Incidence Of Love: Demystified And Decoded by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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The Productive-Prudence Of Man-Woman Mutuality And

Symbiosis – The Core Romanticism of Life And Living…


How much one can understand? What is there that makes us understand? And then, even if one feels and accepts that he or she has understood, how could one be sure, what he or she understood is what was there to be understood...?

The conundrum and puzzles of life and living are infinite... at least it seems so, if one happens to intend to go for them! However, even if one does not go for them, it does not anyway relieve one of those confusions and resultant conflicts of mind...!

The inevitability is always there, however, its acceptance somehow makes life-living easy. Acceptance of limitations, inevitable optionlessness at times can be very settling and can lead people to the much-required ‘Wellness’...

So, in human relationships, especially intimate relationships, this ‘Acceptance’ sure holds a loads of potential for wellness, especially in times of stress and conflicts...

Intimacy and committed love between two people make them feel and accept that ‘They Have Understood’, each other and the so-called ‘Chemistry’ between the two bodies and minds. However, this is unfortunate invite to calamitous probabilities in intimate relationships...

As a matter of fact, two people in love and intimacy are two different Consciousnesses with separate Cognitive perceptions about things in life. The ‘common’ domain of body-mind mutuality in intimacy is seldom equal to merger of two consciousnesses. The domain of mutuality is only that common part of two different ‘Circles’, which we now know and accept as separate Consciousnesses.

Therefore, as two people in intimacy remain all the time as two different ‘circles of consciousnesses’, with a small common zone of mutuality, the huge ‘Unsure Zone’ remains live and kicking between them. A big chunk of both consciousnesses remain ‘Unknown & Unknowable’ to each other, even while love makes them believe that they ‘know’ each other quite well.

Therefore, in human relationships, especially intimate relationships, this ‘Acceptance’ about ‘Exclusiveness’ of Consciousnesses sure holds a loads of potential for wellness, especially in times of stress and conflicts...

This in turn makes out a clear case of ‘Desired’ action & behavior for two people in intimacy and love. Once two people accept to be in intimacy and love, they have created only a small ‘zone of mutuality’, which is just a starting ‘seed’ situation for success of love. Both then have to evolve together with compassion for each other’s ‘exclusive consciousnesses’, so that in time to come, the ‘Zone of Mutuality’ keeps expanding and ‘Exclusivity’ of separate consciousnesses dwindle and erode in time to as minimum as possible.

The key in love and intimacy is to evolve together, from the point where two people decide to be on a Mutuality journey. This surely is not easy as we know loving is a ‘selfish’ enterprise of auto-mode instincts. Yet, understanding and then accepting this mechanism creates this desirability of the evolution towards the destination of mutuality…

It seems; at least it seems to appear and get perceived like this’, that most, if not all, intangibilities have this instinctive and per-destined orientation to merge and get identified with some tangibility. It is different matter that in time and space, this tangibility itself gets inclined to express itself in myriad shades of intangibilities. May be, life’s core joys and living’s eternal romanticism is a tale of this mutuality and symbiosis between the tangibility and intangibility…

Somehow, abstractions come natural to all of us as they are very much our mechanism. Our consciousness, this ephemeral sense of ‘I’ or ‘Me’ is an intangible – A Mystical Summation Of Abstractions. Science says – Consciousness is an emergent intangible information processing mechanism of brain, which essentially is like making a ‘bridge’ between tangibility of body-mind inside and intangibility of elements in the milieus outside.

It seems; at least it seems to appear and get perceived like this…

Man and woman mutuality and symbiosis looks like a microcosm of this cosmic construct of tangibility-intangibility dualism and dialectics…!

Understanding this dualism is somehow a must for wellness and social excellence…

The consciousness, the self, this sense of ‘I’ itself being the intangible, and this intangible may be a man or a woman, it always instinctively looks for a body – the tangible.

… the consciousness of a man seeking the refuge of a woman’s body… it is like an intangible seeking safety and security of a tangible, in the form of the body of a woman… it is like a huge ship in the ocean; drifting along but continuously looking up for the shore, where it could anchor. A ship cannot unload the utilities it carries if it does not hit the shore and anchor well…!

This ship is not gender-specific… a woman’s consciousness and a man’s consciousness in its primary and purest form does not accept man woman divide. This ship can be a man or a woman and both ships look for their respective shores and anchors…

Interestingly, the dualism never leaves us alone. The fact remains that even when the consciousness of a man or a woman seeks the tangibility of the body of a woman or a man respectively, the fact remains that the man or a woman themselves remain the intangibilities. A woman’s consciousness (intangibility) seeks a man’s body (tangibility) as her shore and anchor but this man also has a consciousness, which is intangible… The same with a man seeking a woman…

… This seems like the true romanticism of life and living…

… The ship seeks a shore and an anchor and this ship itself becomes the shore and anchor for another ship. Also, the shore and anchor turns into a ship and seeks its own shore and anchor…!

… That is mutuality business of humanity, which ensures that ‘investment’ becomes 200% ‘profit’ and ‘profit’ becomes 200% ‘investment’…

… beware! Some men and women become too intelligent and make 200% profit in this mutuality business but never recycle this profit into investment… the dialectics and cyclicality of mutuality business between man and woman must never stop…! Neither the man nor the woman should be this ‘intelligent’ and blind enough to renounce the primary hypothesis of utility of ‘innocence’ in the mutuality business…

This is eternal romanticism of life-living utility… The dualism of cosmic construct unleashes the primeval energy, which keeps the cyclicality of intangible and tangible transcendental and infinite… This is some dialectics, which always plays between man and woman and creates a ‘productivity prudence’, which all men and women must understand, accept and respect…

… all consciousnesses, be it of a man or that of a woman, they need to be rooted and anchored… all intangibilities must align and anchor with a tangibility… and then, all tangibilities must always be allowed space and liberty to express themselves in all possible intangibilities… this is the core ‘productive prudence’ for the man-woman mutuality…

As a man said to his beloved –

‘Tum Se Bus Us Baat Ki Hai Ummeed,

Jo Mera Mujh Se Kabhi Poora Na hua…’

(I have expectations from you of only that, which I could never have, own my own…)

This symbolizes the man-woman mutuality and symbiosis… An intangibility perfecting and completing itself, when it merges and identifies with a tangibility and the vice-versa… A man seeking merger and alignment with a woman to perfect and complete itself… and the vice-versa…!

As a poet said –

‘Unka Ho Gaya Hoon, Ab Kuchh Na Hone Ki Khwahish Hai,

Had-e-Taqmeel Pa Gaya Hoon, Bus Mar Jaane Ki Khwahish Hai…’

(I have become her and therefore there is no desire of becoming anything else. I have attained limits of perfection and now I wish to become dead…)

… This symbolizes the man-woman mutuality and symbiosis… This symbolizes the core romanticism of life and living… This is some dialectics – the dualism and cyclicality, which must always play between man and woman to engender this ‘productivity prudence’, which all men and women must understand, accept and respect…
