Engendered Lives: A New Psychology of Women's Experience by Ellyn Kaschak, PH.D. - HTML preview

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Abortion, 142, 162

Abrahams, Marianne, 110

Adler, Alfred, 150

Adolescence: depression in, I76; dieting

in, I92-93; importance of attractiveness

in, 90-9I; magazines and, I09;

physically based self-concept in, 9ü-9I

Adverrising, I07-8, II3, I8I, I94, I99


Aggression, I08, I23--28

Agoraphobia, I7, I86-87

Al-Issa, Ihsan, I86

Allport, Gordon, I49

American Medica) Association, I68

American Psychiatric Association, I66,


Amnesia, I87

Androgyny,43, I63

Anger, I02, I39, 222-23

Anhedonia, I7I

Anorexia nervosa, I90-92, I96, 208

Antecedents of Self-Esteem, The

(Coopersmith), I59-60

Antigonal psychology, 75-86; assess- ment a

nd, 2I5-I6; awareness of, in therapy, 2Iü-25; phases of develop- ment in, 83-85; resolution in, 76-77,

84-88, 223

Antigone, 57-60, 62, 64-65, 72, 75-79,

8I-83, 86, 88, 94, I26, 223 Antigone (Sophocles), 58, 59, 60 Anxiety, I83-87; castration, 2ü-2I, 63,

65-67, 69 Arístotle, 82 Arnold, Karen,

I62 Assertiveness, I2, I57, I77, I82

Assessment: in feminist therapy, 2I5

I9; language of, I65-70; of women's disorders, I65-70 Athletes, female, I09-

I0, 20I Athletic programs, I56-57, 20ü-

20I Attractiveness, female:


and, I07-8, II3; body as combat zone and, I95--97; body as presentation in,

I93-95; dieting and, I97-20I; earing

Attractiveness, female (continued) disorders and, I92; focus on, I8I-82; hypervisibility and, 99-I00; impor- tance of, 55, 56, 7o-7I, 76, 8I, 84, 9o-

9I, 96-97, I03-II, I44--45, I78, I79,

I92-93, 2I6-I7; life or death and, 20I-

2; parts vs. whole and, 202, 203-4;

rape and, I46;self-esteem and, I59,

I60, I9I-93; self-evaluation of, I00,

II2; toys and, I08; training for, 9o-9I,

94-95, I94-95; vulnerability and, 97-

98, I04-5

Attractiveness, male, 93; self-esteem and,

I60; self-evaluation of, II2

Attribution, I58

Australia, I35-36




Balmary, M., 60

Bambara, Toni Cacle,

7-8 Barbie dolls, I08

Bargaining, 222 Barr,

Roseanne, 96 Barry,

Rick, I36 Bart,

Pauline, 3, I37

Bateson, Gregory, 23-

24, 29, 69 Bateson,

Mary Catherine, 69

Becker, Emest, 30,

I35, I53 Behaviorism,

I2-I4 Behavior modification, I2-I4

Belk, Russell, I09, 113

Betz, Nancy, I76

Blindness, oedipal, 63,

64, 75, I59, I62

Bodichon, Barbara, 62

Body building, I98

Body image, I76 Bonding:

female, 94-95; male, 224

Borderline Personality

Disorders, I87

Boundaries: definition of,

93; lack of male, 6I-67,

7o-74, I32-37; limits vs.,

I3I; permeable, of women, I25, I37-47

Bozarth, Glenn, I08

Branch, C. H. Hardin, I9I

Breasts, 79, I00, II2, I45,

I53, I98, 206 Brickman,

J., I46 Brodsky, Annette,

3 Broverman, l. K., 2I

Brown, Laura, I68 Bruch, Hilde, 208 Bulimarexia,

I90 Bulimia, I90, I92

Burton, Gabrielle, 89, II2

Bush, George, 40




Caplan, Paula, I68

Careers: dress-for-success concept and, I03-4; of mothers, 34 Carli, Linda,

I57 Castration anxiety, 2o-

2I, 63, 65-67, 79 Celibacy,

8I, I43 Chaiken, Shelly,

II0 Chalice and the Blade, The (Eisler), 96n Chassegeut-Smirgel, Janine, I07 Chernin, Kim,

203, 204, 207 Chesler, Phyllis, 3 Chicago, Judy,

I38, 208-9 Child-rearing

arrangements: in the colo- nial U.S., II7; gender training in,

I2()-25; male attitudes to, I35, I36; in nuclear family, II5-I7, I28-30; other types of, II7; parenting by men, I2I-

23, I28-29, I35, I57-58; shift in, II9

China, I5I Chocolate, 207 Chodorow, Nancy, I6, 26-27, 6I, II4,

II6-20, I22, I23, I27, I29, I54

Circumcísion, I35-36 Classical conditioning, I2-I4 Class identity, 50,

I55, I70, I74 Clínica] psychology, I9-22

Clitoridectomy, 79 Clítoris, 3, 79

Clothing, 94, I03-6, I09, I8I, I94

Clotilde, I00 Co-dependency, 29, I6I,

I8I Cognitive therapy, 28 Cohen, Richard, 80 Competency: of men, I94; of women,

I57, I58, I79 Conscious, I5, 2I4-I5

Consciousness raising, 3, 25, 2I4-I5,

222-23 Contempt, of men for women,

4o-4I Control: anorexia  nervosa and,


I92; of body, I94-95; depression and,

2I8-I9; eating disorders and, 205-6;

locus of, 97-98; responsibility and,

I6I, 2I8

Coopersmith, Stanley, I55, I59-60

Cosby, Bill, I36 Cosmetics, I04, I94

Cosmetic surgery, I04, I94, I95, 206

Countertransference, I6 Couples therapy,

I36-37, 2I6-I7 Creon, 58-59, 63, 64, 77

Crombie, Gail, I24 Crying, I05 Culture:

as context, 3()-32; defined, 30;

psychology of the body and, 48-5




Dally, Peter, I96 d'Andrea, Novella, 70

Daughters: antigonal  psychology of,

75-86; eating disorders of, 204-6;

father-daughter incest, 58-6I, 62-63,

65-67, 75-77, I42-43, I44; fathers and development of, 92-94; sexualization by father, 58-6I, 65-69. See also Women

de Beauvoir, Simone, 3I

de Lauretis, Teresa, 2I5

Denial, 7I, 222

Denial of Death (Becker), 30

Dependency, 29, I6I, I8I, I86

Depression, II3, I7I-83; control and,

2I8-I9; disconnection and detachment in, I75-79; false responsibility and,

I8()-8I; gender identity and, I73-74;

loss and, I82-83; mastery and, I76,

I78-79; negative evaluations of women and, I79-80; shame and, I8I-82; social ínequíties and, I74-75; symptoms of,

I7I, I77

Descartes, René, I9, I49, I53

Desensirization, I2

Detachment, I75-79

Deutsch, Francine, I58

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM): DSM-II, I66; DSM-III, I68; DSM-IIIR, I66, I68, I84, I86-87

Dickinson, Janice, I00

Dieting, I92-94; mother-daughter rela- tionship and, 204-6; as normal eating for women, I97-20I; "thin within" approach to, 203-4

Dimen, Muríel, I07

"Dinner Party, The" (Chícago), 208-9

Dínnerstein, Dorothy, II4

Díotíma of Mantineia, 82

 Disconnection, I75-79

Dissociation, I87-80

Double description, 53-54

Downs, A. Chris, I07

Dreams, I49

Dress-for-success concept, I03-4

DSM-IIIR  (Diagnostic and  Statistical

Manual), I66, I68, I84, I86-87




Eating:  dieting as normal, I97-20I; fe- male obsession with, I97

Eating disorders, 83, 84, II3; anorexia

nervosa, I90--92, I96, 208; bulimarexia,

I90; bulimia, I90, I92; disowning of physical and, 203; mother-daughter relationship and, 204-6

Eder, Donna, I57

Education, I50; academic achievement and,

I96; female mastery and, I6263; women and, I77, I78

Eichenbaum, Luise, 82, I54

Eisler, Riane, 96n

Ekman, Paul, 47

Electra complex, 6I

Emotion, psychology of the body and, 46-


Enmeshment, 2, I7-I8, I29-30

Entitlement, 62, 67,70-73, 84, 87, 93; of fathers, I96; male fear of loss of, I40; male lack of boundaries and, 6I-67, 70-

74, I32-37; rape as, 65-66, 8I; re- linquishment of, 73-75

Epistemology: defined, I0; feminist, 2436,

2I0; masculinist, I0, II-23; meaning of  meaning and,  I0, 23-24; prefeminist, I0-23

Erhardt, Anke, 38

Erikson, Erik, I37

Esquire, I09

Eteocles, 58

Ethnic identity, 85, I0I, I04

Eurman, Linda J., I9I

Exercise, 87-88, I56-

57, I94, I98, I9920I

Eyes, II3




Facial expression, 47, I58, I78

Fallon, April, II2

False self, I53

Family therapy, 2, I6-I8, 2I-22; active role of father and, I29; relationship role of women and, I26-27

Family Therapy Networker, I05-6

Fathers: anorexogenic, I96; as child- rearing experts, I7-I8, I29; development of daughters and, 92-94; entitlement of,

I96; gender stereotypes and, 45; incest with daughters, 58-6I, 62-63,  65-67, 75-

77, I42-43, I44; jealousy of children and, II6; mirroring by, I07; oedipal psychology and, 6I-75; parenting by,

I2I-23, I28-29, I35, I57-58;

sexualization of women by, 58-6I, 65-

69. See also Men

Fear: anxiety and, I83-85; phobias and,


Female bonding, 94-95

Feminist epistemology, 24-36, 2I0

Feminist  psychology: clinical psychology and, I9-22; context and, 30--32;· critique of feminist epistemology and,

24-27; critique of masculinist episte-

mology and, I0--23; meaning-symbol- ism and, 32-36, 2II; object-relations approach, I6, 26-27, 56-57, 6I, I06-7,

II4, I53, 204; oedipal psychology and,

6I-75; toward a feminist epistemology in, 27-36

Feminist therapy, 26-27, 2I0--25; artificial

separation of mind and body and, 2I9-

2I; assessment in, 2I5-I9; behaviorism and, I2-I4; consciousness in, 2I4-I5; invisibility of women and, 2II-I2; lost sense of self and esteem and, 22I-23; meaning in, 32-36, 2II, 2I2-I4; model for, 2II-I2; origins of, 3-4; patient- therapist    relationship in, 2I2; psychoanalysis and, I4-I6, I53

Feminist Therapy Institute, 4

Fetishistic male desire, 56

Fodor, Iris, I86

Food, I57; female obsession with, I97; gender identity and, I07, II0--II; sex and, 207-9. See also Eating disorders

Freire, Paulo, 2I4

Freud, Anna, 60, 77, I0I

Freud, Mathilde, 60

Freud, Sigmund, 3,20--2I, 30,60--6I, 62,

63, 65, 67, 70, I0I, I50, 223; on anat- omy as destiny, 42, 54; antigonal psy- chology and, 75, 76; female orgasm and,

80; on female superego, I80; oedipal conflict and, 57-6I, 62, 63, 65, 67, 70; psychoanalysis and, I4-I6

Frieze, l. H., 22

Frigidity, 3-4, 80, I66-67

Frye, Marilyn, 224

Fryer, Maury, I58 Fugue state, I8




Galenson, Eleanor, 79

Gardner, Caro!Brooks, I38

Garfinkel, Harold, 38n, II2

Gellner, Ernest, 24

Gender identity, 26-27; anatomy as des tiny and, 42-46, 54; dichotomy in, 38-

42, I07, I68; enforcement of, 3942;

establishment of, 42-43;  food and, I07,

II0--II; magazines and, I09; nature of,

43; in preverbal period, I20--2I; psychoanalysis and, I5I6; psychology of the body and, 4654; self and, I49-52;

self-esteem and, I55-64; sexuality and,

55-57; sex vs., 38, 4I; stereotyping of,

45, I2I-22, I55; television and, I07-8,

II7; toys and, I08; training for, I20--25

Gender identity, female: appearance as basis of, 90--9I; depression and, I7374; fragmented sense of, I87-89; hy- pervisibility and, 87, 99-I00; invisibility and, 87, I00--I02; mourning losses and,

222; permeability of boundaries and,

I37-47; ,prism of self-image  and,   I06-

II; seeing self from outside in, I03-6

Gender identity, male, 39-40; lack of boundaries and, 6I-67, 70--74, I32-37

General systems theory, 34

Genitalia, 3, 38-39, 79, I0I, I35-36

 Gestalt psychology,

28, 204 Gilligan, Caro!, II4, I25-26,

I54 Girard, René, 66

Girgus, Joan, I76

Gold, Dolores, I24

Goldman, Emma, 85

Goldstein, Rebecca,

I52 Gomez, Joan,

I% Gondolf, Edward,

8I Gornick, Vivían,

I38 Gossip, I78

Grandiosity, infantile, 62-65,7I-

75, 93, 22I Grief,

222 Griffin, Susan,

37 Griffith-Joyner, Florence, I09-I0,

20I Gurin, Patricia,





Haemon, 59 Hair, 94, I03, I04, I08, II3

Haley, Jay, I7-I8 Halpert, F. E., I09-I0

Hansen, Patti, I00 Harrison, Sheila K.,

I07 Heartbreak Hotel (Burton), 89, II2

Heíghtened vigilance, I39, I83-87

Heilbrun, Carolyn, 88 Heisenberg

Uncertainty Principie, 9 Herman, Judith,

I0I, I26 High-heeled shoes, 56, 97-98,

I03 Hoffman, Lynn, I86 Homosexuality,

I0I, I68; eating dis

orders and, I9I; parenting and, II9. See also Lesbianism Horney, Karen,

68, I0I Humiliation, 202;

eating and, I9I; gender ídentity and, 4I, I23-24. See also Shame Humor, I58

Hypervisibílíty, 87, 99-I00,

202, 203 Hysteria, I6




If Women Counted

(Waring), I64n, 223

Impotence, 80, I66-67

Incest: father-daughter,

58-63, 65-67, 75-77,

I42-43, I44; sensitivity to aggressor and, I26


observer, 82, I08, II2,

I75, I76, I78, I88,

2I0, 2I2, 2I4, 220

India, I5I

Individuality, I36,

I49-5I lnfibulation,

79 lnitiation rites: female,

I42-45; male, I35-36 lntimacy: orgasm vs.,

I45; violence and, I26 lnvisibility, of women,

I9, 3I-32, 7677, 8(-

8I, 87-88, I0(-I02,

I34, I38, I76, I77,

I89, 2II-I2 "Invisible Woman, The" (Morgan), I0I-2 Islam,

69 Ismene, 59, 88 lsolation, I50




J Legs, II3

Jacklin, Carol, I78 James, William, I59-60

James-Lange theory of emotion, 47-48

Japan, I33, I5I, I9I Jewelry, I04

Jocasta,58, 62,63, 64, 65, 75-76, 78, 82,

86, 88, II6, 205, 208, 22I Johnson, Virginia, 3 Jordan, Judith, I54 Judaism, 69

Jung, Emma, 77




Kagan, Jerome, I55 Keller, Evelyn Fox, I3,

I9 Kennedy, John F., 85 Kessler, Ronald,

I74 Klein, Melanie, I0I, I53 Koedt, Anne,

3 Kohut, Heinz, I53 Kovlack, D., I46

Kübler-Ross, Elizabeth, 222


Laius, King, 58, 59, 60, 64, 66, 75

Language, limits of, 6-8, 29, 45, I66-70

Lerman, Hannah, 3, I87

Lesbianism, 8I, I0I,

II9, I39. See also Homosexuality Lewis, Helen Block, I0I Limits,

I3I, I37-38 Lincoln, Abraham, 29, 33 Locus of control, 97-98 Logical empiricism, 23 Logical

positivism, I3, I4 Lorde, Audre, 87 Loss: depression and, I82-83; male fear of, I40; mourning and, 222

Love's Executioner (Yalom, 7 7I

Luria, Zella, 45




Maccoby, Eleanor, I78

Mademoiselle magazine, I09

Magazines, 2, 72, I09, I95

Mahler, Margaret, I06

Makeup, I00, I03-6, I08, I09

Male bonding, 224

Manic depression, I74

Marriage, I49; depression and, I82-83; female preference for, I6I; protection of, in cohabitation, I4I; rape in, I3233, I4I,

I43, I44

Mascara, I05

Masculinist  epistemology,  II-23;  clini- cal   theories   and   methods   of,   II-22; defined, I0

Maslow, Abraham, I53

Masters, William, 3

LeBaron,  Dorothy, I58 Masterson, James,

Mastery, I62-M, I76, I78-79

Masturbation, I45, 207

Matriarchy, 224

Mattering maps, I52, I63,

I78, I92, 2II

McGrath, Ellen, I74

McLuhan, Marshall, 3I

Mead, Margaret, 80

Meaning, 2I0; of experience in therapy,

2I2-I4; in feminist psychology, 3236, 2II,




Meta-communication, 23–


Miller, Alice, I06, I53

Miller, Jean Baker, 9I, I27, I54

Millman, Marcia, 203

Milis College, I63

Mind-Body Problem, The (Goldstein), I52

Mintz, Laurie,

I76 Minuchin, Salvador, I7-I8

Mirroring, I06-7

Misogyny, I7, 26-27, 38, 40, 7Q-

7I, 79, 208

Models, fashion, 2, I00

Moldawsky, Stanley, III

Molestation, 8I-82, I42-45;

identification with aggressor and,

I26; multiple-personality disorder

 and, I88; in nuclear family,

II8; shame and, I05

Money, John, 38,4I

Morgan, Robín, I0I-2, I33

Mother-child  relationship: adult  men and, II5-I6; in nuclear families, II5-I7

Mothers: antigonal psychology of, 7586; eating disorders of daughters and,

204-6; employment of, 34;

enmeshed, 2, I7-I8, I29-

30; female separation from,

82; gender stereotypes and,

45; mirroring by, I06-7;

oedipal conflict and, 57-58,

6I-67, 204-6; relationship with daughters, 64-65, 75-

86, 95, 204-6; role of, II5-

I7; schizophrenogenic, 2.

See also Women



Multiple- personality disorder,

47, II3,


Musa, Kathleen,

II2, I60




Names, women and, I0I, I38,

I6I, I77

Nathan, Sharon G., 67

Neighbors, Harold, I74

New Guinea, I35



Noble, Sally, I24 Nose jobs, I04

Nuclear family, II5-I7, I28-30,

223; father as primary caregiver

in, I22; sexual assault in, 58--6I,

62-63, 65-67, 75-77, II8, I42-

43, I44. See also Fathers;

Mothers; Parenting




Obesity, 7I, 96, 206

Objectification, of women by

men, 62, 63, 68-69, 85-86 Object–

relations psychology, 26-27, 6I;

female vs. male, II4; feminist

psychology and, I6;

fragmentation of self and, 204;

mirroring in, I06-7; self in, I53;

sexuality and, 56-57 Obscene

phone calls, 93 Oedipal

psychology: awareness of, in

therapy, 2I()-25; blindness and,

63, 64, 75, I59, I62; feminist

psychology and, 6I-75; Freud's

view of, 57-63, 65, 67, 70;

mothering  in, 204-6; phases of

development and, 72-73;

psychoanalysis and, I5-I6;

resolution of, 62, 74-76, 87, 22I,

223-24; of women, 76 Oedipus,

57-79, 83, 94, II6 Oedipus at

Colonus (Sophocles),. 58-59

Oedipus Rex (Sophodes), 58

Operant conditioning, I2-I4

Orbach, Susie, 82, I54 Orgasm,

I09,I45, I66-67; faking of, 80;

female, 79-8I; types of, 3, 80




Pagels, Heinz, 49 Parenting:

depression and, I83; homo- sexual,

II9; male vs. female,

I2I-25, I28-29. See also

Fathers; Mothers Pelops,

King, 59 Penis, 3, 79, I0I,

I35-36 Penis envy, I5, 67

Perpetua! vigilance, I39,

I83-87 Person, Ethel,111

Personality: changes in, I55;

multiple, 47, II3, I87-89

Phallic symbols, 79

Phallocentrism, I5

Phenomenology, 52-54

Phobias, I86-87; behaviorism and,

I2; family therapy and,

I8; psychoanalysis and, I5-I6

Physical abuse: multiple–

personality disorder and,

I88, I89. See also Rape

Playboy magazine, 2, I09

Pliner, Patricia, II0

Pollack, Susan, I25-26

Polynices, 58,

59 Pornography, I8I

Post- Traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD), I84-85, I87

Power: differential, male vs. female,

3940; gender differences

and, I7-I8; of male therapist over female patient, 3; sex and, 65, 66, 7I-72, 73, 80,

I46-47 Prefeminist epistemology, I()-23 Pre- oedipal period, 6I, 76 Pre- orgasmic therapy, 3-4, 79-80

 Preverbal period, I2()-2I

Projective identification, I6

Provenzano, Frank, 45

Psychoanalysis, I4-I6, I53

Psychoneuroimmunology, 9, 47

Psychopathology, in women, 3-4, 5, I65-70

Psychosexual development, I5-I6




Racial identity, 34, 50, 85, I04, I55,

I74 Rank, Otto, 75 Rape, 2I, 53, 65, 66,

8I, I80, I84-85,

2I2-I3; attractiveness of women and,

I46; gang bang, I43-44, 2I9; as male

fantasy, I46; marital, I32-33, I4I, I43,

I44; shame and, I05

Rational-emotive therapy, 28 Reagan,

Ronald, 85 Rebellion, adolescent, 9I

Rejection, maJe fear of, I40 Relatedness:

depression and  loss  of,

I8I; of men and women, II5-20, I27;

need for, and depression, I76-77; as

safety for women, I38-40; self-concept

and,  II9-20; self-esteem and, I6)-62

Repression, 30--3I. See also

Oedipal psychology

Responsibility: control

and, I6I, 2I8;

false, I80--8I Rich,

Adrienne, 88 Rivera,

Geraldo, I00 Roach,

Mary, II2, I60 Rogers,

Carl, I53 Roiphe,

Herman, 79 Romanía,

IIO Rosewater, Lynne,

I68 Rozin, Raul, II2

Rubín, Gayle, 38, 4I

Rubín, Jeffrey, 45

Rudnytsky, P. L., 58

Russell, Bertrand, 20




Safety, female concern for, I24-25, I27-

28, I38-40

Satir, Virginia, I7

Schizophrenia, I70

Schizophrenogenic mothers, 2

Schulman, Joan, I4I

Searles, Harold, I6, 92-93

Seduction hypothesis, 59-60

Self, I49-54; in context, I54-55; as

fem-inine construct, I5I-52; interrelation of,

I5I; lost sense of, 22I-23; as masculine

construct, 149-51; psychological

approach to, I52-53; as separare and

individual, 149-51

Self-actualization, 153

Self-concept: self-esteem vs., 156;

separateness and  individuality  of, 149-51

Self-concept, female, 95-III;

central components of, 98; fragmentation of,

III-I3; male vs., I23-24; personal control and, 97-98; physical appearance and,  90--99;

relatedness and, II9-20

Self-esteem: defined, I55;

feminist ther- apy and, 22I-22;

male vs. female, II9-

20; masculinity as norm in, I55