be explained and even replicated in non-biological media but it is currently almost impossible to elucidate cognition; especially the transcendence of human cognition to experience such emergent realities, which average man or woman readily labels as psychedelic or parapsychic. Cognition is the somethingness, which is still in the domain of nothingness, human consciousness has to evolve to decipher and detail. The core question is about how the common biochemical substrate manages the emergence of spectrum of varied cognitions-experiences in different men and women.

All these shall help a good deal in understanding the instinctive and innate animalism and its spectrum of not so precarious culpabilities in everything so-called human and humanist, which contemporary world so dearly holds as something special and exclusive. It shall help reiterating the special need of prolonged mind training of human child to weed out the brute and wild elements of evolutionary animalism, embedded in the structures of its experience-cognition mechanism.

This necessitates that contemporary science of molecular biology, bioinformatics, bio-energetics, evolutionary biology and artificial intelligence et al are invested with best of collective human resources, priorities and intellect and made to work in sync and collaborative symmetry. It is decisively the 21st century requirement of human life-living that as we now visualize life as a complex chemical system, capable of self-regulation and successive evolution in time-space progression; contemporary human intellect must unravel everything about how and why Life happened or

happens to be a probability of somethingness, in the seemingly random and unpatterned nothingness of matter, which humanity terms as chemicals.

Contemporary human intellect also has to decipher and explain as how and why chemical systems or chemical characteristics engender the powerful and multidimensional spectrum of experience-cognitions to extend this facility and faculty of self-regulation and evolution to successive suitability in the ever-changing and entropic bio-chemical milieus. It is also to be decisively decoded whether this survival mechanism of self-regulation and self-fine-tuning to milieu-modifications necessarily engenders this powerful experience-cognition of the subjective self or is it just a residual and transient feature of the processes of consciousness spectrum. It has to be understood whether sense of self is independent of quality-quantity of regulation and adjustment requirements or is it just a uniform and fixed perceptional entity universal in all navigating media. These questions are being dealt with in contemporary models of artificial intelligence, which are tipped as having different levels and shades in the spectrum of cognition and consciousness.

This knowledge about chemical constituents of life and chemical basis of experience-cognition in life forms not only has to be fully understood but also replicated in a probable model of alternative life models. This probably can weed out much of the mysticism and abstractions associated with human life and its perceptional conundrums about what human consciousnesses perceive as Reality. This in turn can help a huge deal in managing the heavy loads of pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality in human world.

It is heartwarming as how contemporary science of artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, bioenergetics, evolutionary biology, cognitive science et all

are growingly unraveling a great deal about these how and why of life and experience-cognition realities. It is interesting as how man-made alternative intelligence models are already presenting artificial spectrum of experience-cognition that not only replicates human consciousness functionality; rather outsmarts and outreaches them in many ways. The contemporary models of artificial consciousness in non-living media and their range of experience-cognition performances may seem as a threat to humanity as they present a powerful and easy replacement to the much hyped human protagonism of subjective self but they also present a brilliant opportunity for humans to objectively understand as how their own consciousnesses work as models of information processing. As artificial intelligence has been successful in replicating the substrate of human cognition-experience in non-biological media, it is a possibility that we can understand our own consciousness better and its cognition-experience more precisely.

As we have talked earlier; artificial consciousness and experience-cognition models in non-living media are great learning for mass majority of humans to understand and accept the fact that consciousness, to which they assign so much mystical and spiritual value, is not the important entity. The most important and primary reality is Information and the substrate, how and where it is processed; be it in chemical systems of humans and living organisms or in electronics systems of non-living models. Life, as one of the many probable media of information processing, may help a great deal in accepting the fallibility and fragility of human life model, in processing information, to perceive reality. This in turn can help in managing the human pathologies better.

Probably first time in history of human civilization, reality is being understood as models or simulation structures of different probabilities of Information plexuses and their processing by varied layers of experience-

cognitions in living models of consciousness, for simple logic-purpose of navigational successes in complex-evolving milieus. It has unraveled this very crucial need for humanity to understand as how we as humans are nothing special but only a small part a complex-complicated ‘bio-chemical’

model of information processing, designed and evolved for simple logic-purpose of navigating the body to survive in a physical milieu, which is very tough and full of pathological propensities threatening the survival prospects. The causalities of entropic milieus on cognition-experience may also be understood better. This may help leading future humanity to prioritize its primary need to simplify-sanitize milieus-cultures as well as lay out powerful structures to facilitate human health in increasingly entropic-pathological milieus.

It probably points out to the situation that life didn’t happen with a design or purpose but emerged as inevitability of embedded dynamics of cosmic construct. It shall probably make us understand and accept that human life may not be a consequential reality of evolved superiorities in long journey of life forms; rather humans may be an outcome of structurally guided assemblage of all worst functionalities, propensities and processes to succeed in growing and maturing entropies in physical milieus of earth, over billions of years of time-space progression.

It is common knowledge as how scams flourish and honesty doesn’t; depravity-criminality succeeds through galvanized cooperation whereas goodness-propriety fails; getting isolated and alienated. If we carefully see and understand the physical basis of entrenched fragility-mortality of life in physical milieus of very high entropic-complex-competitive propensities, we may very compassionately imbibe the pathologies of behavior-action spectrum in contemporary humans. Survival itself engenders the suitability, superiority and success of pathological propensities. Hypocrisy-depravity-

criminality as innate and automatic response mechanism of stressed out cognition-experience system in entropic-complex-competitive milieus is probably the best way to understand human pathologies.

This correlation or emergent causality between physicality and psychology in human mechanisms and processes can be facilitative to understand human realities. In massively entropic milieus, where extinction of most of the bigger organisms is an evolutional rule and routine, human survival and success is a testimony to human ability to smartly use the tools of upfront hypocrisy-depravity-criminality to survive and excel. It is this ‘smartness’, which helped humans to win the battle against hordes of bigger powerful animals, to depopulate them and populate itself to such a threshold where it could ensconce itself on top of the pyramid of food chain. This is self-evident in human cultures, since thousands of years, as the erstwhile conscious smartness against animals, successfully got installed in human world as subconscious intelligence. Success codes in human world have always been written with ‘alphabets’ of shameless hypocrisy-depravity-criminality as this language has had the seal of approval of evolutional successes. This needs to be understood, if we ever think of having a successful solution of human pathologies. This correlation and causality between cognition-experience and milieus have been elaborated in details in author’s previous eBook/audiobook titled Fifth Force, available for unrestricted download.

Human model of life may be understood better by equating it with something like a cancer, which grows and matures in time to successfully feed on a human body, finally becoming so successful to kill the body to arrive at its perfect suicide. Human life form, populist intellect and its collective successes seem to be growing and maturing like a cancer, in the long history of evolution of life forms. This entropic metaphor of human

life may better explain the causality of the massive and brute pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality in all denominations of humanity. The success code of humanity is precariousness, not certainty-regularity. The success code is about emergent effervescence of uncontrolled growth and not controlled-planned evolution.

This realization may largely be helpful in accepting as how human consciousness as an emergent and transient model of information processing, probably is not innately or automatically a sublime and galvanized media but a poor, messed up and scammed media, emerging as an auto response to complex and competitive physical-psychological-cultural milieus, to successfully perform its avowed role of surviving the body. It shall also put forward the need to train a human mind with discerning cognitive ideas to survive in modern complex human milieus, sans its pathological propensities.

The contemporary modern scientific knowledge about consciousness and experience-cognition spectrums from the perspectives of information processing opens up huge deal of novel and alternative realizations not only about life and self but the entire spectrum of human realities; especially those , which form the bulwarks of cultures in contemporary human world.

This helps a great deal in objectively understanding the critical realities of human emotions, drives, key propensities of obsessive human behaviors-actions as well as the very basis of collective cultures and personal spirituality in their holism and entirety.

The 21st century contemporary human intellect leads humanity to understand life itself as an informational model, within which human life happens to be a very restrictively small but potent media of information processing. Contemporary intellect also leads us to understand that

Information is the infinite cosmos, within which there stands a miniscule patch or pocket of Informational model of specific regularities, which is available for perceptional limits of human experience-cognition; known as our universe. This is the basis of the modern novel and alternative idea of computational reducibility in the overall cosmic expanse of computational irreducibility.

This means; Reality is a portion of infinity of information that stands available to a media of information processing, which humanity knows and accepts as Life and this media of life requires a sub-media or model of information processing, which could optimally navigate life itself within the physical-psychological milieu of the localized-ambient specific Reality, available for its experience-cognition spectrum. This sub-medium of the primary media of Life is loosely and mystically known as consciousness.

The consciousness is not a media to experience and cognitize ‘Reality’ but a model of life itself to simulate a localized model of ambient bits of information, to optimally and successfully sustain the continuity of life itself within the humanly possible reducible reality.

This consciousness creates its own simulation or models of reality by structuring and arranging available information within the milieus of reality to navigate itself and survive. Consciousness creates meanings, purposes, goals, ideas et al for navigational success and survival. This needs to be understood. As consciousness in different life forms is a spectrum reality, with different shades and levels of awareness of milieus; the meanings, purposes, goals, idealisms et al of different life forms shall also be diverse and a spectrum reality, very subjective to particular shade of consciousness.

Life as a model or media of information, aids the sub-media of consciousness in navigational-survival successes by creating maneuvering

mechanisms and tools like emotions, feelings, thinking et al, which are essentially bio-chemical spectrum of information processing. The core requirements of navigational-survival successes for life created the localized-ambient models of living realities like God, relationships, spiritualism, philosophy, etc. These realities may very well be understood as supportive fill-ins within a simulated model of Reality, which the media of consciousness engenders as part of its information processing mechanisms.

Life’s survival successes engenders this powerful navigational tool of subjective self, as emotions-feelings-thinking processes amalgamate to collectively construct an emergent sense of Self, I or Me. Modern neuroscience has unraveled as how brain’s cooperative and collective functioning enables this subjectiveness or protaginism in cognitive structures. Not much is now left to mysticism or wild imaginations, even though it is hugely tough to intuitively understand and experience these realities.

It seems a valid and reasonable hypothesis that Consciousness creates nothing; it itself is a creation. Only life creates models of realities and life provides ample aids to consciousness for navigational-survival successes of living organisms. Therefore, for most practical purposes, Information creates Life as a media of processing to model out a localized-ambient Reality and this primary media creates sub-media of consciousnesses in living organisms to navigate them and survive in local milieus. For survival successes, consciousness is provided by the media of life with bio-chemical mechanisms of information processing. Consciousness therefore is not the true protagonist as it only journeys the roads the media of Life itself charters out within the localized-ambient milieus. Life is the media, which creates all beginnings and all destinations.

Therefore, in generic sense, Life itself is the Protagonist and specifically, Information in full spectrum is the true Protagonist. Almost 99 percent humans live out their full lives behaving-acting almost 98 percent, the way their subconscious self shapes them up. They think and believe these actions-behaviors are what they are doing; accepting themselves as the Protagonist, but the reality remains that 98 percent of their action-behavior is scripted by their subconscious layers of consciousness, taking all cues and leads from information available in local-ambient milieus; both physical as well as psychological. Their sense of self or protagonism is misplaced and illusion.

Consciousness probably is only good at creating competitive ‘short-cuts’ to journey the distance and reach the destinations as early and as prosperously as possible. Therefore, Life is not competitive, cunning and corrupt; only consciousness can be and it often is, as consciousness navigates and competes, erecting the façade of a protagonist. Therefore, for all practical purposes, life is not the scam, consciousness is and as human consciousness is a more and better endowed media than other animals; it engenders larger and deeper scams.

May be; Life has the primary culpability as it seeds survival, which in turn leads consciousness to fake and fudge localized reality to attain optimality of survival in a growingly competitive milieu. However, ultimately, the consciousnesses in personal as well as collective capacities, loads up the localized milieus with so much of ‘short-cuts’ of hypocrisies-depravity-criminality that together they create deeply pathological cultures and societies. The culpability of consciousness seems innate and embedded in the structure of consciousness itself but the fact remains that actual and dominant culpability remains with the emergent-ambient relationship the consciousness has with the localized milieu, within which the

consciousness has the challenge to successfully navigate survival. The finality of culpability rests with fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist information of the ambient milieus, the inability of localized cultures to regulate and manage uncontrolled competitiveness and the inadequate-inappropriate mind training of nascent consciousness, which collectively corrupts and criminalizes an evolving and growing consciousness since its inception.

Therefore, the 21st century human intellect has to shift its focus from consciousness to the more core idea of how Information is seeded in cosmic construct and what exactly is the threshold of information plexus between non-living and living worlds of reality. As human intellect unravels the hitherto un-deciphered pathways and processes of information in constructs of realities in non-living and living domains, humanity may successfully understand all sub-realities of life and living world, including consciousness and may even the critical information code of immortality.

This however may take a few decades. However, even contemporary knowledge of Information universe is good enough to understand lot many realities of life and human living. Naturally, contemporary human life-living and cultures need to be changed, even reconstructed on the basis of the modern understanding of realities.
