How to Live a Better Life by Alan Searing - HTML preview

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Chapter 4 – Inspiration

To be inspired all you need do is either read a good book, watch a good film, listen to uplifting music or just go and listen to a top speaker.

Mix with those people who are positive about life and are on a similar path to yours as it is with them you will find the encouragement to continue on your journey.

As Thomas a Edison said “Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety- nine percent perspiration”

We can all become inspired provided we put the effort in. Who should you listen to; to become inspired?

A quote from Agnes Repplier who lived from 1858 to 1950

“A man who listens because he has nothing to say can hardly be a source of inspiration. The only listening that counts is that of the talker who alternately absorbs and expresses ideas”

This takes into account that we have two ears and one mouth and therefore need to listen to learn to find out and decide if the speaker is an inspiration to us or not; if not move on and join a different crowd.

We can learn from the past even as far back as the 1st Century B.C. Why it is worth seeking out inspiration:-

When you are inspired by some great purpose,

Some extraordinary project,

All your thoughts break their bonds;

Your mind transcends limitations,

Your consciousness expands in every direction,

And you find yourself in a new, great

and wonderful world.

Dormant forces, faculties and talents

Become alive, and you discover yourself

To be a greater person by far

Than you ever dreamed

Yourself to be.

Patanjali (c. first to third century B C)