Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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What I wish to bring to deliberation here is something very core and critical about life-living, which has been facilitated by contemporary scientific knowledge of human brain and how it engenders, what we popularly call The Mind. I wish to talk about two aspects of our life-living Reality and later, we shall detail about different dimensions of the two aspects to understand, what helps us optimize the potential of all attainments in life-living. The two aspects are –

  1. There is a ‘Mind’, which we can refer to as ‘Summation’ of culturally appropriate and Milieu-Specific normality. This Mind accepts ‘Normal’, good and right, success and failures in terms of the cultural-milieu benchmarks and guides our life-living to pursue this all. This Mind, we can term as ‘Social Mind’, conforming to ‘External’ benchmarks of Appropriates and Righteousness. This mind consciousness is very much like majority of higher animals have. This mind consciousness, which facilitates social assimilation and integration with collective consciousness of cultures, is important for survival optimization. Most animals survive this way as they live as groups and behave collectively. As we have familiarized ourselves with the core concept of Information; we can understand that since childhood, a growing child automatically, unconsciously and subconsciously receives and ingrains all such Information, which are ambient, dominant and popularly accepted by majority in ambient-localized milieus of family, society, culture, polity, faith structures, etc. This collective plexus of early and primary Information forms the domain of what we are calling as Social Mind. The social mind is formed in all complex organisms and remains embedded in mind consciousness till death. This social mind is the soil of all identities and belief system a person has. For humanity, this is a sword-situation. The culturally or milieu-led Information, forming the social mind, are essential for survival optimization of all organisms, including humans. Cultures do still facilitate survival but have become so complex and corrupted that they create threats to survival sanity in many ways. Moreover, most cultures have their hypocrisies and inherent conflicts, which a person learns in auto-mode and also becomes conflicted and hypocritical. The original design of evolution for survival is not valid in 21st century humanity. The very idea of survival intelligence has undergone massive changes. Humanity still does not recognize this and remains conflicted and hypocritical.
  2. As both science and ancient spiritualism maintain, a thesis creates its automatic antithesis and therefore, the above-stated Social Mind automatically creates its ‘opposite’ and alternative Mind. Science says; if there is matter, there automatically happens anti-matter; if electron happens, positron has to happen. Spiritualism says, in the very existence of Joy is embedded and entrenched the seeds of Sorrows and the vice-versa. One thought or idea automatically crates its negation in the same mind consciousness. It is like, a coin cannot come with one side only. It has to have two-sides and both sides happen in some probability, which is ‘entangled’ as they are part of the same Field of Information. Human cognition has been designed to operate this way; very much akin to the binary system of computers. It is a lock and key function. Information gets processed in brain states mostly like that. It is the innateness of nature’s working modality, which works out our cognition. In contemporary milieus of chaos, complexity, conflicts and confusion; the probability of wrong and un-favorability may have larger chances of happening, for average person, who may not be ‘favorably’ aligned with available ‘bounties’ of society-culture, largely usurped by a handful powerful lots. Therefore, the ‘Social Mind’ automatically creates its opposite and alternative Mind, which we can term as ‘Cosmic Mind’. This cosmic mind is far more probabilistic compared to social mind as it stands in opposition and alternative positioning to the social mind. Naturally, as cosmic mind may not adhere to ‘social-cultural’ normal and appropriate; it stands to journey deeper landscapes of life-living probabilities. This mind stands detached and probably also in opposition to most cultural and milieu-specific benchmarks of appropriates and righteousness. This cosmic mind is brilliantly probabilistic, as is Reality and Universe. If we look at ancient philosophies; we can find the twin streams of mutually exclusive philosophies; advocating opposite ideas and practices. The design of mind creates this innate dualism and is expressed in cognition of not only humans but most of the higher animals. That is why in most cultures, this mind consciousness is feared and discouraged by societies and politics. Society-culture-politics-economics need ‘conformist’ social mind. Most humans consider this cosmic mind as a big waste as it is indecisive and non-conformist. This mind consciousness is not good for populist ‘successes’ and that is why it is never welcomed. However, this cosmic mind, like social mind is not common and equal in all humans. This happens because of make-up in brain states as well as upbringing and milieu specific inputs. Most humans are happy slaves of culturally defined ‘normal’ and can’t even think of an alternative way or probability. Most also do not have the mental-material wherewithal and personal courage to resist the social-cultural normal. The brute and authoritarian powers of state and society seldom allow much liberty to individualistic options.

It is now a scientifically proven fact that even as all of us have both aspects or types of Mind, which our commonly designed brain states engender, every person differs in how their brain expresses itself, in interaction with external as well as internal milieus. Science says; no two brains are alike. This probably nature designed and evolution favored to optimize survival and natural selection benefits. This means, different people can have different combinations of the two types of Minds and naturally their expressions vary. Science says, there are seven shades of consciousness and correspondingly, there are 16 sub-types of Minds. All these mind types shall have different potency and efficacy; depending on upbringing, nurturance and ambient cultural milieus. As we talked earlier, all human minds are only potentials. How much each human mind optimizes its potentials depend on loads of elements and factors pertaining to brain structures, upbringing, cultures, learning, peers, liberal attitudes of state-society, etc. It is however, very clear that every human being must have highly evolved and optimized mind consciousness of both types – Social as well as Cosmic.

This optimization alone can lead a person to the high idealism of Holism. This holism is what is popularly known as Higher Consciousness. It is an ever evolving field or landscape of brain processing, which is actually the synthesis-stage emergence of the thesis-antithesis consciousnesses, as mentioned above. Higher Consciousness is emergent and evolved mind state, which is engendered as dialectical process of interactions between social and cosmic minds. This dialectical process is life-long cyclicality, which is the energy behind true growth and evolution of a child from a potential human being to an actual human being. The skepticism and inquisitiveness about reality; as it unravels itself to a person; is innate and engrained in the very information processing of a healthy child. Not only human brain, rather all brains of higher organisms have been designed and evolved to process information from external milieus with innate and embedded skepticism. This only survives and makes an organism excel in its ambient milieus and life-living. Tragically enough; most children are raised and nurtured by families and societies in the wrong way; emaciating and finally killing their natural inquisitiveness for varied information and thus making them slaves of cultures and polity. Those fortunate and rightly nurtured kids grow in a milieu of family, where inquisitiveness is encouraged and a child is free to accept and imbibe novelty and alternative views, ideas and ways. Their mind consciousnesses have the dialectical mechanism well galvanized and they truly evolve to have evolved higher consciousness; shunning the slavery of milieus and cultures. These handfuls are true humans.

This higher Consciousness alone makes us rise above animals we are born as. It is tragic that majority of 98 percent humans remain at the crow-level consciousness and never ever qualify to be a human, till their deaths. It is pathetic and truly inhuman, the ways in which mass majority of kids are raised, nurtured and made to deal with knowledge. The contemporary human world and its systems are killers of sanity and they have their worst impact on the kids. Their true potentials are killed shamelessly and they are all very happily made to become slaves. It takes loads of knowledge and persevered practice to master the Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living. We shall try to make this as simple as possible, even while adhering to contemporary wisdom of pure and objective science.

Given this background and understanding of science, as well as spiritualism; we shall talk about some related aspects of brain, mind, consciousness, cognition and ultimately the Reality. The singular purpose of deliberation shall be to arrive at a very beautiful and fruitful ‘model’ of life-living, which we can say is a proven and indisputable for optimization of potentials mind consciousness and hence wellness and success of our life-living. Here we go…



In the last 100 years, human knowledge has acquired the criticality, which is potent enough to either completely destroy the world or make it what human potential always desired it to be – The Heaven. In the third decade of 21st century; humanity has understood Reality and its processes as never before. It has suitably designed such tools, which together put human species in an unprecedentedly precarious situation. The simple and straightforward statement of the contemporary situation is this –

If I don’t accept the current knowledge and reality; I am not even human but a savage animal, like 98 percent of human population. If I accept but still cannot master the knowledge with precision and required intelligence; I am doomed; like majority of humanity, as wrong and inappropriate knowledge kills reality, self and others. Half-baked reality holders are worst enemies and predators of humanity. There are more predators now than prey. If I accept, understand and successfully practice the grammar of life; I simply cannot live and survive in this contemporary human world and its ways, with sanity and poise. No doubt, I shall feel sorry for the 98 percent but shall feel suffocated living with them and in their world. I shall have to create a small space of my own sanity and reality; away from the madness of mass majority. My compassion and grief for mass majority of people shall always lead me to goodness for them but even this cannot create any semblance of livable compatibility with them. I have to quit! I have to move away! Many are already doing it; without adverts and demonstrativeness.

Besides this acceptance; there has to be this bare basic humility, which must precede the journey of understanding the Grammar of Life. This humility is innocent, compassionate, sincere and wholehearted acceptance of –

  1. I am only one of the millions of species of animals in this unfathomably colossal universe. I am born animal, like these billions, but with potential to be a true human; like the handfuls of this species, as I have the favorability of a complex brain, which lends me a Consciousness that is a marvelous Media. This media has the embedded potential to unravel and decipher reality; in its holism but it has its entrenched weaknesses and troubles. Growth, maturity, success and attainments of true bliss are in life-long process of unlearning these weaknesses and learning new information to strengthen its potentials.
  2. Only objective, rational knowledge can qualify me to become human. This acquisition of knowledge is no auto process but accrues only through personal and conscious enterprise; with loads of skepticism and resolved will to unlearn. Knowledge is an infinite domain. The ‘Reality’, I am faced with, has evolved in 14 billion years and I have only 70-80 years to learn about it. This time-span and its potential shall also depend on how I proceed with acquisition of true and right knowledge, early in my adulthood.
  3. The contemporary human cultures, life-living benchmarks, human systems of life-management and societal order, the laws and rules governing human behaviors and actions are all obsolete, hypocritical and domains of depraved stupidities. It is so because, they are product of half-baked truths of Reality, which humanity ‘believed’ and ‘imagined’ centuries and millenniums back. Human ingenuity with stupidity and hypocrisies added more depravity and degeneration to it. Contemporary knowledge of ‘Reality’ in 21st century, as of now, renders most of them as ‘Garbage’. That is why globally, humanity and its life-living are in perfect mess. Those handfuls, who understand and accept ‘New Reality’ have already dumped them and are living in growing isolation of the old world stupidities-hypocrisies. In contemporary human world; those structures, which are meant to administer order, system, sanity and excellence are in actuality the primary protagonists of all ills and depravity; simply doing the reverse of what they were meant to be. We all live in a fake world of ‘advertised’ wellness, which is so brilliantly garbed that it beautifully hides the ghastly and devilish intent of people and systems. These farcical and deep-down depraved cultures are leading humanity to definitive annihilation and extinction. There is growing acceptance of unease and debilitation among so many people, all over the world. However, most are not able to understand what’s wrong with them or the world they live in.
  4. Lasting Sanity in human world is Impossibility. It is because of the design of human consciousness and its innate alignments with ambient milieus. Human brain has evolved in bizarre ways over billions of years and its potentials and limitations are unique. Moreover, the Reality a human brain faces and processes, is immense and hugely complex. In summation and totality; this creates a Consciousness, which is massively flawed, restrictive and mesmerizingly entropic. As 98 percent humans cannot strive and sustain the amount of enterprise and perseverance to unlearn and improve the flaws and tendencies towards dysfunctions; Sanity of Humanity, at all points of time and space, has been and shall always remain Impossibility.
  5. The good thing about the knowledge of Reality – The Grammar of Life is that it can very easily be mastered and personal sanity, poise, peace and bliss can very easily be attained and preserved if we are willing to accept a simple proposition. It is – What I Know, May Not Be True and Right. This humility and ensued innocence paves the pathways to optimization of potentials a human is born with. Self-Denial, Self-Deception, Self-Pride and Self-Omnipotence kills potential and possibility to be human. The contemporary milieus of cut-throat competitiveness, massive inequality of opportunities and resources, growing fakeness in milieus, et al are only accentuating these attitudes. They kill Reality. They only bring ‘Successes’. Successful people kill Reality. Unreality can bring instantaneous joys of socially and culturally appropriate successes, but is a definitive killer of lasting sanity, wellness and bliss. It corrodes consciousness.
  6. There is a rather noxious dimension of human consciousness, which epitomizes its hugely entropic propensities and stands as the major assassin of sanity and system in human societies and cultures. This is popularly known as Attitude. The term is very mysterious and misleading as it signifies something, which is not a tangible reality but an intangible probability, finding expressions and manifestations in myriads of ways in human actions and behaviors. We need to understand this reality of Attitude, in its entirety and holism. In scientific parlance, idea of Entropy is very significant but it is very complex. Most people do not have any idea about the reality of the dynamics of Entropy. We however can best understand Attitude through Entropy. In simple, layman’s perspective, whatever part of energy remains unused in a system is referred to as Entropy. It is said to be a measure of probabilities of disorder and disharmony in a closed system. The simplest example of entropy is heat, which is produced when electricity as energy passes through a medium, which can’t use it. This heat is then passed on in the external environment. Entropy therefore has two broad aspects – first, it is a measure of amount of energy unavailable to do work. Secondly, it is also a measure of different possible arrangements the atoms in a system can have. If we decipher the neuroscience of Attitude, we can relate it very well with entropy of the brain system. Attitude, like entropy is a measure of amount of Information unavailable and unused by mind consciousness system. It is also a measure of different probable arrangements of elements of the Information. Therefore, when a person receives some information about a Reality and is consciously or subconsciously unwilling to use it and process it in his or her mind states, the brain mechanism responds with Attitude. If I have no previous experience and awareness of something I come across in my life-living and I am refusing to accept this new information, my brain states make me show Attitude. Like heat, attitude is unused energy. This attitude is manifested by brain states because it is designed to avoid losses, failures, punishments and other unrewarding feelings. I shall always show attitude if I am ignorant and having half-baked facts and logic. My subconscious designs attitudes as alternative probable structuring of elements of new information, about which I have either no idea or very little awareness. This is a failure and unrewarding situation for me, which my subconscious mind cannot accept. It automatically comes up with an alternative response by creating a behavior-action of fake superiority and scammed prudence, which we know as Attitude. A truly aware, knowledgeable and arrived person shall never show attitudes. Science makes us learn to be comfortable with our stupidities and ignorance. It is great if I do not know something as it shall pave my way to learn something new and it shall add to my richness of experiences. Only stupid and hypocritical people show attitudes as they are in denial and deception of their ignorance. Attitudes are sure sign of poverty of consciousness as it closes all doors of all new experiences, which actually make us rich and successful. Sadly, in contemporary human cultures of ‘successful’ living, mass majority of humans subconsciously showcase attitudes upfront; like the mannequins in front of a big shop. Attitudes bring successes and successes in turn upload more attitudes. It is cyclical. Nobody wants to be a loser!

There are some core and critical aspects of the ‘Reality’ of the world we live in and also about our own life – our Body-Mind. The Grammar of Life involves hardcore knowledge about internal mechanisms and processes of Self, the external world and the interaction between Mind Consciousness and External World. This Grammar of Life is what religion, philosophy, psychology, politics and cultures have defined and made humans believe since ages. They all need to be dumped and unlearnt as they were and still remain the half-baked Realities and they all stand as hugely corrupted and hypocritical utility for modern and contemporary humanity. They all have become organized scammers of the profit-empires and tools to extend human misery.

Modern science has made it possible for humanity to understand Reality in the light of objective and reasonably proven knowledge of all three aspects of life-living – The Self, The Milieus and Interaction between the two. This new and objective Reality is the 21st century Grammar of Life. This new grammar is not only tough to understand but also too unpalatable as it is objective and brutally Real.

First crucial aspect of Grammar of Life is this understanding and acceptance of Reality of Universe and Reality of Human Life. Science has come a long way in the domains of theoretical physics, evolutionary biology, brain sciences and artificial intelligence. There are so much of details about evolution of Reality of universe and that of human life and they may seem different and even contradicting. An average person may find it very tough to fathom. However, there are common and broad themes, which can be summarized with simplicity and ease. We do it below, step by step; in as simple and palatable ways, as possible –

The simple fact about Reality is this acceptance that there are definite Causalities, which create or make Reality emerge. These Causalities are not only colossal but also hugely complex. Why? It is because the universe, of which we as individuals are massively miniscule and irrelevant part, is unfathomably gigantic. It is practically beyond human understanding in miniscule details. However, there are broad physical principles, which scientists believe, govern the cosmos and create Realities.

Here, it is important to understand a small hypothesis, for ease of understanding of Reality as well as the science of Reality. We all know how humans have had this transcendental obsession with Humanization of Reality. From early humans to modern date humans, we all have this obsession to see and accept Reality, largely, if not only, from Human perspective alone. This is the restrictiveness of intuitive cognition, which needs to be unlearnt and non-intuitive thinking be embraced. That is why, in all civilizations, cultures and traditions; since thousands of years back to this date, all humans have this obsessive acceptance of Humanoid Gods – deities only with human bodies and faces.

Somehow, science, especially theoretical physics, dealing with science of reality, seems beset with similar obsession trouble. Most scientists sound obsessed to see and accept a singular ‘Theory of Everything’. They are obsessed with this probability that there can be and should be only a singular, universal Causality of all Realities. It seems the same obsession as is that of Humanoid God. Reality simply cannot be viewed and accepted only through humanized perspective. May be; Reality should also not be restricted to only one human perspective. Like God; even if Reality is accepted to be singular and ever installed; it is always fruitful to have different roads to reaching God and Reality. If God and Reality are singular and installed; all roads shall always lead to the same destination; if true. The fact however remains that this universe is so colossal; its mechanisms and processes are massively complex. Our Earth and we humans in it do not even matter in the holism of cosmos. It seems an unnecessary and burdened hypothesis to accept that the universe wished itself to be known and that is why we humans happened. It is too obsessive an idea to put humanity in centrality of cosmic reality just because, we humans can and have explored some one percent of universe and can decipher Reality in such irrelevantly miniscule contextuality.

Therefore, it is now being gradually accepted by modern day new scientists that Science of Reality needs a fresh perspective. The physics of Reality needs a hypothesis, which may look beyond current postulations. This is true and genuinely progressive. It has to be understood. Growingly, it is being accepted by new physicists that this massive universe may not be symmetrical and homogenous. There may very well be infinite ‘universes’, within the nomenclature of cosmos, we have understood so far. They also accept that in that massive universe of multiverse, Causalities, which generate or create Reality, too can be not only infinite but also ever-changing. This is what Reality as Information hypothesizes. Information is always evolving and presents with novel and evolving contexts to perceive and predict Reality. What we humans can observe, examine and understand is just a small part of the holism of multiverse Reality. The Human ‘context’ for perspectives on Reality may very well be only a miniscule one; in the infinity of cosmos. Therefore, contemporary new scientists are more open to accepting Reality only as probabilities. They term it as Landscapes. This term in modern physics means a field of probabilities, which can happen owing to infinite causalities and their infinite interactions. This simply accepts Reality as Probability; that too an ever evolving one.

Therefore, for all practical purposes, we as common people need to accept Reality as Probability. We have the ease to understand and accept the contemporary hypothesis that the breeding background of all realities is what scientists call The Field. This is a metaphor, which itself is confusing for average person. This idea of Field is completely different from what most humans intuitively accept. Therefore, we need to accept that essentially, everything; all realities and all probabilities are Information. All Fields, all Landscapes have Attributes, or what we may call as Properties. They are all Information. We humans, our Consciousness, are also Fields or Landscapes; though in very restrictive microcosm. Human journey into the infinite landscape of knowledge is all about keep deciphering the ever evolving and infinite Information. This is the ‘Purpose’ and singular logic, which also applies to Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living. There is no singularly fixed purpose of human life and living. The purpose is keep experiencing the probabilities, as it unravels them and then weave personal causalities of sanity and blissfulness.

Therefore, what we have to understand and accept is; everything is Information and therefore a Field or Landscape. Our Consciousness, which cognitizes Reality for us is also a Field and Landscape. Naturally, the reality, which the Information creates, whether at macrocosmic cosmic level or microcosmic level of we, as individuals; are only purely probabilities. The Consciousness, which we all have and is considered as central to all causalities of probabilities are also Fields or Landscape and therefore, essentially; Consciousness is also pure Information. Information creates journeys. The body, we have and which works out pragmatisms and physically possible actualities for us, is just a media; a vehicle, to facilitate the journey. Therefore, keeping the media of both Body and Brain is our first and primary cosmic purpose. This requires that every human being has updated and true knowledge of what the collective humanity has acquired about body and brains. The media is good enough only when it has updated and right Information, that too in its holism. If not; the media is dead; at best a zombie.

This means; if we wish to understand what is life, what is our purpose in lives and what is good, right and normal in life-living; we all need to understand Reality from the hardcore perspective of pure science. It is singularly because only modern science has updated and right Information about all shades of Realities. This in turn means; we have to understand Information, if we wish to understand Reality. Naturally, modern and aware women and men have to get into details of Fields, Landscape, attributes and properties.

Theoretical physics would introduce you to ideas of particles, sub-particles, strings, dark energy, black holes etc. They are too non-intuitive ideas and too complex for understanding of average person. Ideally, every human should know and understand them. This is the new ‘Religion’ and new ‘God’, which all cultures and all societies must make every new born understand and accept. The new Reality needs to replace the obsolete and stinking information about millenniums old half-baked Realities.

This Reality is brutal and very bitter. This reality simply does not accept hypocrisy of average human mind. Naturally, initially, acceptance of this new reality will be tough. But, acceptance alone can make loads of tastefulness ‘emerge’ out of this new and alternative Reality. The society, cultures and politics won’t ever make you learn this new Reality. You shall need your personal enterprise to acquaint you and your children to unravel the Grammar of Live and unleash the Poetry of Living.

There is another aspect of human nature, which always vitiates the understanding and acceptance of Reality in its holism. This needs to be known and internalized. As all realities are Information and therefore subjective to perceptions; there are always different shades of the same reality. Not only science, but history tells us that since many thousand years back, reality of universe as well as human life-living have been understood and unraveled by many humans. They have been documented. However, as reality is always innately subjective in cognition and expression; a single idea or knowledge about reality is always available in society and cultures with different interpretations and perspectives. It is innate human nature to accept only ‘part’ of a reality and seldom care for inquiring about its holism. This very innate situation instinctively makes an idea or knowledge open to doubt and criticism as people love to accept only part of an idea or knowledge. Even contemporary religion and spiritualism have utility and fruition, if accepted in holism and totality of meaningfulness. However, many people in the past and even in present accept only ‘part’ of the religion and spiritualism and flay it. It happens with science too. There are icons, popular individuals and intellectuals, who are loved and hailed by masses as they criticize and demonize modern science. They do the innate thing, typical to most humans. They pick up and accept ‘part’ of the reality of holism of modern science and win populist accolades by ‘exposing’ chinks in the armory of science. The masses, who fall in love with such gimmicks, are doing the same innate thing. They accept