Girl Fighting Exposed, 7th edition by Dean Henryson - HTML preview

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4 sensual dynamics



The one who manipulates the other girl’s senses has a psychological advantage, in addition to any physical advantage gained.

For the tactile sense, the girl who inflicts more pain and discomfort has the edge.

The pressure of her enemy’s weight shifting around on top of her creates a disturbing tactile experience for the bottom girl.

If the top girl simply bounces her weight—a low energy expenditure—she can inflict a variety of hurt to the bottom girl. These may include painful stresses on her ribcage, grinding ribs together, or breaking ribs with a high enough bounce, such as from a standing position. But high bounces from the top girl risk her adversary escaping. (However, when she first jumps on her enemy, this may be a devastating first blow.)

If she bounces on the belly, she crushes stomach and guts, pressuring the bladder and abdomen. The bounces can also expel needed breath of the bottom girl, controlling her very rhythm of breathing. This will also affect her ability to speak clearly since speech requires breath. People may laugh at her broken speech, adding humiliation.

Each bounce from the top girl causes facial expressions of pain from the girl underneath. Yet to the top girl, these bounces are springy and soft. The cushion-like body of the bottom girl conveys vulnerability and harmlessness, driving up the top girl’s confidence.

The girls’ opposing sensations create two impressions in their minds. One is that the bottom girl is weak and breakable. The other is that the top girl is strong, hardened, and dangerous.

The top girl feels herself sinking into the bottom girl, claiming ownership through invasion with her very body. She feels the bottom girl’s powerlessness and inability to move in opposition of her force and weight. She feels herself squashing her opponent. This show of power elevates her sense of well-being.

Even without bounces, just her physical contact against the bottom girl creates a psychological edge because touch can lead to pain—and both girls know this at a primal level. The top girl holds this advantage because besides the constant pressure from her body weight, and besides her legs and feet surrounding her adversary through touch, the ground becomes an extension of herself. It steadily pushes up at her adversary as she pushes down.

The bottom girl may put her hands on the other girl's thighs or knees simply for a sense of control, but with no real power. Although it reminds her of times when she had power from holding onto things. Psychologically, this holding onto the other’s thighs that are uncomfortably invading her space may help her feel as though she has at least some power.

The top girl may rest her hands on her thighs as well, accentuating that she owns and has control over that power—her thighs—which holds her enemy down.

If the bottom girl lies head-first on a downward sloping hill, she has a vulnerable feeling of being slightly upside down, blood rushing to her head, greater difficulty swallowing, greater chance of acid reflux.

One remaining threat to the top girl is a bite from her adversary. Her hands and forearms will be difficult to bite because they can move faster than her opponent’s head. Her thighs are very difficult to bite because they are so thick compared to a mouth. The top girl could easily push or punch her enemy’s head back down if it got too close.

And if the bottom girl ever did bite, she would risk inciting her enemy’s wrath. This is akin to biting someone with a gun. The top girl is more dangerous to the bottom girl than the reverse. The bottom girl may make her situation worse by a short lived bite.

The higher girl has greater accuracy to spit at the other’s face. She can simply let it drip from her mouth when her head is directly above her enemy. When the bottom girl spits upwards, it requires more force because it is pulled down from gravity and often lands back on herself.

The face is a vulnerable, intimate area of violation where all five senses are active, so more psychologically profound than say an arm or stomach.

The top girl’s saliva may smell or taste disgusting. This saliva will create a sensation of wetness caused by the top girl. This informs the bottom girl that she has less control over her tactile sense than her enemy.

Gravity will pull off wet saliva that is spit at the top girl’s face faster because her face is vertical rather than horizontal. Even if the bottom girl blinks before spit hits her eyes, when she opens them, the saliva can still drip in. Because another’s saliva is often considered gross, it is a form of degradation as well.

The top girl’s saliva is also considered part of the top girl. This means that the top girl has placed an additional item that she owns on the bottom girl, increasing ownership over her enemy.

The more one can leave of oneself on an object or another person, the more one claims ownership over it or her. In the fight, this begins with the top girl’s body itself, then leaving her scent, then her saliva, and even her feelings of anger through visible bruising or bleeding she caused. If she gets one of her friends on top as well, ownership of her enemy becomes even less disputed.

These dynamics elucidate the reason a person spits on their enemy in a fight or on the nearby ground. It is a territorial claim.

Other liquids of the top girl may also drip down onto the bottom girl’s face. If the top girl has a runny nose or bleeding nose, droplets of these may also fall down onto her enemy’s face.

The top girl’s sweat may drip down or hair may dangle into the bottom girl’s eyes, forcing her to close her eyes and endure these tactile discomforts.

A combination of these invasions may ensue.

The girl on top may have another tactile advantage. Fighting causes body heat to rise. Cooling is essential. Cooling oneself is more difficult when heat is applied to the chest/stomach and sides (the core of a person) as opposed to the extremities of the legs and the crotch area of the girl on top. If it is a hot day and the pavement is hot, the bottom girl will be at a greater disadvantage from heat radiating from the cement. The sensation of heat can add to a claustrophobic feeling. She could actually burn her skin on a very hot day.

Conversely, if there is snow on the ground or the ground is very cold, the bottom girl will be cooled too quickly and may shiver, diminishing her energy.

Sharp stones, broken glass, nails, thorns, rusted metal cans, or simply uneven surfaces on the ground create painful sensations underneath the bottom girl. Much more of her body touches the ground compared to simply her opponent’s calves and feet. And if a sharp object is located underneath both girls, their combined weight drives it more forcefully into the bottom girl.

Puddles create tactile discomfort for the bottom girl, especially around the head. The threat of drowning looms. Water may soak her hair or clothes around the core of her body, giving a soppy, cold feeling. As clothes become wet, they can turn transparent and tight, causing humiliation. The liquid may be dirty and enter her orifices, causing more discomfort or disgust, bringing home her inferior position.

Insects may be crawling on the ground with greater access to the bottom girl's more sensitive places such as the head and crotch. An ant, bee, or cockroach crawling into her ear, hair, eye, mouth, nose, or up her skirt can be very traumatic, especially if she cannot prevent it. Simply being bitten or stung by insects near these sensitive areas can be terrifying. People often scream, swat, and run when faced with these type of situations outside of the fight.

The top girl has a greater visual ability to locate and fetch items from the ground. Dirt, grass, mud, dog feces, water, insects, rotting food, and rocks may be easily thrown down, dropped onto, or smashed into the bottom girl’s face and body, creating a variety of disturbing tactile sensations.

The top girl has greater ability to force the other girl to taste things by shoving them into her mouth. Remember, her head is less mobile and can be fixed between the other girl’s knees or thighs and hands. When the top girl controls what the bottom girl tastes, it psychologically increases the top girl’s dominance.

The more objectionable the taste, the more profound the act. These tastes can be anything close by, such as rotting food, mud, dirt, worms, bugs, dog feces, dirty water, etc. The tastes can also be psychologically intense if they come from the top girl herself, such as her saliva, sweat, or nasal mucus.

The sense of smell is the most primal, profound sense that we have. It responds to pheromones which we cannot even consciously detect.

If there is any truth to women living or working together becoming more in sync with their menstruation cycles, it is believed to be done by smell.

Our sense of smell can identify body odor from sweat, urine, and feces. With some people on a bad day, you don’t have to get closer than six feet from them to smell these stenches.

But in a fight, you are intimately close to your opponent. Also, your sense of smell is heightened due to the fight or flight response.

Animals often mark their territory by defecating and urinating around an area. The power of such soils is in the intense, personal smells they leave which persist for days. Even domesticated, trained cats will sometimes deposit their urine and feces at a disputed area of territory to mark it as theirs.

In some extreme cases, an emotionally distraught child may wipe his feces on the walls when placed in a time out or is upset for another reason. Some monkeys wipe or throw their feces around their cage when upset. Serial killers sometimes urinate or wipe their feces on their victims. Please explain the above if not to mark territory or ownership on an animalistic level, attempting to gain power through enlarging personal space.

People often forget the intense, powerful smells that exposed defecation and urination exude. We almost always use a toilet with water which mostly hides these smells under the water. Most of the urine and defecation stench has difficulty reaching our nostrils due to being submerged.

An animal also may rub key scent areas of its body against objects to deposit its stenches. These odors then claim ownership over an area, an object, another animal, or sometimes a person.

A cat rubs against you, the door, or another animal, not always to scratch itself or be petted, but often to mark its territory or ownership of another.

If you are female, think of when you smelled a rival girl’s scent on a guy you were dating. How did that make you feel? Did it spark some jealousy? Maybe she just hugged him in a friendly way, or accidently brushed up against him. But didn’t it seem like she marked her territory in a way?

Sexual activity also exchanges bodily smells to a high degree, marking both partners as each other’s territory.

Perhaps you have had the experience of loaning another girl a pair of your shorts or a top, causing them to smell badly. Afterwards, did you wear them without washing them? Probably not, especially if you didn’t like the girl or weren’t close friends. You wanted them to be clean and smell fresh. A type of ownership occurs when we soil something.

The crotch and anus in particular are notorious dirty spots.

People slip and cannot be perfect in regards to cleanliness. Even after urinating and wiping the area dry, urine can still drip out as you walk back to class or work. Freeing the anus area of particles of feces or liquid brownish stains isn’t always feasible after a bowel movement.

Sometimes cleanliness can be exceptionally difficult such as when women don’t shave or lack razors so that hair growth in the pubic and anus region collects more urine, sweat, and feces. Other factors include having just exercised, having run out of toilet paper or wet wipes, sweating more on a hot day, had recent sex in which sperm has been deposited inside or around the vagina area, having menstruation, diarrhea, a yeast infection, or a sexually transmitted disease.

These can create strong stenches.

Or simply a girl’s laziness with hygiene creates stenches.

If she skipped a shower, used the bathroom in a rushed manner of not thoroughly wiping herself, did not have a spare tampon or pad to swap the old one with, or wore used clothing that day, she will smell worse.

Although it may be somewhat socially unacceptable to think of women in these unclean ways, the truth is that we are not perfect.

Natural smells are a part of our animalistic nature.

We try to erase these smells with deodorants, perfumes, and oils, but our smells mix with the artificial ones anyways, creating our own unique fragrance, not bought in any store.

The top girl’s soiled—to some degree—crotch and anus are posed above and rub against her rival. This creates the primal impact of owning this girl. The more her enemy struggles, the more her worst scents distribute over the other’s body, marking her enemy as her territory.

Like an armpit, the top girl’s crotch is a key aromatic area. It is one of the hottest, sweatiest, humid places of her body. It now resides on her enemy.

The top girl may sweat more on her legs and in her crotch and anus areas due to the heat of the battle combined with the opponent’s warm body in contact with these areas. This would intensify her scent on her enemy. And the longer she sits there, the more fixed her scent becomes on her opponent.

Women’s sense of smell is greater than men’s. Researchers led by Professor Roberto Lent from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the National Institute of Translational Neuroscience, Ministry of Science and Technology in Brazil discovered that females have forty-three percent more cells in the olfactory bulb. This is a place in the brain dedicated to the sense of smell. In regards to the number of neurons in this area, women had almost fifty percent more than men.

Because women’s brains treat smell more importantly, the dynamic of ownership by smell is greater in female fights.

Though the pinned girl may not be consciously thinking of her enemy’s scents, they still impact her nonetheless. (An example was discussed earlier with a person’s pheromones, which cannot be detected even when we consciously try to smell them. Yet they still have dramatic impacts on mood and behavior.)

If the top girl sits on the chest, her odors intensify to her opponent. Her legs and crotch surround her opponent’s nose. If she pulls up on her adversary's hair, the girl’s face will be in her crotch. The inner thighs are also places of increased sweating and stronger body odor. If the bottom girl turns her head, her nose will be against an inner thigh.

In this position, she has no escape from her enemy’s personal smells. If the top girl leans or falls forward, her stomach and navel will be in her opponent’s face and her breasts and underarms will fall above her opponent’s hair, essentially encapsulating the bottom girl's head with key areas that emit odor. For the bottom girl, her enemy’s scent is everywhere, psychologically ensnaring her.

Familiar scents are comforting to us. The bottom girl’s own scent is comforting to her, as well as those of her loved ones. But she is losing her scent. Even worse, she is immersed in the foreign world of her enemy’s scents.

As the top girl looks down at her adversary underneath her crotch and anus, she is likely aware that this person is trapped in her most intimate and smelliest odors. These are scents that are familiar to the top girl, scents that she exclusively owns, scents that help define her and her personal space, and scents which she has carried with her every day of her life.

They are hers. Her enemy now suffers them.

She may become smug. She has forced the other to know her at the intimate, primal level of smell. She has also deposited her stink onto her enemy, invisibly marking the person as hers.

These aromatic trespasses on the bottom girl create more discomfort, humiliation, and disgust for her. To be unable to escape the foulest smells of her adversary weakens her sense of strength and confidence.

The top girl’s hair, which is odor intensive, often dangles close to or on the bottom girl’s face.

This is another difference between girl and guy fights, as girls are more likely to have long hair which carries more odor. It drags along the shoulders, neck, and arms all day long, picking up oils and smells, as well as creating its own.

The top girl’s feet often touch the other’s body. These frequently have odor or are at least associated with dirtiness. Again, because the bottom girl is forced to endure this, it displays the top girl’s dominance.

And girls are more likely than guys to have bare feet in a fight. Guys almost never wear high heels. Due to the difficulty of fighting in high heels, girls either kick these shoes off before the fight or the shoes easily fall off during the fight.

Other shoes girls frequently wear include slip-on type shoes or strappy shoes, whereas guys often wear tennis shoes or similar type shoes that are rugged and firmly affixed to the feet.

If the top girl wears a skirt or short dress, her body odor travels more freely. If the material covers the bottom girl's face, it not only traps the air from the crotch area to the bottom girl’s nose, but also transmits scent from the material itself of the top girl.

If the top girl wears a loose shirt and leans forward, it may hang over the other girl’s face, material which has been literally soaked with the top girl’s sweat and stench throughout the day.

Understand that in real fights, these are not simply smells from a friend or even just another girl, but smells from an arch enemy.

This creates a greater harm than one may initially comprehend.

Smell and memory are highly linked together, but especially in the midst of strong emotions. These can be painful or happy emotions.

An example of a happy coupling of memory and smell might be Grandma’s chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven as a child. When you smell the same cookies in the present, a flood of those happy times with Grandma come back. Or perhaps a loved one has died, and months later you smell a shirt they used to wear, bringing back the good memories and closeness of them.

An example of a negative coupling of memory and smell can be observed in rape. The victim can be triggered into a flashback of the horrid memory simply by a similar smell in the present of that past event.

The bottom girl is impacted at a deep psychological level with her enemy’s smell. The trauma from the fight becomes bound with her enemy’s stench.

This coupling leaves a mental imprint of her enemy that feels something like: my scent hurts you; it comes with my domineering violence. These have occurred together. My scent and conquest of you are part of the same force. Whenever you smell me again, you will be reminded of being in my space, being owned. You will become submissive, as you are now.

In the future, the invisible power of the top girl’s smell will be confusing and inexplicable to the bottom girl. All she will notice is that she turns submissive when the top girl comes close. This can be infuriating to her sense of control.

The bottom girl’s vision can be blinded by the sun or lamps above. Yet this provides better sight for her adversary.

If she is lying on high grass, her vision is cloistered by the long shafts, giving a claustrophobic, closing-in type of feeling.

If it is raining, snowing, hailing, or windy, her eyes will be pelted with falling substances, while the top girl’s vision is much less hindered.

Animals frequently make themselves appear bigger by stretching out their feathers or limbs to give the impression of a greater threat.

Because the top girl's legs are spread wide, it creates a psychological illusion that her entire body is larger.

By sliding forward onto her enemy’s chest, the top girl’s size increases to the bottom girl. This can be quite frightening to the girl underneath. She can no longer see her own body. Her vision is filled instead with her enemy, who is now larger and more intimidating.

The top girl’s thighs are so close that they appear enormously thick. Her head towers in the sky. Her breasts (a private area for females) are or almost are above the other’s head. Her crotch and belly are magnified.

With female fights in particular, the top girl’s hips appear incredibly wide to her adversary, creating the sense of a greater threat.

Her image literally overwhelms the bottom girl’s vision. In almost every direction possible, the bottom girl is forced to see only her enemy. The top girl’s intimidating appearance gives the impression of great strength and dominance.

As her legs, hips, crotch, and body surround the bottom girl’s head, this girl has the sensation of everything closing in around her. A claustrophobic response is common.

Her enemy’s crotch enlarges and is humiliating for her to be so close to see it in such detail. She may begin to fear an assault of a sexual nature simply because of her position.

People are rarely privy to this sight and proximity. The bottom girl becomes more aware of her enemy’s owned area touching her and holding her down.

If the top girl wears a skirt, short dress, short shorts, or tight form-fitting shorts or leggings, the bottom girl may see more humiliating details.

These dynamics are mostly exclusive to female fights because males hardly ever wear these types of exposing clothes.

If the top girl wears a short skirt or short dress, then her underpants may be touching her adversary. Her naked legs, bare parts of her buttocks, and skin around her crotch may also be touching. With G-string or other skimpy underpants, the tough tissue muscle surrounding the anus may touch her opponent, as well as the fleshy parts of her vulva and stubbles of pubic hair. In rare circumstances, the top girl may not even be wearing underpants.

These conditions are very different than fights with jeans or long shorts.

Skin on skin contact is much more intimate than contact with another person’s clothing. An actual organ of your enemy is touching you: her skin. It has hairs, oils, heat, sweat, scents, bacteria, zits, and sensory receptors. Your enemy can feel you—and you can feel her—to a higher degree from this more intimate contact.

The conditions of increased sight and touch create a much greater private personal space. Remember, personal space is delineated by sight and touch, not just smell.

The bottom girl is forced to endure her enemy’s greater private space on top of her. This causes her to feel a greater humiliation. In this way, her enemy gains more ownership over her.

This deep type of domination from amplified private space is not found in fights with less exposed skin and body parts, of which is more common in guy fights.

An example may help elucidate these differences in dynamics. If you are a heterosexual guy, imagine wrestling another guy that is your enemy while he is wearing a short skirt with skimpy tight underwear, and has entirely bare legs and feet. It doesn’t feel so good, does it? What do you think the crowd’s reactions would be?

It is likely more humiliating and revolting if he sits on your chest and you see the detailed contours of his bulges from his sexual organs through his tight underwear.

These dynamics similarly occur in girl fights.

Now put the top guy in a short shirt that exposes his midriff with two string straps over his bare shoulders. The shirt is cut low, exposing his upper breasts (and pretend these are considered as private an area as women’s breasts are). This isn’t making it any more comfortable for the bottom guy, is it?

For the top girl, her enemy appears like a small, defenseless child. The bottom girl is low on the ground, and at most, only her upper body and head can be seen—a dwarfed image of her. If the top girl sits on her chest, only her neck and head can be seen.

This psychologically empowers the top girl. She is used to having physical power over smaller people. Younger (smaller) children are also expected to listen to older (larger) people.

Staring is an act of domination. The top girl will frequently poise her head above her opponent’s and stare down at the helplessness of the girl.

Eye contact involves the top girl watching her opponent’s face to assess the level of pain/distress she is causing. This makes eye contact a powerful information tool as she discovers what really hurts her opponent the worst. She can read vulnerability and hurt in her opponent’s facial language.

For the bottom girl, eye contact is not such an important factor, as she is not causing her enemy significant pain/distress.

A staring contest is more easily won by the top girl. After all, her enemy looks so puny and harmless. Whereas the bottom girl sees her enemy as scarily enormous, so she is apt to give in and look away from her enemy’s eyes. Also, she may be forced to blink or look away because of particles, sweat, or hair falling into her eyes. Losing a staring contest is a submissive gesture.

After winning, the top girl has the ease of simply moving her head to see something other than the puny bottom girl. Her sense of vision is not filled with her enemy.

Her enemy being less of a threat offers her the freedom to look around at other things. She doesn’t need to constantly watch the bottom girl anymore. Because if the bottom girl tried to get away, the top girl would easily feel it through her sense of touch.

The bottom girl’s eyes will tend to be more fixed on parts of the top girl, trying to control the threats through vision.

The bottom girl’s face is looking up, which is a less powerful position than the top girl’s. To be able to scan the horizon, you can observe additional threats coming. But to only look up, you miss out on this. If she tilts her head backward, she can scan just a small portion of the horizon, yet everything is upside down, more difficult to gauge.

The top girl can look in many different directions around her by turning her head. The bottom girl can only look in a few. This is a disadvantage of protection for her at an animalistic level.

Dirt, sand, grass, or other particles kicked up during the fight are more likely to fall into the bottom girl’s eyes which look upwards, as well as other things discussed before. These things can temporarily blind her to punches and other threats.

The top girl may purposely throw dirt on the bottom girls face.

Do you recall how disturbing and disabling it was the last time you had a foreign particle in your eye? You probably had quick access to a mirror and could manipulate your fingers to hold a Q-tip to get it out, feeling relieved when it came out.

Imagine having something in your eye in a fight when your enemy is strongest and attempting to hurt you.

If the top girl squeezes her thighs against the sides of bottom girl’s head, the thighs block more of the bottom girl’s vision. This not only involves the tactile, visual, and olfactory senses, but also compromises the bottom girl’s auditory sense. The thighs close off the ears ability to gather sound.

This creates a frightening loss for the bottom girl. With impaired hearing, she may not be as aware of potential bystanders who may help or harm her. She will have more difficulty hearing potential dangers, encouragements, warnings, or threats.

The top girl can hinder the other’s ability to utter sound. Putting something into or covering the bottom girl’s mouth can accomplish this. She will have difficulty yelling for help, warning others if she is in too much pain, convincing the top girl to relent and get off, or threatening the top girl.

Verbal communication is a powerful tool in a social society. To have this sacrificed is a psychological loss as well.

The top girl has better use of her hands to control the bottom girl’s facial language by twisting and manipulating the skin and muscles of the face. This is more likely in a play fight. The top girl can use her hands to scrunch the bottom girl’s cheeks and erase the bottom girl’s nonverbal facial communication of confidence or strength. She can also manipulate the face to appear ugly—a social weakness.