Psychology Books

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Showing results: 71-80 of 117
Engendered Lives: A New Psychology of Women's Experience

Engendered Lives: A New Psychology of Women's Experience

Ellyn Kaschak, PH.D. | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 19 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Mind boggling!Engendered Lives will make you see the world around you with new eyes.The book presents a profound and often surprising view on what gender is and how it is passed from one person to another. You will see you how gender shows itself in surprising ways and in surprising places. Let...

Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia

Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia

Ellyn Kaschak & Sara Sharratt | Human Rights
Rating:     Rated: 21 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Assault on the Soul by Sara Sharratt and Ellyn Kaschak is the first and one of the few books to consider the psychological effects of the war in the former Yugoslavia. This is an edited set of articles by psychologists and mental health workers who went from their home countries to offer services...

Viejos Verdes en el Paraíso

Viejos Verdes en el Paraíso

Jacobo Schifter | International
Rating:     Rated: 4 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

¿Por qué los norteamericanos viajan en manadas a Costa Rica para pagar por lo que ellos llaman la experiencia del noviazgo con una prostituta? La respuesta no es sencilla y Schifter nos brinda el mejor trabajo sobre los clientes del turismo sexual. Un bestseller lleno de lágrimas y humor!!!!

From Toads to Queens Transvestism in a Latin Setting

From Toads to Queens Transvestism in a Latin Setting

Jacobo Schifter | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 3 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This book was awarded the Lamba Award Finalist, one of the most prestiguous US awards as a gblt book. It deals with the private lives of Latin American drag queens who work the streets and who sometimes fool customers who don`t know these women are really men. What happens when the customers find...

The Sexual Construction of Latino Youth

The Sexual Construction of Latino Youth

Jacobo Schifter | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 4 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

We have erronous assumptions of what Latin sexuality is all about and this is one of the major works on how Latinos are brought to have the particular ideas about sexuality that they have. Schifter analyses how Latin gender is a threat to human rights and how young people use gender to develop...

Las Gavetas Sexuales

Las Gavetas Sexuales

Jacobo Schifter | International
Rating:     Rated: 2 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Aquí—disponible en forma de libro electrónico gratis, se le presentan los detalles y resultados de un estudio con enfoque en la cultura sexual de América Latina, así como su construcción en un país centroamericano. Para entender la personalidad latinoamericana, no podrá encontrar mejor...

Lila´s House: A Male Brothel in Downtown

Lila´s House: A Male Brothel in Downtown

Jacobo Schifter | General Non Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 14 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Jacobo Schifter spent months conducting interviews inside a house of male prostitution in San Jose, Costa Rica to research this book. The result is a fascinating and consciousness-raising report, not only about male protitution, but about the Latin American sexual discourse in general--attitudes...

Ranas a Princesas Latinas Sufridas y Travestidas

Ranas a Princesas Latinas Sufridas y Travestidas

Jacobo Schifter | International
Rating:     Rated: 3 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Nominada como uno de los cinco mejores en su tema por Lambda en los Estados Unidos, ésta obra es la mejor acerca del fenómeno travesti en en América Latina. No sólo académico, el libro también es un deleite para el lector. Descárguelo gratis en forma de libro electrónico gratis hoy mismo!

Love and Lust: American Men in Costa Rica

Love and Lust: American Men in Costa Rica

Jacobo Schifter | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 31 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

"I love women. I love whores. I love women who are whores because they give me the best sexual bang for my money, I don’t get hassles or problems that I can‘t get rid of within ten or fifteen minutes, I don’t have to deal with a woman’s historical baggage, and the best thing of all about...

Public Sex in a Latin Society

Public Sex in a Latin Society

Jacobo Schifter | General Non Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 12 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Public Sex in a Latin Society is one of the first books to explore the lives of people who look for sex in public places and the dangers involved--from murder to HIV infection. The book examines why many gay men have been murdered by sex workers who frequent public sex places, such as the parks...