Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Humble Request & Acknowledgement


As has always been with my writings, I insist that I never say – ‘I know and that is why I am telling you’. I very humbly and sincerely request that you should never accept anything I say, without assigning it to the primary and transcendental energy of skepticism. I wish you to test the validity of any probability or hypothesis I am building up in this eBook. Why I say this? Because I believe, reading is a collaborative process. I have internalized and experienced things, which I am sharing with you. I have also gone through long process of learning; especially unlearning and observed skepticism. All this needs to sink in and get internalized in your consciousness. It shall sink in and get internalized through the same process of learning/unlearning and observed skepticism by you. Do step in, involve, evolve and optimize your best potentials by partnering into this eBook enterprise. Welcome…

Writing for me is an enterprise in self-negation. I am in peaceful acceptance of the futility of words as carriers of intent and content. Still, I write, continuing with this 45th eBook and if life allows, shall keep writing, negating my own deep sense of futility of the exercise. I write just for the sake of my humble self-belief that whatever I have internalized in life through a long and painful process of learning and especially unlearning; must be documented, so that if probability has it, someone may save some precious time and energy in his or her own internalization process. This probably is what one may accept as an inheritance worth half a dime. Compassion is what I inherited and compassion is what I can leave as legacy. I dedicate my writings to that someone, who shares my humility for acceptance of compassion. Thanks…!


