Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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The three dimensions of unconscious, subconscious and conscious of human brain plexus engender the sense of personal and subjective self. Almost every human being has the varied mix of the three dimensions and depending on effectiveness of each dimension and which dimension is predominant, a person’s individuality or personality is defined and decided. The unconscious is purely organismic, subconscious is largely animalistic and only the conscious has elements, which we can say is human.

Scientifically speaking, most men and women are dominated by the unconscious and subconscious, with conscious dimension coming into use very rarely and that too in fleeting moments. Most average men and women have almost 98 percent of their lives decided by their unconscious and subconscious mind states – this auto-mode action-reaction mechanism and processes, wired in brain states. Only 2 percent is aware and conscious mind state action, thoughts and choices. Even this awareness is not always sufficient enough and available to lead a person to what we know as Free Will. Many scientists anyway insist; free will is a misnomer. This probably hints at the dark reality that majority of humans are almost at par with animals. The Free Will being there but as restrictive and conflated as that of higher animals.

There is a fourth dimension of evolved and empowered Higher Consciousness, which is not automatically available by birth but added/evolved by a handful of men and women, making good use of their conscious faculties of mind states. Spiritualism has been advocating in favor of evolution of this fourth dimension of higher consciousness, which is considered a must for lasting wellness of life-living. This fourth dimension is considered to be an evolution out of the rest of the three dimensions and therefore works as ‘Witness’ to the actions of the three. We shall talk about it later in this eBook. Naturally, being an objective witness, the fourth dimension is considered to be a potentially good ‘Judge’ of the personal and subjective stupidities and hypocrisies, the three dimensions indulge in. This dimension having elements of ‘organization and planning’ is essentially about evolution of awareness domain and optimizing its potential.

There is also a Fifth Dimension of awareness and consciousness. It is very rare. It is hugely difficult to describe this fifth dimension of self or existence. It can be described as ‘Nothingness’ of Everythingness and is restricted and reserved to a very few, who have the mind mechanism-structure of high spatial sense and faculties. This fifth dimension happens when rest of the four dimensions cease to happen. This means – when nothingness becomes everything; when the vacuum engulfs all spaces and itself becomes the singular identity, this fifth dimension happens. It is like, when you close all doors, windows and vents, you can listen to the soft and serene music playing inside a room, which is there but lost in cacophony of external sounds…

As all these dimensions are essentially Mind States, not segregated or stratified as it may seem; it is almost impossible to describe and define them through words. Our brilliant neuroscientists are however working endlessly to unravel the working of brain to decipher how all these happen. There are hypotheses about these different mind states, which we shall not talk about here as it may divert our focus. You may know about them as they are easily available in public domains. So; barring the unconscious and subconscious, rest of the three dimensions are epiphanic, ephemeral and transient. Awareness itself is like a ‘Spark’ that comes and goes fast. It is like the neural firings lighting up and creating an ephemeral holographic imagery, vanishing in quick time. It is like a neural assemblage, happening in definitive probability and then withering away. The fifth dimension of nothingness however is the most crucial dimension as probably, it is in this mind state, the consciousness actually loses its innate and instinctive self and thus becomes amenable for non-intuitive cognition. This fifth dimension therefore is considered perfectly fit for unraveling many such objective and holistic Realities, which one can do only with non-intuitive thinking. This fifth dimension of consciousness and aware life-living is best suited to de-culture the mind and imbibe the somethingness of the nothingness. Culture, populist choices and embedded intuitiveness are embedded deep in the subconscious. They always present the subjectivity shade of an objective reality. Non-intuitiveness is needed to prune and de-culture the subconscious instinctiveness. The innate and instinctive mind state of average men and women, with unconscious and subconscious dominating their cognition and choices, is hugely restrictive to understand and accept most Realities. Their innate and instinctive ‘intuitiveness’ fails them and they cannot see and understand reality in its holism and everythingness. This intuitiveness must first be ‘unlearnt’. The fifth dimension of nothingness actually epitomizes the perfect preparedness and readiness of non-intuitiveness of consciousness.

The big trouble is; the additional fourth and fifth dimensions of self and existence are not automatically available by birth to everyone. Only handfuls have the inborn brain type and personal enterprise in later lives to arrive at these additional dimensions. As intuitive thinking and cognition is in absolute majority; with over 90 percent people on the earth living with it; the minority non-intuitiveness shall always be disliked and doubted by majority. In fact, most would label the fifth dimension non-intuitiveness as madness and would even wish to ‘kill’ them. Mass majority of humans therefore disbelieve science and even hate them. Science too has its ‘culpability’, which we shall talk about later. The innate and intuitively populist idea is – What I cannot fathom, presents the best excuse to label that as unworthy. Intuitive worthiness cannot overreach comfort of status quo.

The entire deliberation in this eBook hovers around the non-intuitive Realities. This presupposes a quantum of ‘nothingness’ of average, populist and culturally pervasive intuitiveness. This is a content of intents and essence of the fifth dimension. Naturally, it shall first seek to engulf everything within the expanding vacuum of nothingness. It shall be unsettling. But then, the good thing is – once you accept the basic premise that Reality in its holism requires an approach and cognition, which is beyond our normal perceptional domains, we can journey together.

Once you compassionately agree to have faith in what I am proposing, you shall enjoy the journey. The agreeable position for any doubting mind is to lend latitude to a probability to unfold itself and present a hypothesis. You always have the option and choice not to accept them or change them to your suitability. A compassionate and assimilative attitude towards something antithetical to personal/subjective beliefs and faith is what non-intuitiveness calls for. I humbly urge you to let this hypothesis unfurl and present novel probabilities. It is a journey worth taking. There are novelties awaiting you at the completion of the journey. These may enable you to have your own personal journeys of infinite wellness and successes in life ahead; irrespective of whether you accept them or not…
