Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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My worthy elders taught me, made my consciousness ‘Unlearn’, with priceless humility but definitive certainty – There is nothing right, nothing wrong. There is also no good or bad. They do not actually matter and we humans must never waste our precious time and energy on them. What is singularly important and worth human understanding and enterprise is the reality that there are a few things, elements and entities, which are melodic and most things are cacophonous. Men and women should strive all their lives to adhere to the former and distance away from the later.

This eBook is in a language I have probably just begun to unravel, after 50 years of unlearning. It is not a language to transfer ‘Content’ of mind but Intent of innocence and honesty of de-cultured consciousness. May the mellifluous melody of my humble ‘Intent’ reach you and feel the same, even while I am apologetically in acceptance that at times, there is a lurking probability of some of my expressions sounding inharmonious. Do kindly forgive me. Some Realities may be too ‘harsh’ to be amenable to melodic sound and feel. And; my stupidity may also spoil possibilities… 
