Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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The core science of contemporary age and its utility for scientific community is more about the discovery of certain reality and also prove something novel. However, what it throws open and makes available for masses and especially the cultural-political leadership of humanity, is ingrained in what we may term as the ontology and epistemology of the EMERGENT and accrued philosophy of science.

In the last few years, especially since the beginning of the new millennium, some new establishments in the frontier science have opened up brilliant and hugely fruitful practical ideas for average person as well as larger cultures. Tragically, as has always been with human cultures, they have not been popularized and internalized in the common knowledge pool of contemporary humanity. They must. We shall talk about them and how they can transform human lives and living cultures, at almost every stage of the progression of this eBook. To bring home the idea and its importance in human life-living, we talk in short about one aspect of this new idea termed Emergence, we have listed above. This shall facilitate our understanding of how non-intuitiveness lands us to the portals of new knowledge and wisdom.

There was legendary music composer in India, who once narrated this story. When he was young, he worked as an assistant to a very famous movie music composer. One day, when the young assistant arrived to the house of his master, he saw him sitting with his harmonium and weeping. Tears rolled all over his cheeks but he looked very calm and composed. The young man was shocked to see his master in tears and asked him about his pains and troubles, so that he could help. The master replied, ‘I am not in pains, rather I am so happy. The tears are not of pain but gratitude.’

The young man could not understand what his master was saying. The master explained, ‘I am such a stupid, I am so worthless, I know nothing yet, see the love, blessings and generosity of the God almighty that he makes me compose such a beautiful tune. I am clueless how this could happen as I am such a unworthy person. I am weeping to express my gratitude to the almighty…’

This is EMERGENCE; this is the magic of the Potential, the human brain and consciousness can engender, which the famous composer could not fathom. As is natural to most people and as their faith makes them accept; they believe the ‘Magic’ as an ‘external’ intervention of God or other abstracted elements. The Reality, which contemporary science has unraveled to us is the scientific idea of Emergence.

The famous composer was a genius of music but he was not aware of how the brain and consciousness works. Emergence is essentially a mechanism and process of different brain states and it has little to do with elements of ‘external’ milieus. Emergence can be understood as different ‘permutations and combinations’ of Information, different brain states of unconscious, subconscious and conscious works out, when a person is in highly aware state of mind consciousness and focused on a particular work. The master’s brain created a Tune, which is some emergent Information not previously etched and installed in the brain states. The permutations and combinations of already available Information (about musicality) in the different brain states made the Emergence of the new Tune possible. As the emergent information has novelty of structure and feel, the mind consciousness accepts it as something it never ever previously knew. The fact remains that the brain itself engenders an Emergence and the mind consciousness seldom fathoms and accepts it as an engineering of its own. It willfully accepts it as some external endowment and accrual.

To make it simpler let us consider a far more popular and probable example from our daily lives. Suppose, some day, you decide that you shall donate some of the household items to charity, which you seldom use. So, you share your decision with other family members and ask them to give away what they do not regularly use and are idling in the house. Everyone begins the exercise and in the process, you discover that some items were hidden in the large house and you didn’t even remember they were there in your own house or room for years. Some items would show up which would be there within your reach but you never needed them so were not visible to your eyes. They ‘emerged’ as you occasioned to bring them into conscious awareness through a decision. The hidden or unused items were not created by your decisions as they were already there but simply ‘emerged’ and were brought to reckoning as you decided to give them to charity. So, the old laptop or an earphone you didn’t know were there in the house was not given to you by any miracle or external agency. They were part of your household and you didn’t even know. You got to know and even have them as they were made to emerge by a decision, which required their existence to surface up and be counted. The human brain also houses so many information, memories, experiences, etc, which we are not consciously aware of. As and when, we consciously trigger a situation, the brain states retrieve them through a neural cue and assemble them in a patterned way. This is emergence and the novelty of assemblage and feel makes you accept that it came out of nothing. You get inclined to accept it as magic or blessings.

This is an example to understand how we can unravel ‘Reality’, in a novel and alternative ways, if we use non-intuitive thinking and cognition. We just need to open up and accept that almost always, we unconsciously and subconsciously keep moving into different ‘Dimensions’ of probabilities, we are seldom aware of. These probabilities are Emergence of the permutations and combinations our brain states continuously churn up so that we survive better in ever-changing milieus we keep moving. Most of us suddenly realize something, which we accept as ‘magic’ or miracle. Something like déjà vu, which most of us mystically accept as something externally installed. The emergence is processes within and we sure can feel and unravel them, if we have an aware mind consciousness and we sit still in perfect poise and calmness. We shall elaborate on these aspects later in the eBook.
