Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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This mode of communication; sharing of ideas and intent or even simple exchange of greetings is so bizarre. You do not know me; nor can I in any ways be familiar with anything about you. It is out of the ordinary yet, wonderful togetherness of two unknown and unfamiliar people. There is perfect strangeness yet; this ever-present, celebrated purpose of ‘sharing’ between two definite ‘minds’, is presenting a Magnificent Occasion; a propitious probability.

How brilliant it is that body-mind realities of two people are indefinite, still; there is definite probability of a meaningful and palpable exchange of intent. You and I meet here and talk, as two Minds, with singular and certain desire of taking away something novel, beneficial and refreshing, through the short journey of our togetherness. Books make this magic possible. Possibilities energize enterprise of all potentials. Somehow, this is close to idealism. Two people should always talk as pure, open and objective ‘Minds’, irrespective of subjectivities and specificities of age, gender, ethnicity, belief ‘labels’ of Body and baggage of culturally-induced ‘fabled’ perceptions.

However, there is one aspect, which is missing in this idealism. My communication; as you are going through right now, has already happened in the dimension of ‘Past’. You, however, are happening now; in the ‘Presentness’ of the moment. As you read my words, the past is unconsciously being Re-Dimensioned into present for you. Ideally, two minds must have communication in a two-way exchange and that too in absolute presentness of time and space. Why?

As you know; most good things happen as emergence, which becomes possible during processes of mutuality, in a looped and evolving ways. It is very much like; different ingredients coming together and fusing in proportioned mutuality to process the emergence of tastefulness; in the presentness of time and space. Togetherness, in a complex and often autonomous positioned processes of assimilation and integration; in harmonious-rhythmic cyclical loop of sharing, creates the magic of emergence of a novel, distinctive and fruitful dimension of Reality.

Love happens as emergence. Wisdom and intelligence happens as emergence; life-living bliss and satisfaction; or purposes, if any; happen as emergence. You already know that. What made the universe begin and what was before it came to be; nobody knows with certitude. However, everything afterwards; the colossal realities of matter, stars, galaxies, life, et al happened in various states and stages of Emergence. This scientific idea of Emergence, in its holism and multidimensionality is part of the Grammar of Life, which in turn paves pathways for Poetry of Living.

If we wish to unravel the grammar of life, we need to understand and internalize the holism of the scientific idea and processes of Emergence. Broadly, Emergence engenders some reality and experiences of reality, which is majorly different from what its constituent ‘parts’ innately have and manifest. Emergence adds novel and alternative dimensions to realities and their experiences. When we talk about the scientific idea of Emergence, as core element of grammar of life, we are essentially pointing to the mechanisms and processes of body and brain, as modern science has deciphered. We are talking about the complex cosmos of Information, which this mechanism of body-brain processes to create 3Cs – Consciousness, Cognition and Causality, as realities and their experiences. Grammar of Life is primarily about this mechanism and processes of Emergence. How and what this emergence engenders, as varied novel and alternative experiences, is what we are referring to as Poetry of Living.

That is probably why there is this crucial element of collectivities; in the forms of society, culture, family and elements in external milieus. As individuals, we can have our peace and bliss but idealism of accruals of ‘emergence’ happens when individual syncs and aligns with collectivity – the theatre of larger and wider perspectives and processes. This emergence adds a novel world of beautifully satiating dimensions of bliss and wellness. You already know, how it feels, when you have a good, meaningful and amiably sincere interaction with a genuinely evolved and empowered person. This happens as latent and embedded elements and potentials of individuality enter the processes of mutuality and exchanges with wider and deeper pool of experiences and knowledge of collective domains and dimensions of society-culture in looped interactions. Unfortunately, collective spaces of external milieus, in contemporary human world, have become too depraved, disoriented, distrustful and massively complex to have their avowed role in individual lives. They still help; but they, at the same time, corrupt, disrupt and disorient more. It may sound unpleasantly hypothetical but it seems like a mushrooming reality that most things and aspects of contemporary Human Systems have become farce, fake and fudged. Most people feel the pretentious and dramatized simulation of reality, in social-cultural milieus; hugely contrasted to ‘advertised’ actuality.

The reason is simple – As you know; melody and harmony happen, as patterns and discipline are consciously occasioned, within a group of musicians and musical instruments, in a philharmonic orchestra. However, if there are hundreds of times too many musicians and instruments and their discipline-synchronization goes missing, cacophony takes over and in time, this kills sanity, bliss and wellness. The process of emergence is killed; melody simply cannot happen! Emergence is a tender process; even a small element of disharmony cancels out every potential of probability.

No doubt, the magic of this ‘emergence’ is missing here and now. You however have the power and wherewithal to step in and provide with this missing element. If this enterprise of words can ever have the worth and utility; it is only you, who can orchestrate it. You happen to be in actual presentness of time and only you can re-dimension me and my communication with you in same domain of presentness. Do kindly take a few seconds to acquaint yourself with ‘My Mind’ and then accept mentally that I am here; with you. How do you do this? It is simple!

As a ‘Mind’, I am known and familiar to you because, you have always been surrounded by and utilized what my mind-consciousness is presenting here – a Meaningful Communication. You just have to accept me, mentally, as ‘extension’ of your ‘Familiarity Landscape’. I am truly, a ‘Part’ of you. I am Information; a media. You Too! You and I are parts of holism of singular Information. I shall gradually appear in your ‘Trust-Landscape’ too, as you proceed and continue with this journey of words. You and I are only Fields or Landscapes of Information. All Informations are one cosmic field or landscape. We all are one Reality. That is probably why Entanglement happens. That is also probably why Morphic Resonance happens; which some agree, most not! But; we are ‘related’. This contemporary scientific idea or objective hypothesis of Field or Landscape is central to grammar of life and poetry of living. We shall come back to it and detail it in this eBook.

Also, I humbly request you to kindly write to me after reading this eBook and ask me anything, you feel about or need to know better or more. This shall optimize the sharing process, which a book epitomizes. The emergence process shall happen as I shall try my best to revert to you, with my inputs on your queries or requests. This is the process of Personalization, which shall help a great deal in Internalization of the Ideas we are sharing here.

This eBook, I very humbly intend to be unique and probably first of its kind in the sense that what you are currently reading is only half the book. The other half of the eBook shall be completed when you write to me with your questions, doubts, thoughts etc and also probably acquaint me with your life-living details so that I could input the personalized other half of the eBook, especially oriented to your specific requirements, to the best of my abilities.

As I always very humbly say, the purposed success of a book is not in how many copies it sells and how much money it earns. It is in how many different ways it can excite the potentials of a reader to help optimize her or his innate and acquired potentials. This ‘success’ depends only on you. That is why I insist; here, as you sail through the words; there is no writer, no reader; only Information and potential. You however, are the ‘Media’ of all Successes.

As we talk about Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living in this eBook, it is important that we accept the hypothesis that essentially, grammar of life pertains to infinite ‘ingredients’, which nature, society-culture and our own body-mind make available for us. We need to be masters of the grammar and therefore, must understand in details about ‘ingredients’. The ingredients come from the holistic Field or Landscape of wider external milieus, Sub-Fields of your individuality, localized ecosystems of ambient physical and ideational milieus. These ingredients are what we know as attributes or properties of a Field. Then, there is this processing of information by the two and between the two media of individual and collective consciousnesses, in emergent and cyclically evolving looped interactions. I sum them up as dynamics of the dimensions of 3Cs – Consciousness, Cognition, Causality.

It is a huge tragedy that our consciousness is designed to be very localized. Our consciousness is also value neutral. Means, it does differentiate between good-bad, right-wrong or real-fake. It is simply designed to process whatever Information it gets from whatever sources in whichever milieus. Mass majority of people grow and evolve in hugely restrictive milieus. Their ambient milieus, from which they receive most of their Information since early childhood, automatically shape up their consciousness. Growing up and maturing essentially means – First, we consciously expand our Information landscapes as we know, reality is vast and infinite. As we have talked earlier, ‘ingredients’ of life-living are essentially Information, which must come and get processed by the media of consciousness, from the widest possible domain of the cosmic expanse. Most people have localized consciousness, which processes information or ‘ingredients’ only from ambient milieus of family, society, ethnic group, nationality, etc. Very naturally, their consciousness has very limited cognition and they remain enslaved to unreal-restrictive-fake ideas and idealisms of caste, creed, color, faith, nationalism, et al. As most information an average person gets are usually ‘part’ perspectives or beliefs, they are as bad as fake and unreal information. The greats of humanity have been telling us since thousands of years that this is true and actual poverty of a person. We shall talk about it later.

As we expand our information landscape by consciously acquiring novel and alternative knowledge about the realities, we grew up with, we develop this crucial ability to prune and weed out wrong, half-baked and fake Information from our consciousness. We gradually arrive at holism of information. That is why it is said that it takes the whole village to grow, evolve and mature a child. Society-cultures were designed to supply relevant, right, diverse and even contrasting information to a child to grow him or her truly rich and right. Secondly, we consciously learn to develop this ability to assign our personal and individualistic judgments about which information is good-right-real; as against the prevalent, populist and culturally approved ideas about realities. If we develop this way, our consciousness acquires a novel system of cognition. We can then clearly see and realize, how most of the populist ideas about identities, ethnicities, religion, politics, society, culture, nationalism, gender etc are bad-wrong-fake and a product of restrictively localized consciousness and cognition. We can clearly feel and realize, we are also only Information and Fields and the only identity, with which we must align and identify with is cosmic information and universal reality. Rest of all identities and labels on individuality are unreal, fake, misleading and restrictive. This hypothesis is not new. It is almost 3000 years old as ancient Indian philosophy has described in details about it. Modern science has cleared whatever mist was there.

Human life and living is part and parcel of only singular reality of infinite universe. Everything is Information and all constituents and parts, forming this infinite plexus and system of Information, including humans, have only one identity – We are Fields, Landscapes, Information; within the colossal reality of infinite cosmos. This awareness is maturity. The practice of this reality is actually being alive. Only alive can understand grammar of life and poetry of living. Thousands of years back, Indian philosophy coined the reality as – ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam’. This Sanskrit term means; the whole world is one family and all living beings are relatives.

When we become aware of and internalize the reality of life-living, aligning it not only with local-ambient Information but cosmic and holistic Information, which is beyond everything that we have known and accepted so far; then only we can have the consciousness that shall lead us to novel and alternative cognitions and experiences. These novel experiences shall enrich our lives and make us truly successful and wealthy. These novelties of experiences become possible only when we know and accept that our consciousness; this sense of ‘I’ or subjective me, is like a mirror. It is a media, which is neutral like a mirror. The mirror shall show us what we put in front of it. It cannot show an apple, if we place a mango in front of it. Our consciousness also shows us the reality, which our milieus feed it with. Our consciousness has the potential to show us the realities of the cosmos and even beyond. We only kill its true potentials by restricting information to it only from a very small and localized milieu. Knowledge and its internalization open up and expand the milieus and it aligns us with the vastness of Information in the wider landscape of the cosmos. Larger and wider the Information landscape, better and greater is the potential of consciousness to create realities of novel and alternative experiences to us. This alone is growing up and getting mature. It saves us from the definitive slavery of localized ambient milieus and their restrictive worthiness. This alone is true and real richness and wealth. It truly is being alive.

More important is the fact that all these information as ‘ingredients’ are processed by our brain plexuses to create different shades of probable realities for us. There are huge and complex plexus of neurochemical and neuroelectrical mechanisms and processes, which participate in processing of information. When we talk of consciousness, the idea of self, ‘I’ or subjective sense of me; we need to understand and accept that it is a collective-cooperative-emergent entity of these massive mechanisms and processes. Therefore, each of these mechanism and process is also ‘I’ or at least very much a part of self or Consciousness. When we accept our consciousness as media of everythingness; we need to accept this holism of emergent consciousness and ‘parts’ of ‘I’ or self, which we referred to as mechanisms and process within our body-brain systems. We need to ‘own’ and accept cognizance of all ‘parts’; leave nothing to be mishandled by our unconscious-subconscious self and always consciously work towards assimilating and integrating all part selves into holism of singular consciousness of ‘I’.

That is why understanding the structure and functions of brain as well as our body, in its holism is core knowledge to unravel the magic of ingredients. It is important not only for unraveling and deciphering of consciousness but also for larger health, vitality and wellness. You already know how growing awareness about our body-mind realities has improved the life-expectancy and overall health of people. Fortunately, modern science has achieved great insights and knowledge into the brain-realities as neuroscience, in collaboration with Artificial Intelligence (AI), evolutionary and molecular biology breakthroughs has unraveled huge lots of body-brain functioning. The breakthroughs in the field of molecular biology have made even average person better aware about his or her bodies and diseases. Unfortunately, however, mass majority of common women and men have not been exposed to the contemporary scientific knowledge. Tragically enough, mass majority of humanity still remain slaves of old, archaic and now obsolete faith-based and populist perceptional realities of self, consciousness and cognition.

Moreover, the ingredients themselves are not the end attainments as, the poetry of living comes as ‘emergence’; made possible in processes of togetherness, assimilation and integration of the ingredients. The trouble is that much of the Grammar of Life can be easily known and understood as the contemporary knowledge about neuroscience and other fields like artificial intelligence, molecular biology et al are easily and freely available. However, the Poetry of Living involves this very critical but exclusively personal ingredient of Awareness, its internalization and holistic usage to process out integration and assimilation of myriads of elements (information) in internal and external milieus. Many people have the knowledge of Grammar but very few can create Poetry. This happens as they are good at ingredients but not as good and successful at processes. Therefore, we also need to be geniuses of the ‘processes’.

At the very outset, we need to understand and accept what is the true Reality of the humanly designed ideas of Success and Richness. We all want to be rich and successful but almost always ‘ape’ the populist and dominant available ‘benchmarks’ of societal and cultural appropriateness. Mass majority of people subconsciously follow ‘Perceptions’ and seldom care to test their validity, veracity and holistic utility in actuality of reality. In life-living; we always face with this classical dualism of two dimensions of Reality – Perceived and Actual. Since many thousand years, all ancient philosophies of all shades from all corners of human civilizations and cultures have been telling us that true success and richness of life-living is not in money, power, fame and consumption. It is in quantitative and qualitative abundance of probabilistic experiences of myriad shades and hues of Realities. Our brain creates a mind consciousness for us, which is genius of information processing. Information is infinite and therefore, there are infinite shades and hues of emergence of experiences of realities, which emanate and evolve out of the melodious and harmonious processing of information in Field or Landscape of Consciousness. There are gold and diamond mines, which everyone would love to own but very few of us are interested in owning and quarrying the mines of experiences, available for all, full of real gold and diamonds of cognitive brilliances.

This richness of diversities of experiences, our consciousness has the potential to create for us, is true success as it keeps growing and nobody can take it away from us. Money, power, fame and consumption are not only ephemeral, temporary, corrupting and susceptible to pilferage and loot; they also do the worst harm by blocking the journey of richness of experiences. With money, power, fame and consumption; we actually stop the journeys of our potentials. We stop journeying and obsessively and singularly focus on protecting and sustaining them. We actually hoard solitary experience of consumptive luxurious joyfulness by obsessively and singularly pursuing money, power and fame and in turn, kill the prospects of true richness of acquiring different shades and hues of other Beautiful Experiences. We become slaves to the Singular Causality of only one experience of opulence. We thrive in one dimension of material abundance and earn the penury of blocking multidimensionality of vast shades of experiences; mostly intangible.

This is actually the worst poverty; as all philosophies, spiritualism and now modern science have been telling us loud and clear. Ancient Oriental philosophy has likened this ‘Ultimate Poverty’ with itch. Everyone loves scratching an itch as it gives instant orgasmic joy. However, only few seconds later this joy vanishes and leaves bloody scars, which pains for hours. This finality of ‘Itch-Joyfulness’ is what has been referred to as Ultimate Poverty, which money, power, fame and consumptive joyfulness ends up with. We all know, history tells us; almost all greats of humanity were rich in experiences and poor in material resources.

There is no problem with money, fame and power. They are also great means for some specific experiences. We cannot say, those who earn it are not good. They sure are. The trouble, however are two-fold. First, money, fame and power are hugely rare and their probability is not equitably situationed in contemporary world, as human population is many times more than what the limited resources of human world could bear. Almost 95% of resources and wealth are now in the hands of only 5% people. In such a world, a person cannot have money-fame-power and also have the leisure and mind consciousness to even think of other experiences. They take the whole life of a person and install loads of shamelessness and deceitfulness in consciousness. This kills emergence of novel and alternative experiences, other than what money-fame-power can provide. Secondly, once someone attains the money-fame-power, his or her media (consciousness) changes and becomes singularly focused and oriented to sustaining and prolonging the acquired money-fame-power. The idealism of attainment of money-fame-power as one of the many elements in holism of human experiences is rare; if not impossible in contemporary world of depraved and chaotic human society and cultures.

The very idea and reality of Experiences is very complex and therefore, it needs to be understood in its holism. We need to understand and accept this very crucial connection and relationship between experiences and our personal development-growth as mature and sincere human being. The primary acceptance is about an individual’s almost negligible situation in the expanse of colossal external milieus and complexities of infinite realities in them. We as an individual can only see, visualize and perceive a very miniscule part or dimension. Innately, our consciousness is designed to be very localized. It is the singular element of knowledge of a highly aware conscious self, which facilitates for us the expansion of our horizon of experiences of realities.

For example, most people love to travel and they make holiday trips to places. So, a person can go to London, Paris, New York, etc. He or she would stay there for a week or so, see some famous landmarks, eat local food, buy some stuff as souvenir and come back. Another person may not ever visit these places but would read books about its history, culture, polity, etc and be aware about what is happening in contemporary England, France, USA, etc. The first person shall always boast that he or she has been to these countries and know them but only the second person truly knows and understands these places, even when he or she never visited them. It is like I visit a person, sit on the lawn of his house, talk to him and come back saying, I visited his home. The lawn was only a part of his house, which had many rooms and other important things; apart from the small details his home would make me feel. I know nothing of them and still, I would say, I visited his home and know it. Most people understand and accept Reality and its knowledge, only this partial ways. They seldom accept the holism of a Reality. It happens because, our consciousness is essentially local and we only relish to be happy with ‘part’; stupidly ignoring the Holism of Reality. 

Most people however, are not inclined towards knowledge. They are happy aping the ‘partialism’ of populist societal-cultural appropriates. As we grow and evolve, we actually expand the horizon of our cognitive proficiencies. An aware, conscious and knowledgeable person shall be far better endowed to experience the richness of anything; like love or simply an ice-cream, compared to an average person with no inclination and awareness about how a singular reality can be experienced in different ways, shades and dimensions. A person can be happy buying a T-Shirt. Another person however can be equally happy; even happier, not buying the same T-Shirt as he or she would be aware that it was made of cotton, cultivated forcibly by people, who have been subjected to state oppression, discrimination and even brutality. Reality is always multidimensional. Bliss is sourced from infinite pathways.

Maturity is primarily about evolving of a person, facilitating attainment of richness of experiences. Mass majority of people only apes; they stupidly relish slavery of mind consciousness. They only experience the ‘skin’ of a Reality and remain oblivious of the versatility of multidimensional experiences of the holism of the entire ‘body’ of a Reality. This is acute poverty. Populist joyfulness and commercial utilities only accentuate this widespread poverty. This suits the corporations and politics of the day. For them, it is easy to rule and manipulate ‘slaves’, who can be easily conditioned by fudged and fake information.

All these cognitive brilliance and maturity however, is not easy. It is not an auto-learning and auto-accrual attainment. Unraveling the grammar of life and poetry of living is an evolved and internalized science and art. It follows highly aware and experiential processes of learning-unlearning. But, together, in this journey here, we shall facilitate the understanding of everything. This eBook is expressly designed for ease of understanding; in personalized way for optimum utility to you.
