How to Know Your I.Q. Level without Taking the Test by Billy J. Burton - HTML preview

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3.2 The Ranges

Distinct range labels start at the left end of the curve with “The Intellectually Disabled”. Next,

they capture 96% of the entire population with the Inferior, Normal (Lower and Upper) and

Superior ranges. Then, on the right-hand side rest “The Gifted266”, people with an unusual brain

structure allowing a broader and deeper understanding of their environment.

Members of each particular range possess a set of personality traits98-99-100 in common. Of course,

character doesn’t change exactly on the limits of a level, it’s a gradual process. For instance,

someone whose I.Q. score is close to 130 typically shows traits from the Superior and

Moderately Gifted ranges.

In the subsequent chapters, I will strive to present the specific traits pertaining to each range, so

the reader may guess where, he or she fits and, likewise, acquire an enhanced understanding of

the other levels. From lack of specific knowledge, I will not address the intellectually disabled276

ranges, whose members, would probably not be interested in that book anyway.

3.2.1 The Main Communicative Functioning of each Range

Here, I will give a brief overlook of the main I.Q. ranges which will be developed further down

this book.

Regular people’s I.Q. level is found within the 85-114 points cluster; they amount to about 68%

of the population. The Lower Normal and the Upper Normal Ranges are part of this group.

These are the people you regularly meet in most environments. They act like humans are

supposed to act with their mainstream qualities and faults; they tend to enjoy what a person is

supposed to enjoy; their goals are very commonplace.

Their speech primarily conveys their feelings101-385: happy/sad.

People in the Inferior Range show an I.Q. score extending from 70 to 84, so at -1SD (standard

deviation), making up nearly 14% of humans. They are “cruder” than the regular population,

interested mainly in fulfilling elementary needs. Often underachievers126-127, they content

themselves with a simple life while generally not realizing they are of inferior intellect.

Their speech primarily conveys categories101-385: good/bad.

People in the Superior Range stand at +1SD which corresponds to scores between 115-129

(about 14 % of mankind). They appreciate intellectual activities149-155-158 and displaying their

education as well as their knowledge348 in their areas of expertise. They value logic and scientific

evidence373 provided by knowledgeable people but are still conventional349 in their behavior,

likes and dislikes, as well as personal goals.

Their speech primarily conveys definition focused logic101-385: true/false.

Moderately Gifted people, also known as High I.Q. people (HIQ), who rest at the first level of

what is referred to as “giftedness266” (a brain wired differently: Neuro-atypicals), stand at +2SD:

an I.Q. score between 130-144 (roughly 2% of society). These individuals already exhibit

unusual psychological traits resulting from their bewildering neural network307. At the same time,

endearing and irksome, they are a bit lost, both able to be extremely competent in a field and

very average in another178-181-186.

Their speech primarily conveys meaning focused reasoning101-385: if X is true, then Y is also