Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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All living beings; billions of us, are one singular mind. The brain happened and stayed with a singular purpose, after a long and somehow linear evolution of multitudes of species. Some scientists say; the brain happened because the universe wanted it to be ‘unraveled’ and explored!

What is embedded in this scientific assertion is the Reality that evolution has a simple philosophy – lower organisms evolved in time and space to higher, more complex and supposedly better organisms as this singular brain matured and evolved in its common role of being better equipped to ‘unravel’ and understand the External Milieus and Realities in them. Evolution is a linear journey of organisms evolving and maturing in their ‘Knowledge’ of their ambient and expansive milieus, to maximize survival. Humans have the best equipped brain to unravel the ‘Truths’ and ‘Realities’ of the cosmos. Scientists hint at this fact that essentially, cosmic causalities are designed this way to enable evolving species to understand their milieus better for survival and this ultimately leads to species knowing and then changing their larger habitat to their survival suitability. The singular mind has this singular role.

It is singular tragedy that only Humans have chosen to ‘Reverse’ this linearity of evolutionary progression and that too with the help of a brilliant facility called Brain. In most probability, only the Humans have ‘Regressed’ in their evolutionary journey of ‘Consciousness- Cavalierity’ and ‘happily’ opted to fall back to the Timeline as well as elemental Constitutionality of antediluvian animalism. The contemporary human mind also showed brilliant animalism in ‘altering’ their habitat to such an extent that it now poses a threat to their own devastation and probable extinction…

That is why, only very naturally, if humans fail to make their brains and minds perform this singular role, they are worse off than even lower animals. A person not optimizing the potential of his or her mind potentials is actually shaming the very evolutional energy and cosmic design. Such a person is Definitive Enemy of a habitat. Tragically enough, contemporary human societies and cultures are over-crowded with such enemies; many of them in Leadership positions. Nature otherwise immediately prunes such individuals but humans are luckily ‘unlucky’ that such humans actually survive and even excel in societies and cultures. The scammed human mind consciousness has facilitated this by creating calamitous benchmarks of ‘successes’ and worthiness. Human habitat is replete with ‘enemies’ and tragically enough; they are mostly in leadership or otherwise ‘ensconced’ positions in contemporary societies and cultures. These enemies in their stupid hypocrisies, instead, ‘prune’ the dwindling ‘Intellect’ of devastated humanity…

Anyway; later in the evolutionary progression, the geography and causative cultures shaped and evolved different shades of mind consciousnesses. If we de-culture our existing human mind, which probably has massive debris of the archaic and obsolete Timeline ‘still in use’, we can see the realities in their ‘original’ non-intuitive cognition…

Scientific assertion requires us to accept that brain, in its contemporary form, is a later evolution as new species required to discard the stationary and rooted living, to move in the larger milieus for better survival potential. Very naturally, a new organized brain evolved as an emergent and shuffling ‘mapping’ mechanism of the transient milieus, because of the ever moving new species. Plants and simple organisms rooted in their birth-milieu do not need a brain. Later evolution of brain consolidated its primary role of being a ‘quick reactive’ information processing and reality mapping for the ‘wandering’ species for their improved survival prospects.

Modern human brain however needs to discard this brain cultures too and move to evolve a brain, which has very different core competence than what it was originally designed as. Contemporary human milieus require our brains to have different and novel roles and capacities to stand the modern human in optimum self-sufficiencies. Anyways; modern humanity has ‘delegated’ this ‘primary’ role to what we now know as ‘Hybrid Brain’s’ artificial intelligence. We shall talk about it later. The existing contemporary human brain with its old, archaic and obsolete function and cultural orientations is the chief critical trouble for larger humanity. This obsolete intuitive brain design and mechanism has to be ‘unlearnt’ and evolve to a non-intuitive cognitive culture, which contemporary life-living challenges and roles require. This huge mind-debilitation needs to be ‘unlearnt’ quick, discarded decisively and then, evolved to the new needs…
