Girl Fighting Exposed, 7th edition by Dean Henryson - HTML preview

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5 emotional variables



A person’s feelings are psychological impacts.

Anger can be directed at others or yourself. When it is directed at one’s self, it is called guilt.

If one girl feels guilty, the other has a distinct advantage. A girl who directs anger at herself will most likely not even want to win. She will feel she deserves to be punished—the result of her anger being directed at herself. The other girl will see this as weakness and use it to her advantage.

Even if the guilty girl chooses to defend herself, her self-loathing will cause her not feel worthy at key points in the fight to take control in which just a moment's hesitation will affect the outcome. Her anger at herself makes her feel like a bad person. Because of that, her ability to harm/dominate another person—even in defense of herself—is perceived by her as wrong and unjustified.

In contrast, the girl who directs anger outward sees the other person as guilty and deserving to be punished. The other person is perceived as bad. She will quickly capitalize on any opportunity to hurt this person. She sees herself as a victim who needs to be protected and provided retribution.

This is one tactic in conversation preceding a fight, attempting to portray the opponent as guilty and yourself as a victim deserving revenge: “You slut! You slept with my boyfriend.”

Once a girl is pinned, her psychological state changes.

Her vulnerable position and dependence on another’s compassion brings her back to childhood, when she was small, powerless, and dependent on adults. This is a weakened psychological state of vulnerability. She was supposed to respect, obey, and take guidance from the bigger, more powerful and knowledgeable adults. This may stir old feelings of hurt if she had been abused by adults. The top girl’s overbearing weight and visual size resonates as an adult and encourages childhood submission from the bottom girl.

The girl who feels more hurt, depression, or humiliation is also at a disadvantage, as these are weak states.

The girl who feels more anger directed outward has a physical and psychological edge, as this prepares the body to be stronger (this is true in untrained fighters; however high anger in trained fighters can hinder mental functioning for complex fighting maneuvers). Fear also prepares the body to run or fight, but it is a psychologically weaker state than anger.

With fear you believe that you will likely be hurt soon, so can act more desperate, impulsive, subservient, and are more likely to be in flight/freeze response rather than fight response.

The bottom girl is more susceptible to extreme fear or panic attacks. These create decreased mental functioning, faster heart rate, increased sweating, hyperventilation, uselessly draining away her energy.

Panic attacks may make the girl’s vision unclear, create dizziness, lightheadedness, trembling, shaking, numbness in her hands, chest pains, feeling as though she can’t breathe and is dying. She will have a sense that something unimaginably horrible is about to occur and that she is powerless to prevent it, and be consumed with a desperate need to escape.

Under normal conditions a panic attack is one of the worst psychological conditions to experience. But being trapped underneath an enemy, the panic advances to extreme levels.

The top girl forces a type of empathy on her enemy in which her enemy now suffers as she once had. She pursues this either directly or indirectly to feel heard and understood. With this understanding, she believes her enemy may best learn a lesson not to hurt her again.

The bottom girl will feel humiliation.

Even if she is in denial at the moment, she will feel humiliated at a later time when her psychological defenses eventually erode. This feeling stems not just from her forced submission, not just from her presentation of weakness and failure in the fight, but also from her sexually submissive position.

She has been mounted by her enemy.

The bottom girl’s personal space has been invaded not simply by another person, but by another person’s sexual organs.

Her opponent’s legs are spread open upon her. She feels the other’s warm genitals and anus pressing down on her, and possibly catches scent of them.

The top girl may threaten, “I can do whatever I want, bitch.” And even if the top girl has no sexual intention behind the threat, the bottom girl’s mind is easily inclined in that direction simply because of her position.

She is lying on her back, the most common sexual position for a female. And her opponent is also in a common, yet dominant female sexual position—straddling another person or object. The bottom girl’s head may be only inches from her adversary’s vagina—inches and one to two layers of clothing from an oral sex position.

The sight of her opponent’s crotch is almost unavoidable.

Also, the sexual nature is generally greater in a female fight due to reasons previously discussed in which females wear clothing and shoes that expose more of their bodies. Females also have two main sexual private areas on their bodies as opposed to males’ single one.

These differences mean that female fights have generally more observed bare skin, more skin on skin contact, more detailed views of covered body parts due to tighter clothing, as well as double the sexual areas that are above the bottom opponent in this type of pin.

The top girl has mounted, controls, and rides the other’s body, experiencing pleasure from these advantages.

When she looks down, she sees the other person underneath her sex organs, where a partner, finger, vibrator, pillow, or her imagination has aroused her in the past. Even if she never intended to exploit this sexually dominant position with her opponent, it is hers.

It is the reason some girls hesitate to sit on and straddle another. It is usually not feminine or socially acceptable to be seen in such an indecent position, but perhaps most acceptable in a fight. In fact, some burgeoning lesbians and bisexuals strike up play fights simply to enjoy this position with a girl with the least social resistance.

Bystanders may exemplify this lewd position with their exclamations, “Rape!” “Oouu!” or “That just looks wrong!” In a play fight, the bottom girl may jokingly exclaim, “Help me! I’m being raped!”

Inhibited girl fighters will first put their knee on the other girl, lie across her body, sit sideways on her, or kneel beside her before they finally abandon their inhibition and take the more advantageous position of straddling her.

Even after taking this position, they may still feel uncomfortable to the point of getting off the bottom girl too soon. This often leads to continued fighting because the bottom girl had not given up.

Some places in the world even outlaw women straddling a motorcycle, and require them to sit sideways on it.

Please explain this.

This makes no safety sense at all. In fact, it is downright dangerous. A female rider can easily slip off and hurt herself. The only way this gender discrimination makes sense is that women straddling an object appears sexual or is sexual, and the people of that culture don’t want women to be seen in that way.

In European history, it was indecent for women to straddle a horse as women do today; but it was acceptable to sit sidesaddle on the animal.


If you still doubt at this point that one girl sitting on and straddling another is sexual, then I may never convince you.

However, you may convince yourself. You can ask one female to do it to another in a crowd. This usually works best in a crowd that has their verbal inhibitions lowered, such as through alcohol or a large gathering of close friends. If the women don’t agree, you can ask yourself and the women why? If the women agree, you can listen to other people’s reactions for yourself.

You can listen to a crowd’s reactions when a woman rides a mechanical bull at a bar. Or listen to the reactions when one woman sits astride another in Jell-O, oil, or mud wrestling.

Or, you can imagine a strange female jumping on top of your supine boyfriend. How would you feel? Why would you feel that way? Is there something more sexual about it than just sitting beside him? What is that?

Some women report sexual arousal or orgasm while riding a horse, motorcycle, roller coaster, or bicycle. Some while sitting on a washing machine or a car seat with bass speakers booming underneath.

Female anatomy is different than males. These differences contribute to different frequencies in the manners of being stimulated. Closer similarities between the two sexes may include reports of arousal or orgasm while climbing and descending a rope or while doing stomach contraction exercises.

The top girl’s sexual organs are touching the wriggling, warm body below, and they may become stimulated to some degree. Although this is not common and more likely in play fighting in which pins are usually longer and a positive emotional connection exists between the girls.

Power is an aphrodisiac. The top girl’s position of dominance over her opponent is mentally stimulating for her. She is comforted in her seat.

From the passion of battle, the top girl’s animal side is closer to the surface. Fighting is a carnal, animalistic act, and the leap to another carnal desire is closer than before the fight.

The social inhibitions to physically fight have already been broken. As such, other inhibitions become less intense.

The top girl may reflexively squeeze her legs and feet against her opponent to get a better grip on her opponent’s struggles at escape. Her lower stomach and back muscles will work to keep herself stabilized on her opponent’s bucks, turns, and twists. This increase of blood to the pelvic area combined with contact with or by the clitoris increases the chance of arousal.

Even if she does not want this, it would be a natural physiological response. A similar uncontrollable female response sometimes occurs in the violence of rape. The victim often feels betrayed by her own body because of the arousal.

Although the top girl may have no sexual intent or plan, the threat looms in the back of the bottom girl’s mind. This is especially true with longer pins, as the bottom girl wonders why her opponent is just sitting there and questions what the girl is getting out of it.

People reach for whatever strength they can in a physical fight, including with words. The top girl may guess the bottom girl’s fears and make sexually derogative comments like, “How does my cunt smell?”

The top girl can observe the humiliation on the bottom girl’s face, recognizing the weakened state and escalating her confidence.

The bottom girl may observe or imagine arousal on her opponent’s face. The more she struggles to free herself, the more her body rubs against her adversary’s genitalia. Simply this knowledge alone may add additional humiliation and the sense of a no-win situation for her.

Even if she lies still, her rapid breathing can create waves of pressure on or close to her opponent’s clitoris. From the physical exertion of the fight, the rise and fall of her chest and stomach will be forceful and fast before they tire. The bottom girl’s body feels warm to the top girl straddling it. The bottom girl’s rhythmic, hard heartbeats can often be felt by the top girl.

The bottom girl may feel an increasing heat from her adversary’s genitals.

For her, a play fight might now feel as though it is getting a little too real.

The deepest part of the top girl claims ownership over the bottom girl. Her sexual feelings have arisen on her opponent, creating a sense of capturing and surrounding her adversary—as they might a loved partner—at a most intimate level.

She has created a greater private space of hers on her opponent, directed from her intense private feelings.

An animal, such as a dog, often demonstrates dominance by mounting, thrusting with stomach contractions, and, in the case of a female, rubbing her genitals against another.

Even if the top girl is not aroused, she may purposely bounce, grind, or thrust her pelvis into the bottom girl as an act of sexual domination. She may also rock forwards and backwards in a repetitive manner. These acts are more likely in a play fight, accompanied by much laughter from the obvious social taboos being breached.

Because the bottom girl lacks the power to stop these sexual acts, she may try turning her head away to attempt to avoid them as best as she can. This at least prevents her from seeing her adversary’s facial expression of feigned or real arousal, superiority, and confidence.

However, the turning away out of discomfort is a submissive gesture.

These sexual violations with words, bouncing, or grinding in real fights breach the bottom girl's emotional and physical boundaries. To say the least, they are invasions into her personal space which increase her psychological discomfort. As this closeness is unwanted, it is a violation of intimacy. It conveys exploitation of her against her will for the top girl’s own satisfaction and desires, having a rape- like quality.

If the bottom girl has been sexually abused in her past, this can bring a flood of unhealed feelings of vulnerability, hurt, powerlessness, and humiliation.

If the top girl has been sexually abused in her past, this can have the opposite effect. She can gain a sense of temporary power over her unhealed feelings. She may identify with the perpetrator’s power, being in such a dominant sexual position. This empowered position with the long held vulnerable, hurt feelings can intensify the allure of keeping this position on her enemy.

Regardless of abuse in her past, the bottom girl’s humiliation is increased if these acts are done in front of a crowd, adding the hurt of social debasement.

Frequently, the crowd holds electronic devices (cell phones, smartphones, tablets, and digital cameras with video recording capabilities) which can record the fight to be placed on the internet, expanding the number of people who can observe the bottom girl’s submission and degradation, escalating her humiliation.