Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Somehow, if honesty, humility, affection et al are not prompted and beckoned for a ‘performance’, or ‘advert’ at any time and situation of life-living, they facilitate something bizarre and unimaginably uninterpretable; deep within Consciousness. This is not usual; also, probably beyond expression through languages we speak. Generally, our entire mechanism of beingness, or what we may call as ‘awareness of self’, is action-oriented and externally expressive. It is also usually unleashed by external insinuations of milieus, meant and directed towards external attainments and consumption. This is the way and for this purpose, all brains happened and evolved; including human brain.

Since ages, some of the greats of humanity have explained the magical marvel of Language of Silence. Some like to call it the Illumination of Emptiness. Ancient Oriental spiritual philosophies have popularized many shades of non-intuitive cognitions of un-actionable and internal experiences. Shikan Tza in Japanese spiritual artfulness means ‘Just Sit’. It is accepted as practice and mesmerizing experiences of silence and emptiness. Various meditation techniques, including the now popular art of Vipasana, hovers around the same idea of just witnessing the self and causalities happening, without the inclination of action and reaction. In plain and simple terms, the artistry is to unlearn the innate and entrenched instinct of being either a protagonist or a judge and instead; simply be a detached and objective witness. This difference is cognitive and our consciousness is genius of that; if evolved and oriented this way.

Humanity has understood and also relished the Ideational Oscillations, happening and pervading all layers of Consciousness that have meaningfulness, purpose and utilities exclusively for internal beingness and its experiential layers; sans externalities of actions. They have no connect and commerce with externalities. There is a word coined by humanity for such internal and highly personal experiences, referred to as Epiphanies. This however does not fully explain the holism of the multidimensionality of experiences, we are talking about.

Very early, in human cultures, epiphanies were considered as ‘Voice of God’ or they were considered something as mystical as ‘Soul Expressions’. Dreams were also put in the same category. Modern science has now unraveled the mystery and it is now explainable as how they are manifestations of massive interactions of hugely complex neural networks of the brain states, involving billions of neurons and neuro-chemical and neuro-electrical processes. The God and its Voice has been deciphered. In fact, any individual, who masters the Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living, can orchestrate this ‘Voice of God’ and elevate itself to this state of expressions of internalized experiences. We need to understand brain mechanisms and processes; we need to understand and align to science of reality; especially the dynamics of Fields, Landscapes and Information.

It is probably like, a light and its seven shades of rainbow-colors are not explicitly available for ‘demonstrative’ expression of visualization, if there is no ‘media’, which could reflect it back to the eyes of the beholder and observer. The light then does nothing for externalities. However, they remain there, probably assimilated in what we assume as vacuum. The particles-waves of light and their probabilistic oscillations, probably communicate something deep within the expanse of vacuum. This Information remains there; embedded in the ‘nothingness’ of so-called vacuum. The illumination of shades of colorfulness is probably in some other dimension.

Science tells us, nothing is not ‘nothing’; it has oscillations. The probabilistic ‘vacuum’ of the Field of Consciousness probably needs stripping off all insinuations and exhortations of demonstrativeness and advert-insinuations in external milieus, for the communication of oscillations to script an alternative and novel Reality in neural plexuses – the billions of it. They seek an expression; a novel and silent communication, which spreads throughout the cosmos of beingness. This is the modern scientific hypothesis of Fields or Landscapes of Information creating realities. This domain of ‘Voice of God’ is now explained with objective and measurable clarity and is very much available for experiences to anyone, who shows up with the required eligibility. The epiphanies and the science behind it is also among things, we deal with, as we delve into Grammar of Live; Poetry of Living.

Humanity has talked about such experiences since thousands of years as something spiritual; especially faith-based and abstracted. Experiences as emergent expressions of oscillations in the Field of Consciousness are purely objective and scientific domain of multidimensionality of reality. We have talked about Consciousness as akin to Field or Landscape, which physical theorists speak about as part of their discourse of String Theory of Reality.

It is all about the science of Emergence and how our consciousness ‘Owns’ processes happening within our body-brain mechanisms and how some experiences escape this ‘Ownership’ regime and thus feel like something ‘mystically precarious’. Most of the emergent experiences are not ‘owned’ by consciousness as their final feel and perception is completely different from those ‘part’ information, which in togetherness and assimilation, in massive neural plexuses are engendered. This ‘escaping’ also has specific processes. This was spiritual stuff, ages back but now a purely scientific reality; explainable and probably replicable. We shall simplify this idea and talk later in details. This is core and latest wisdom of contemporary science, which forms the centrality of our talks about Grammar of Life; Poetry of Living.

This language within, this silence and illumination; this emergence of novel and alternative realities and their expressions, within the cosmos of consciousness, is probably what scientists may like to call as the ‘Mystical Marvels of Entropic Brain’, playing its best of philharmonic orchestra, beyond the grammar of syntactic symmetry. The philosophers may ascribe it as un-patterned, randomized perceptional ocean of surfing neurons. But; this ocean is huge potential. This ocean has life-living marvels in mystical variety; very much explainable now. The pop intellectuals may like to ridicule it as hallucination of a brain, ‘high’ on psychedelic substances. Average people may simply call it madness or delusional.

These varied interpretations of singular Reality hints at the fact that human perceptions are subjective and probable to different sets of cognitions – all engendered by brain states. Both intuitive as well as non-intuitive realities and their experiences are enterprises of brain states and billions of neural plexuses. It is now also very much explainable by neuroscience tools as why some experiences stand as ‘mystical’ to our cognition; qualifying to be labeled as ‘God Domain’. This god domain and its spirituality is also actually brain domain. Most people do not like to entertain this hypothesis as it is directly antithetical to the transcendental comfort zone of dominant cultural systems of beliefs and faiths. Somehow, the scientific ideas are beyond the familiarity of intuitive perceptions and seek a non-intuitive cognition. This does not come automatically. As a scientist said, ‘we get trained to see and visualize even two-dimensional things in three-dimensional reality and acceptance of dimensions beyond three does not come easy. It needs practice’.

This however is a ‘resource’; this variation in acceptance of a reality in different possible ways is true ‘endowment’. Richness of experiences and cognitive diversity is true success and wealth. However, as average humans are seldom compassionate and liberal about other ‘shades’ of perception, different from what one accepts, this resource is squandered. Average person is so bewildered by the faculties of its own consciousness and is so reluctant to know and accept new knowledge that most humans are happy victims of solipsism and anti-intellectualism. Rather, it becomes a constant point of conflicts and competitiveness. We all know, how in contemporary human societies, across the globe, liberal idealisms of attitudes and orientations are waning fast and how average person is becoming obsessively dogmatic about personal beliefs and faiths. Sadly enough, in most parts of the globe, there is a regressive movement back to medieval thinking and orientations. Grammar of Life; Poetry of Living requires the primary eligibility of acceptance. This is a waning resource.

Historical Reality remains explicitly scripted in off white pages of Time that uncountable humans, almost in all ages, all cultures and in all shades of consciousnesses, till date, have understood and accepted it as the most precious and sought after experiences of life-living. Humanity has benefitted the most from this ‘madness’. The human media of Consciousness of average person probably is too insignificantly trained to see and accept that this ‘Diversity’ of brain and cognitive multidimensionality is what Evolution is madly in love with. You just need to look around and it is self-evident. The earth and the universe are expressions of this ‘entropic marvel’ of media of consciousness, busy with Information of infinite probabilities and propensities muffling all observances.

Someone said, how boring and burdened life-living would be if Reality and its experiences were singular and static. No doubt, it is a huge resource that reality cannot be singular as there are different ‘media’ of not only different men and women but also millions of other living organisms, which extend myriad shades to the multidimensionality of reality. Science of evolution tells us that even human genetic pool has clear imprint of our evolutionary journey from oceanic creatures to mammals, primates and now humanoids. This suggests; our human consciousness is also not a singular media but a cooperative of time-synced plurality of different medias; all imprinted in the information processing of our brain. This human brain is also not a single organ but a cooperative of different brain parts, evolved and integrated in different timelines, in the long and tumultuous human evolution of 4 million years.

This Multidimensionality of Reality and its perceptional shades of infinite hues and aromas are true resource and endowment for life-living. They are the source ‘ingredients’ of the flavor and tastefulness of poetry of living. It is tragic that this resource has turned out to be the singular culprit of most troubles of humanity. The trouble however, is not with ‘Resource’. It is with human mind and human consciousness-cognition, which fails to see, understand and accept a true resource and squanders it. That’s why the human world is today what it is! This culturally induced and propagated single-dimensional pursuit of ‘success’, only in terms of tangibility and consumptive wellness is actually killer of the true and real Resource of humanity. Scientific investigation hypothesizes – Successful people kill Reality; evolution designed it this way!

In life-living, the most brilliantly magical thing, which can happen to anyone, is probably this ‘State of Consciousness’. It is so hugely satisfying and propitiating; yet, very tough to communicate and explain. But, I must say with honesty and humility of ‘undemonstrative’ intent that the availability of this state of consciousness, this precious cognition and this possession of awareness about causalities, which bring about all these; have been elaborated in different possible ways, both by ancient spiritualism-philosophy as well as modern science. Explaining and expressing something, as intangible and mystically emergent yet ephemeral idea, as mentioned above, is very tough but possible.

With all humility and also unblemished objectivity, I wish to say, without ever meaning to cast any aspersion on others, that I have never ever tasted alcohol in any form and any psychedelic substance in my life. Therefore, what we are talking about may look and sound mystical and therefore susceptible to being labeled as ‘hallucination’, induced by a ‘troubled’ brain or otherwise but it is not philosophy. It is pure science and very much verifiable, even measurable now, with latest technological advancements in neuroscience et al. We shall always talk science; nothing else. That is why we insisted early in this eBook that there is no purpose of this eBook; rather it shall only journey through the actuality and veracity of different dimensions of purposes – perceived as well as actual.
