Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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A cancer of the body evolves and matures in months and we are never aware of it. There are millions of body-mind processes going on in our body and mind every passing second and we are never aware of most of them. This happens as most of these processes are handled by our unconscious and subconscious mind states. These processes are not available to our conscious or ‘aware’ mind state. Naturally, what we all consider as Free Will – the so-called conscious and aware ‘choices’, we make, considered ‘independent’ of the external as well as internal circumstances of milieus and body respectively, may not actually be ‘Free’ and the ‘Will’ may not be independent.

Many scientists doubt the very existence and reality of the Free Will. We may say, they may exist, as epiphanous, ephemeral and fleeting moments of conscious awareness but the Free Will, as we popularly understand it and expect it to be something all humans are adorned with, is almost a chimera and abstracted reality.

Simply speaking, ‘aware’ life-living is a huge misnomer, for vast majority of humans. Simply speaking, our brain is not probably designed for it. But yes; only hard work and perseverance of self-discipline and self-exploration can engender a semblance of Free Will for a handful of humans. Free Will, even if it becomes available to few, shall always remain epiphanous, ephemeral and fleeting reality.

However, it needs to be understood that ‘awareness’ and what we term as Free Will mode of consciousness, is not something we need to be perpetually in. Being aware and in possession of Free Will resource is just a tool, a weapon or a Media, which we require, when needed. For that matter, every layer or shade of consciousness is a media and also ephemeral and transient. But then; you don’t always keep swaying your sword or gun. You rarely draw it out and use it very sparingly, when in acute need of self-defense or protective aggression. Free Will or evolved awareness of consciousness is a tool and a medium like a sword or gun. You need to have it, but not always flaunt it. The unconscious and subconscious processes are sort of permanent and continuous as they handle the perpetual body-mind homeostatic processes, generic to all. The conscious layers are evolution out of the same mind state and are available as a media for ‘specific’ and specialized roles. It is a ‘learning’ how to use the media of higher consciousness for non-intuitive cognitions of different shades of realities. The primary thing is that we should understand Free Will or awareness, with scientific mind, learn to master its use and utility, not getting confused about it and use it like a sword, gun or any other media. We shall keep coming back to this very useful idea of Free Will in this eBook. As part of our preparedness to our further journey in this eBook, this clarity about the nature and scope of Free Will reality shall facilitate our understanding of non-intuitiveness and how alternative and novel models of wellness and purposes can be arrived at…
