Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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However best you look at it, you cannot visualize the Earth revolving around the Sun. The Sun rising, moving east to west and setting before the bare eyes is what we all see and subconsciously accept that Sun revolves around the Earth. That is why all humans readily agreed to ‘kill’ the man, who first proposed the ‘reverse’ of it as Reality. You simply cannot visualize that what you see as Reality is only a poor and restrictive representation of the neural mapping of your brain states, inside your head.

There are facts, objective and scientifically proven realities, which average person with his or her innate and entrenched intuitive perceptional faculties simply cannot understand and accept. They are beyond average cognition. So, the earth at the equator moves at a massive speed of around a 1000 miles per hour but a person living near the equator never ever shall accept that anything around him is moving, let alone at this high speed. Our solar system is also moving at a huge speed of 828,000 kilometers per hour. The whole universe is on the move. Yet, we all, stationed and standing still on earth, never feel any movement. These realities are not available to normal cognitive faculties. If we ever wish to understand these realities, we shall have to evolve a non-intuitive thinking and cognition. The tough and long journey of science, undertaken by our brilliant predecessors and contemporary scientists has become possible only because, they had the non-intuitive awareness of a possible, alternative reality, which the average illusion-savvy brain could not. The best of all is the quantum physics, which epitomizes how human potential can break free of all barriers of restrictive intuitive cognition and venture into something that defies impossibility…

The trouble, with all humans, is that very often, Reality in its objectivity, entirety and holism is Non-Intuitive. This means – it is intuitive to accept Sun as a moving thing and Earth as stationary. Intuitive thinking and spontaneous instinctive acceptance of what we see is what comes innately to us. It is only very natural and subjectively the perfect honesty to believe what the bare eyes can see or the brain plexus makes us feel. The trouble is – a large part of Reality is beyond the reach and sufficiency of our innate intuitive thinking and perceptions. The non-intuitiveness of Reality in its holism and colossal expanse is what we all need to open ourselves to. It is not something only the scientists should be adorned with. Every single human being has to evolve this brilliant faculty of non-intuitive thinking and cognition. This alone can Optimize the Potential every human being is born with. If not, then a human is worse than an animal. Most of our contemporary Troubles at personal or collective levels are because of the singular fact that vast majority of humanity never attains its optimal potential as human; happily remaining slaved in the cage of intuitive stupidities and hypocrisies.

It is such a tragic state of contemporary human societies and cultures, even in 21st century that over 80 percent of this huge 7.5 billion human population on earth lives and dies, struggling for whole of their lives to sustain and survive themselves. The livelihood enterprise and survival necessities make them stand no better than animals. This sure is not the Destiny of Humanity. This definitely is not the avowed optimization of potential of a human life-living and its superior Consciousness. Massive majority of humans do not have the right education, enough resources, facilitative milieus and required time-space to even think of a alternative, novel and higher Purpose of life-living; especially the need of knowledge to unravel reality in its holism. The human societies and cultures have been Stinking and Rotting marketplace of abject Mediocrity and non-conscientious Depravity; they still are. It is equally tragic that a handful of humans use this vast majority of uninitiated and enslaved human bulk of over 80 percent global population as feedstock/fodder for the attainment of their personal political and economic ambitions and greed. In such a contemporary culture of humanity, who cares for reality and who pays even a penny for reconstructing the human system for a humane culture of excellence, based on new scientific knowledge of Reality, Humanity and Reality of Humanity? When ignorance, slavery and survival become a profitable Political Capital, why should the ‘leadership’ of humanity ever invest in anything else? So far, there have been very few instances of political tribe thinking and acting beyond their personal profitability and continuance of power…

It is therefore only natural that contemporary human world remains culturally Animalistic in its structures and Brutal in its functionalities. Tragically enough, majority of humans remain worse than animals with their instinctive and entrenched intuitiveness and localized subjective realities. Developing and sustaining a non-intuitive thinking and perception about the cosmic Reality is the toughest thing to do for we humans. Because, it is something, we are not designed for. We have to do loads of hard work to evolve this non-intuitive thinking and perception. Scientists can do it as they are trained with lots of painful practice and perseverance. There are interesting stories of how budding scientists are trained about non-intuitive thinking by their seniors and academic institutions. However, where is the time, energy, inclination and initiation for the mass majority to even think of any other work than survival; let alone mind training and hard work?

Evolving non-intuitiveness is like Negating your own Self – assigning your entire existentialism to a spectrum of skepticism. It is like denying your innate and instinctive Self to allow the emergence and maturity of a new ‘Self’, which you have never known and accepted and which has the wherewithal for rising above the restrictive ‘intuitiveness’ of consciousness. Knowledge and wisdom is largely about evolving and mastering the Art and Science of non-intuitive thought processes and cognitions. It is tough but it begins with acceptance of the ‘Unlearning’ process and self-negation, which we have mentioned above. This novel process and new journey is tough but we simply cannot wish it away. If I keep sleeping till noon; the morning cannot wait to happen! It is Option-less to rise up, as and when the dawn happens and beckons us…
