Engendered Lives: A New Psychology of Women's Experience by Ellyn Kaschak, PH.D. - HTML preview

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56, I58-59; paradox of women's, I56---62; physical attractiveness and, I59, I60,

I9I-93; prímacy of relationships and, I26-27 Self-hatred, of women, 67, 84 Self- in-context, I54-55 Self-mutilation, 63 Seligman, C., I46 Seligman, Martín E. P.,

I80 Separation, sense of self and, 82, I36, I49-5I Seventeen magazine, I09 Sex:

anatomy as destiny and, 42-46; food and, 207-9; gender  vs.,  38; and  power, 65,

66, 7I-72, 73, 80, I46-47; psychology  of the body and, 46-54 Sexual abuse, 207-

8; multiple-personality disorder and, I88, I89. See also Rape Sexual harassment,

I42 Sexual intercourse: intimacy and, I45; orgasm in, 3-4 Sexuality, female, 87-

88; body as combar zone and, I95-97; denial of, 79; fragmentatíon of, 82; íncest and, 586I,62-63,65-67,75-77,I42-43, I44; initiation and, I42-45; life cycle of, 8I; male lack of boundaries and, I4I47; maJe vs., 56-57, 68, I46; from masculine perspective, 55-57; mutilation and, 79; orgasm in, 79-8I; shame and, 68-69, 8I-

82, 85. See  also Rape Sexuality, male: dominance and power in, 66---67;female

sexuality vs., 56-57, 68, I46; fetishism, 56; oedipal conflict and, 57-75 Shainess, Natalie, 85-86 Shame, 42, I05, I89; depression  and,

I8I-82; female sexuality and, 684)9, 8I-82, 85; gender identity and, 4I,

I23-24; hypervisibility of women and, 202, 203 Shea-Buckley, Frances, I84

Shoes: of men, I04; of women, 56, 9798, I03 Shopping, 94, I05-6, I8I, 220

Single parenting, II9 Sisterhood Is Global (Margan), I33 Sitting position,

I34 Skin, II3 Skinner, B. F., I2 Slate, Kenneth R., I23 Smiling, 47, I58,

I78 Smith, Dorothy, I67 Smoking, I98, 20I Social context: behaviorism and, I3-I4; causality and, 38, 40; culture as, 3032; family therapy and, I8; feminist psychology and,  30-32; gender identity and, 38, 40, 45-46; mothering in, 204-tí; self in, I54-55 Socrates, 82 Sontag, Susan, I47

Sophocles, 57, 58, 59, 60 Standing position, I34 Stereotypes,  gender  role,

45, I2I-22, I55 Stoller, Robert, 38 Stone, Merlín, 96n Stress, 47; chronic,

I84-85; of parenting, I83; perpetua!vigilance and, I39, I83-87 Subincision,

I35-36 Sullivan, Harry Stack, I50 Superego, I80 Surnames, I0I, I38, I6I,

I77 Surrey, janet, I54 Symposium (Socrates), 82



Taggart, Morris, 27

Television, 56, 8I, I07-8, II3, II7, I94-95 Thatcher, Margaret, II0

Thematic  Apperception  Test (TAT), I25-26

Thomson,  Clara, 91

Tiresias, 63

Toys, mirroring and, I08

Transsexuals, 38, 4I




Unconscious, I5, 30. See also Oedipal psychology Unger, Rhoda, 27


Vagina, 3, 79, I0I

Values, 34-35

Vanee, Carole, 49, I4I

Veith, Ilza, I69

Veroff, Joseph, I54

Veterans, women as, I84

Violence, 65-67, I24-25, I84; female fear of, I39; male vs. female attitudes to, I25-26;

against women, I80. See also Rape

Vulnerability, attractiveness and, 9798, I04-5




Walker, Lenore, I68

Walking shoes, I03

Waring, Marílyn, I64n, 223

Watson, John, I2

Weisstein, Naomi, 3

Westphal, Carl Otto, I86

When  God Was a Woman (Stone), 96n

When Harry Met Sal/y (film), 80

Whitehead, Alfred North, 20

Winfrey, Oprah, 204

Winnicott, D. W., I06, I53

With a Daughter's Eye  (Bateson), 69

Wolpe, J., I2


Women: appropriately  feminine behaviors and, I57-58; attitude toward physical space, 49-50, 53, I33-34, I37; bonding of, 224; castration anxiety of men and, 66-

67; competence of, I58, I59, I79; definition of disorders of, I65-70; height of, I37; hypervisibility of, 87, 99-I00; initiation rites of, I42-45; initiative in psychologícal development and, 74-75; invisibility of, I9, 3I-32, 76-77, 8o-8I, 87-88, lüo-I02,

I34, I38, I76, I77, I89, 2II-I2; magazines for, I09; mastery and, I62-64, I76, I78-

79; mother-daughter relationship and, 64-65, 75-86; multiple roles and, I63; nature of, I9, 2o-22; obese, 7I, 96, 206; oedipal psychology and, 6I-75; permeable boundaries of, I25, I3747; relatedness of, II5-20; relationships to men, 62, 64, 75-

79; responsibility and, I8o-8I;  safety and, I24-25, I27-28, I38-40; self-esteem of,

I56-62; self-hatred of, 67, 84;


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