Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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We shall now talk about some practical examples, which may help us conceptualize what essentially we mean by richness of experiences as true treasures of life. Essentially, we are talking about intangibilities of life-living experiences. We can very easily understand and accept that even material and tangible possessions and consumptions stand as ‘utility’ for us when we experience it. The billion dollars in your bank account is only a medium. It does not have anything specific in itself but at the same time, it has many shades of probable experiences, it can extend to different individuals. The ‘Media’ is objective; the ‘Message’ it has is however subjective to different individualities. That is why many people say, money has different colors; depending on which color your Consciousness aligns with. For many, these billion dollars may mean joyfulness of the maneuverability to spend on choicest consumptions. For others this may mean security. In many people, it may unleash the feelings of power and pride for demonstrativeness and adverts. Still, many may feel it as a burden as they may feel insecure about whether it shall stay with them or be taken away by tax authorities, relatives, frauds, et al. A lot many people would accept this big money as platform to make more money and they shall feel a precarious mix of sentiments, depending on how they see the future unraveling for the journey of their money. A few however may feel humbled and would think of the satisfaction of helping some needy. The journey of the individualities in acceptances of the cognitive shades of the same ‘media’ of money is diverse. The singular reality however, is that the money is just the ‘medium’ and what ultimately shapes up its finality of utility is the ‘experience’, which an individual consciousness assigns it and aligns it with.

As we have talked earlier, every reality boils down to the media of Consciousness. Different individuals, having different shades of Consciousnesses, shall have different and varied experiences out of a singular reality. It shall depend upon the Field or Landscape of the Consciousness as to how it processes and aligns incoming stimuli of Information to assign it different experiences. As we talked earlier, the Grammar of Life is to understand and accept this Reality of Consciousness as Field, Landscape and Information by acquiring holistic knowledge of the modern contemporary science of Reality. The Poetry of Life is to understand and accept that true richness, wealth, empowerment and success is in having a Consciousness, which can optimize myriad shades and flavors of ‘Experiences’ and cognitive marvels. The poetry happens as Emergence, as we have persevered practice of aligning our Consciousness to as many probabilities as possible. The billion dollars is not important. Even if it is just a few dollars, it must make you experience all shades of Experiences, associated with money-reality; as we have detailed above. You need be rich in experiences. Richness of ‘Media of Money’ is not that much important; though it is a good means.

Before we talk about practical aspects of what richness truly means and how it can be acquired to have Poetry of Living; there is a crucial aspect of understanding that Experiences, like Consciousness are also emergent and evolving reality. Consciousness evolves and emerges to novel cognitions as we practice the art of being open, compassionate and accommodative to all shades of probabilities. Experiences also evolve and emerge with time and space as we keep practicing the art of experiencing; living them out, with liberal and holistic acceptance of all realities as Information; leading to different probabilities of experiences. Richness seldom comes automatic and overnight. It grows and evolves gradually. Richness evolves as we keep ‘investing’ and persevere with enterprise of good management. This aspect shall also become clear when we detail the practicalities of richness of experiences below –

Example 1

There is a very famous incident about some great classical musicians of India, sitting together and talking music, in informal and personal gathering. They sang together and also discussed aspects of music. Later, the talks were veered around the ‘swara’ (notes) and how different ones in the spectrum of seven notes called saptak (Octave) could be applied and sung with novelty and experimentations. Every musician was sharing how he thought and felt about the renditions and applications of different swaras. Among them was a great musician, who was known for his masterly grip on grammar of musicality. He said; you can have the best and ideal rendition of a swara only when you have successfully readied the Zameen (soil) of the swara. This means; one has to cultivate, nurture and decorate the grassroots or landscape, which is catalytic and appropriate for the emergence and rendition of the best possible sound of the swara. Everyone present there were great musicians and they all agreed.

For a layman, or a stupid like me; it is almost impossible to understand what all this means and how to experience this idea and idealism about musicality. Many may feel, as we talked earlier; it is just an abstracted and vague description of something in the process of singing. Many may also say; it is not even real and only an expression of some psychedelic insinuations. Why? It is because we all know how a farmer readies and nurtures the soil of his farm to successfully cultivate a specific crop. We know and accept; different crops require different soil preparations as every type of soil is not innately suitable for different crop. However, we cannot visualize what one can accept as ‘Soil’ in dictionary of musicality and how this so-called soil can be readied differently for different swaras, which is essentially a sound; an acoustic entity. But, all great musicians had agreed in the above-mentioned gathering and even modern classical musicians of India accept this process as idealism of classical music and singing.

This idea and idealism is the domain of emergence and this happens to those, who have earned and learned the discipline of grammar of music and have practiced the art for decades. This happens as most great musicians are able to make the emergence happen in their musicality. Music involves many ‘ingredients’, apart from the notes, patterns and renditions. Music assimilates and integrates emotions, visualizations, architecture of acoustics, sculpting of personification of notes, etc. Many classical musicians admit that when they sing, they close their eyes and they can see a musical note (swara) standing as a person in front of them. They then visualize its persona and try to paint and sculpt its imagery with the help of singing. The same visualization is done for ragas (rendition of some patterned notes in specific beat symmetry), which is also equated with a person in specific mood and appearance. This again may sound like mystical and magical. This however is the domain of neural networks of brain states and all these happen in the well-defined and measurable processes of emergence. Music is singular and notes are all objective. However, different musicians experience them differently as musical processes create novel and alternative experiences to them. These experiences are subjective and personal. They cannot be transferred to others. However, those avid and learned listeners in audiences, who have experienced music in different dimensions, do align with what the musician is experiencing. Modern science has confirmed that musicality activates the same brain plexuses in listeners, as in the brain states of the singer itself. The emergence creates brilliance and diversities of experiences.

It has to be understood and accepted that musicality presents the optimal probability of emergence to take shape as it has all the ‘ingredients’ and processes, which is ideal for emergence to happen. In western classical music, it happens in philharmonic orchestra, where hundreds of musicians and musical instruments participate to create a landscape or field of sounds and rhythms. There is this very crucial element of harmony and rhythm, which is core requirement for emergence to happen. There are many other elements; as we have listed above; but as they get assimilated and integrated in rhythmic and harmonious patterns and processes, it facilitates emergence as the participating elements do not ‘cancel out’ each other; rather they all are woven into a singularity in repeated looped interactions. They create a novel Field.

What makes emergence happen in musicality can be replicated in all other domains of life-living but it is difficult. Emergence must happen in relationship. Emergence must define and shape up love and intimacy. Emergence needs to be the sole guiding principle of all interactions, sharing and collectivity. You can easily understand why it does not happen there. The primary reason is the lack of awareness about the ‘ingredients and processes’ and lack of optimal practice to ensure that all participative elements and dimensions are in harmonious-rhythmic loop and do not cancel out each other. This very rarely happens in other domains of life-living as we are never harmonious and never ever leave any chance to ‘cancel out’ others.


Example 2

There is a story about a deer and a man. There was an old man, who lived alone in deep woods. He was a happy man, as he believed in simplicity and practiced compassion. One day, he thought, even after doing all his routine things, he still had some time left. If there could be another soul around, they could talk and have good time together. Next day, he went to collect some dry firewood, away from his hut and he saw a small fawn of a deer, whose mother was just killed by a hungry lion. He took the deer calf back home and raised it. He was happy in the company of the baby deer and the deer always stayed around him.

The man used to do meditation and offer prayers. The baby deer watched him and as it grew up, it too began to sit close to the man on his hind legs and join the front legs as hands in prayer mode. The deer would close eyes like the man and sit silently in erect position as the man would do his daily meditation. Once, a young man, who lived in nearby village, passed by and saw the deer doing all these. He informed the villagers, who came to watch it. Soon, this old man was famous as villagers believed this man was a noble soul and an apostle of God. People came to the old man, offered gifts and worshipped him. The old man refused any gift and only smiled. A few months later, the old man died. The same young man, who had informed the villagers about this ‘miracle man’, sensed an opportunity and thought; if the deer could do the same ‘tricks’ sitting with him, he would convince the villagers that the old man’s soul had entered his body and he would be rich getting gifts from villagers and also be worshipped. He tried to befriend the deer. He offered green grasses and fetched him sweets. The deer did not even move as he was very distressed after the death of the old man. The young man tried all tricks and even beat the deer but the deer didn't budge and died a few days later, as it had refused to eat and drink.

The story explains everything. There was a relationship between two living entities and there was a process of the relationship in looped assimilation and integration. The experiences between the two were evolved and engineered as there were some harmonious elements of ‘connect’ and ‘context’ between them. The expressions, which this marvelous relationship created and manifested in behavior-action, were emergence of the uniqueness and exclusivity of processes of mutuality and togetherness between two lives. Two equitably poised Fields of Consciousnesses, with symmetrical attributes and properties, merge and make emergence of a third dimension possible. This process could not be copied, transferred and implanted, as they were between two Fields, Landscapes or Information; in specific bondage and assimilation.

This ‘magic’ happens between many relationships. The simple idea is the brilliance of experiences, which can happen between relationships. They however depend on how relationships progress with innocence, simplicity and compassion. It also depends on how participants in a relationship get invested in a relationship with what ‘ingredients’ or elements. All living beings, especially humans are powerful Fields and Landscapes of Information. The fields work together to create emergence of novel and alternative experiences. As we have mentioned earlier; emergence is a process and follows a disciplined regime. The story shows this all.


Example 3

There is this very beautiful and brilliantly prospective idea of divinity, which many empowered men and women have experienced in multidimensionality of experiences. They are all documented in annals of history. God and divine elements of ‘Reality’ is popularly accepted as an entity situated in some ‘externality’. Naturally, most people associate and align with God and divinity through pomp and show of ritualism which, more than often, is action-platform, with no or little affinity and connect with internal and personal landscape of consciousness.

The aware, evolved and empowered men and women accept and align with God and divinity only as Field or Landscape of Information. They understand and accept that God and divinity is expression of processes within layers of consciousness and has nothing to do with externalities. They experience God and elements of divinity, not through any ritual but through a very personalized and subjective causality of connect. They realize that the idea and idealism of God is a manifestation and expression of processes, within brain states and amenable for actualization within the ‘media’ of Consciousness. Very naturally; they experience divinity in an informal, personal and emotional ways; detached from the actionable regime of ritualism. God and divinity is only experience-field; not action-reaction theatre; very much like love and compassion. Like love; true and real men and women ‘experience’ divinity and never fall in trap of demonstrative and advertorial pageantry.

There is a very powerful symbolism or metaphor of what the true and real experience-landscape of God and divinity can be and should be. This symbol has nothing to do with whether God exists or not. It has nothing to do with the primeval debate of theism and atheism. It is very much like; love is always there within the layers of consciousness, as part of the processes of body-brain plexuses. Love does not need a ‘Body’ to happen. In fact; bodies or personality happens, as media for expression of love and intimacy. Divinity is also there in the consciousness. It does not need a God in some shape and form.

That is why there is this symbol of God and divinity as ‘Integrity’ and not as ‘Belief-Faith’. There is this perception in religious registry that a religious person must have Faith in God’s existence and omnipotence as well as firm Uprightness in the righteousness associated with God. Many evolved and empowered men and women since ages have never felt the need to have faith and belief in God and divinity. True and evolved men and women accept that there is always ‘insufficient’ data to install the conviction of existence of God. It did not anyway either helped them or deterred them from the experiences of Godliness and divinity as they aligned and assimilated themselves with the spectrum of ‘Integrity and Innocence’, which is associated with the idea and idealism of divinity. They practiced the artistry and absorbed the musicality of divinity and lived out all those ideals, which are necessary to keep their consciousnesses connected and aligned with the holism of cosmic reality.

Godliness is essentially the registry of this holism of reality and living it out to experience the multidimensionality of reality. They therefore, were able to detach themselves from the slavery of rituals and externalities. They Experienced God; never ever Accepting the slavery of stupidities-hypocrisies of divinity-regime. Most people do not have this artistry and registry of reality and that is why they remain hooked to ritualism and external ‘adverts’ of reality of divinity. The same happens with love. Same also happens with almost all goodness and idealisms of human life-living. As most humans never ever understand and accept the mechanism and processes of reality and Consciousness; they simply are ignorant of the grammar of life. For them, most realities are ‘adverts’ and demonstrativeness for externalities; never the integrity of inner internalization. The poetry of living cannot happen to them. They have singular experience of ‘ritualistic externalities’ and they happily label all other novel and alternative experiences as madness and psychedelic eventualities. That is why the contemporary human world is what it is – the graveyard of dead consciousnesses. It has always been like that; only varying in degrees of intensity and expanse.


Example 4

When we talk of multidimensionality of experiences and their richness creating true and actual wellness of life-living; we probably cannot ignore the mention of Dreams. Most people are fascinated and even in awe of the realities of dreams. As science has not yet fully deciphered the objective causalities of dreams; it continues to be a favorite topic of discussion among men and women. Most however, are inclined to assign some element of mysticism and even spiritualism into the reality of dreams. If we look at dreams from scientific perspectives and accept the knowledge about dreams, which contemporary science has been able to hypothesize, we can have a brilliant take away from the reality of dreams.

It is now scientifically established fact that dreams are realities of the mechanisms and processes of brains. Dreams happen to animals too. This itself suggest that it has got to do with our brain states processing Information and creating some emergent shades of realities, which our conscious self does not always understand, relate to and ‘own’. Science tells us; dreams need be accepted as a marvel of our massively complex brains and its information processing. In greater probability; dreams are manifestations of the ‘internalization’ processes of all external information, which brains receives as stimuli and relates them with inventory of experiences and memories already stored in brain plexuses.

This hypothesis about dreams probably hints at the fact that dreams are the ‘landscape’ of probabilistic novel-alternative experiences, which the subconscious brain states conjure up. That is probably why; in most of our dreams, the characters and situations have familiarity with our past memories and experiences but dreams sequences them or plays them out in a way, which feels precarious, unexplainable, bizarre and even intimidating. Why? Probably because of this very fact that what we see being ‘played out’ in dreams as some reality, is so novel, so out of usual and so beyond our conscious possibilities that we either feel disoriented or fearful. However, if you sit back; rearrange the dream sequencing of situations and behavior of characters in it; you can surely admit that all these aspects are essentially ‘novelties’ of expressions and experiences of entrenched and actual realities, which you have already either lived out or are familiar with.

For example, most people see their dead relatives come alive in their dreams and trying to say something to them. In many cases, the dead coming alive in dreams, say or do something, which you either fail to decipher or find unusual. In actual world reality; we know the dead do not come back alive. However, if you look deep into the situation; you may accept that our dear dead relatives coming back to life and being with us is not some information, which our brain states do not have. This is the core desire and intense feeling of we all. The difference is that some information are there in brain states as experiences of actuality and some information are there as desires, we wish them to be true and actual. But, they are information and the brain states have them stored in some plexus of trillions of cells. We can alternatively say, if we have memories of some experiences, which are rewarding and feel-happy ones; they somehow automatically transform or are expressed in the form of wishes and desires. It is probably about Information in brain states emerging with different shades. They are ‘entangled’ realities.

Therefore, essentially, if we could accept this as some reasonably valid hypothesis; the dreams in a way tells us about the magic and marvel of how subconsciously, mixing of experiences in alternative ways make possible the emergence of something, which itself is a novel experience. Therefore, if we consciously arrange our situations and characters of self and others in alternative ways, we can engender novel experiences. What our brain states do in subconscious states, we can do better in our conscious mind states. This is a big learning from dreams. It is like; if the brains could subconsciously cook a recipe, using ingredients from its inventory, in some bizarre way, in dream domain; we can consciously use the same ingredients and cook something novel in a marvelous way!

For example, we can sit down in peace and poise and consciously imagine what our dear dead relatives would say to us or do with us if they were alive. If we live out the same experiences, in a consciously designed way, what we see in dreams subconsciously, we can have a novel field and landscape of experiences. Many evolved and empowered people do it. In any moment of life-living, when they confront a conflict situation or some precariousness; they sit down in calmness and solitude and imagine, what their close and dear one, who is no more, would expect and suggest to them. They always keep the memory and experiences of their dear dead relatives and use them to present a landscape of novel and alternative perspectives to realities. This is huge wellness platform. As we have been discussing all along, a person and his or her consciousness is a Field. The field has properties and attributes. The body of the person extends only the morphology of identity. The body goes away and the person is still identifiable by the properties and attributes of his or her field of consciousness. The fields have brilliant assimilations and integration and this is the only true and real basis of relationship between two people. The body is mortal; the field always remains as it is Information. Information is immortal; like energy.


Example 5

We cannot exclude the deliberation of relationship and intimacy, when we talk of the human experiences and their infinite landscape. Let us not use the term ‘Love’, which is too specific, and instead use the generic reality of relationship. As we have discussed earlier about the hypothesis of Intentionality and that too at cellular levels; we need to unravel the core reality of relationships by attempting to decipher the Cellular Intentionality of relationships and intimacy. We have already hypothesized that all human behaviors and propensities are expressions of innate and instinctive drives and drives in turn are manifestations of cellular level intentionality. It seems; the intentionality of relationships is nothing else but emergence of novel and alternative experiences. We have discussed how an individual is innately in happy state but with limited experiences and therefore not in optimal state of readiness for best of survival chances. The cellular intentionality of relationships is therefore embedded and wired in neural and hormonal landscape of experiences of feeling rewarded and nurtured. Relationships create a Field of more and better information for an individual and enhance the spectrum of experiences; which in turn optimizes its survival chances. That is why; every moving organism shall require a brain in some form or other and all brains shall be innately oriented to find utility and worth in relationships. This intentionality is cellular. Trees do not need a brain and therefore do not need relationship and intimacy, as they do not need to move. Some humans are also very much like trees; this is altogether a different domain of reality! Innately, therefore, average individual feels automatically aligned to happiness and sense of nurturing bonding in relationships. The trouble however is that contemporary humans have made a mess of the very core reality of this cellular intentionality of ‘emergence of experiences’, in most relationships. The innate and evolving harmony and rhythm are missing in relationships and therefore, there is no emergence of varieties of experiences. Instead, there is cacophony in relationships, creating a singular experience of competitiveness. We have essentially knocked off the very premise of intentionality of relationships. We do not wish to ‘grow in relationships’, energized by the fuel of novel and alternative experiences and instead; wish to bulldoze others’ experiences and install-pervade our own experience on them. There are so many reasons for modern relationships becoming a drag and stand vitiated but the core issue is we have ignored and killed the cellular intentionality of relationships and they are therefore not engendering emergence of happy and nurturing experiences.

If we analyze the contemporary reality of relationships and intimacies; we can see and visualize why emergence of novel experiences is not happening in relationships in modern times. The primary aspect is growing decimation of innocence and simplicity of individuality. Most people are not honest in relationships; in the sense that they do not present their true and natural self in relationships. In fact; in most cases, the ‘needs-desires/attitudes-orientations’ of participating individuals align and share but very rarely the unpretentious and natural consciousnesses meet and talk. There are very little heart-to-heart talks and sharing of true feelings. We have been insisting that consciousness is a Field or Landscape of Information. The field must never be corrupted with complications of self-denying elements and attributes. Relationships grow and blossom into a larger and collective Field of novel experiences only when participating individuals are simple, sincere and innocently amicable. If not, there cannot be assimilation, integration and evolution of different fields. And; if this does not happen; emergence cannot happen. It is probably the reason why most people feel suffocated in relationships and even when they are in loads of relationships, they feel lonely and segregated.

It needs to be mentioned here that in contemporary times, majority of people have lost the artistry of the communication and expressions. Globally, experts feel, the qualitative aspects of language is declining. Majority of men and women are unable to express their feelings and experiences with clarity and intent. Over use of slangs, hybrid language of digitized media like generic emoji et al and borrowed media like popular songs, pictures and online meems, etc have killed the fragrance of personalized and intimate communication. All these kill the innate processes of emergence in relationships and therefore; there is stink of blocked flow of ideas and cacophony of feelings. Relationships therefore, are more pain than bliss.


Example 6

The best examples of novel and alternative experiences probably come from the brain facility of conscious assignment of utility and worth, different from what instincts and innate nature of subconscious mind states propose. The consciousness is essentially a Field or Landscape of Information. The brain processes information from external milieus and decides the feelings and actionable motor activities as per the already stored memories of Information. If we consciously alter the Information, the feel and experience of the field of consciousness change. This, the poets, writers, artists do successfully and also express them in novel ways.

The best example of this process is how pain and fear is managed and their feel is altered successfully by many, who are evolved and empowered enough to have higher consciousness. Most humans react to pains and fears instinctively and seldom care to sit in poised and aware state to look deep into the dynamics of the mechanism of pains and fears. It is a reality that most people do not actually react to actual pains but the fear or past experiences of the pain’s sufferings. That is why Dalai Lama said, ‘Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional’. Similarly, fear is not as bad as the fear of fear. Most people react to the prospect of fear, much before actual onset of fear.

The Tibetan monks and many other people with higher awareness and poise of consciousness, manage not pain and fear but the experiences of pain and fear. Pain and fear are also Information and the same information is processed by different brains differently. It is because different brains have different past experiences with pains and fears. Therefore, all Information – be it pain or pleasure; they are what they are depending on how an individual’s memories of past handling of the same information is stored in brain states. That is why a person can consciously alter the memories of the past experiences by thoughtfully assigning new experiences. One has to be conscious and aware when a pain situation happens. One has to consciously talk to itself that it shall not react subconsciously and instead; watch the pain process as witness. The meditation process facilitates this. When you become witness and not the media of the information, you can be better judge of the outcomes of the information. Vipasana technique also makes people be witness and watch all causalities, as it happens to the body and brain. Human brain has this magical facility of witnessing its own self. The brain watches its own plexuses and can mediate in its processes. The top brain layers of cortex part, having more cognitive faculties do it. This creates the magical facility of higher consciousness, which can be trained to stand as ‘witness’ and watch the pain or fear information get processed in brain states. It is possible.

For example, you land in a situation, which triggers anger in you. If you are aware and have enough practice of being ‘witness’ to your own brain processes, you shall be able to talk to you. You shall say, ‘Oh! Anger is building up inside me and I am getting drawn to its inevitability. What should I do? Should I simply move away or ignore.’ If you keep practicing the art of shifting to ‘witness’ mode of higher consciousness in all situations of life-living, you shall even begin to enjoy the process of being a detached and objective witness, watching your own being. Late