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Chapter 3 – Getting Motivated


Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change.

Getting flunked grades make us realize that we need to study. Debts remind us of our inability to look for a source of income. Being humiliated gives us the ‘push’ to speak up and fight for ourselves to save our face from the next embarrassments.

It may be a bitter experience, a friend’s tragic story, a great movie, or an inspiring book that will help us get up and get just the right amount of motivation we need in order to improve ourselves

Motivation is when your dreams are put into work clothes.

What Do You Really Want?

Ever wonder why some people never get anything good out of their life? - That’s because they don’t know what they want in the first place!

You must be specific in your passions, then you must focus all your efforts on that particular desire.

Some people don't really know what they want. For one moment they're excited over a particular thing or endeavour. The next thing you know they completely abandon it; either because they lose their interest or because they give up when they encounter a little problem.

Those who always change their minds and those who give up easily when the going gets tough will never get anywhere.

Maybe right now you're a bit confused. You don't seem to know what you really want in life. You might want to consider these:

1. What makes your heart beat with excitement?

2. What makes you happy?

3. What are you consistently thinking of day & night?

4. What do you want to do for the rest of my life?

5. What do you enjoy doing?

6. What are your obsessions?

7. What things make you jump with joy?

To help you out, just follow these steps.

1. Write on a piece of paper all your possible answers for the seven questions above. Write anything, even seemingly unimportant ones.

2. Encircle 5 to 7 items that interests you the most.

3. Then evaluate and choose with your heart the one & only thing that is worthy to spend all your time & resources with. The chosen one should really be something that brings out the best in you.

Other than the exercise above, you could also ask your close friends and relatives about their personal dreams. You could also readbooks & surf the net to help you in your search.

Use your heart. Other people may disagree with you, but you should be firm with what you really want.

Others may give comments or advice, but the final decision is always yours to make.

You should concentrate on what you want, not on what others want for you.

Don't go sleeping tonight without making a final decision on


4 Powerful Ways to Fire up Your Motivation

It's so difficult to go on when everything seems to fail, isn't it?

Are there times in your life when you really want to call it "quits" because you just can't see any good results from all the hard work you've done?

Hold your horses!

Never ever think of giving up.  Winners never quit and quitters never win.  Take all negative words out of your mental dictionary and focus on the solutions with utmost conviction and patience. The battle is never lost until you've abandon your vision.

But what if you're really exhausted physically, mentally, and most of all emotionally?  Here are some sources of motivation to prompt you in reaching the peak of accomplishment.

1)  The Overwhelming Feeling of Attaining your Desired End

How would you feel after accomplishing your mission?  Of course you will feel ecstatic.  You might be shedding tears of joy.  Let this tremendous feeling sink in and encourage you to persist despite all odds.

2)  The Reward System

How would you feel if you've entered a contest, but there are no prizes for the winners?  It's not very encouraging, isn't it?

The same principles apply to your vision.  Reward yourself after accomplishing a goal.  Set a particular incentive for every objective.

Let's say if you've achieved a particular task, you'll treat yourself to your favourite restaurant.  When you've finished a bigger task, you'll go on a vacation.

Got the idea?

Just set something gratifying to indulge in after completing a certain undertaking.

3)  The Powerful Force of Humanity

If you want to succeed, surround yourself with the right kind of people who will support and encourage you all the way.

Be with people who have the same beliefs and aspirations as yours. Positive aura is generated by this fusion of collective energy from people of "like minds."

On the contrary, being with people who oppose your ways of thinking may trigger a negative, yet very powerful, kind of motivation.

Has anyone ever said to you that "You'll never get anywhere" or "You're wasting your time with what you're doing?"

Didn't it made you furious and determined enough to prove to them how wrong they were?  This is what I'm talking about.

When aggravated, you will do anything to make those who are against you swallow their words.  But of course, your main focus should be on the accomplishment of your goal and not for thepurpose of revenge.  Never let your emotions toward others alter your main objective.

4)  Take Care of Your Health

Exercise regularly.  Fill your brains with enough oxygen to allow you to do your daily tasks with more vigour and energy.

Take regular breaks if time allows.  Having the will power to continue despite all hardships is extremely important, but you should still know your limits.

If you don't take enough rest, you will not be able to think clearly and you will not be able to do your tasks properly.

In the process, you will just get more frustrated.

Take sufficient sleep and recharge yourself after a hard day's work. Never, ever ignore your health.

It's not worth it.  Success won't matter if you don't have good health to enjoy it.

Fire up your motivation and live life to the fullest!

Visit us at  for some great Success books, like “Inside the Mind of Winners”“404 Self Improvement Tips” and “Ultimate Techniques for Time Management”

To motivate is to inspire and enthuse.

Problems can be turned into challenges if you approach them positively

Always be enthusiastic and keep a smile on your face – an old Chinese proverb says- “a man who cannot smile shouldn’t keep a shop”

Remember that LIFE’S A BITCH – and that applies to everyone- you are not being picked on. We all go through some Tough Stuff in our lives – that’s what makes us better individuals.