Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Intentionality – My Humble Perspective

It is a very tough feeling and perception to come by for anyone – be it a man or woman. Very few people actually internalize this non-intuitive feel that true and real human domain is beyond body and milieus. Restrictiveness to body and milieus is animalistic. To be human is to journey beyond them and actualize the real and true potential of human cognitive excellence. You and I as humans have this exclusive and evolved faculty to not only process information but also become Information. Our body and brain is a unique Media as it does not only process and disseminate information but also become Information. What does this actually mean?

The simple meaning is – we as cognitive being can transcend all barriers, including our own biological barriers by evolving and creating such tools and techniques, which empowers us not only to change the realities of external milieus in which we live but also change our own biology. We humans are creators of information in some unique way. We have intervened and changed our own biology; we have changed our milieus and we continuously change the quantum of knowledge of the infinite realities all around us. You and I are creators and therefore, we are empowered to alter our own Self and Intentionality. You and I can journey beyond our biological and cognitive beings and create novel and alternative pathways for better and more satiating life-living experiences. This empowerment comes through the knowledge, which humanity has successfully deciphered for us, which enables us to unravel all mechanisms and processes of our biology and cognition. This is magic and you and I must use this magic to create such a brilliant Self and powerful Intentionality, which is novel and alternative to what our biology of body and brain and their cognitive spectrums assign us. We are the creator and we create our own exclusive Self and Intentionality – beyond biology and morphology. This truly is human Intellect. Though it is semantic conflation, still, intelligence is not intellect. Intellect is about creating something, which intelligence can understand. You as an aware woman must rely only on your intellect.

As we have reached to the concluding stage of this eBook, I very humbly wish to list out some of the novel and alternative elements of Intentionality, which I have always cherished, benefitted from and consider them to be truly liberating and satiating. They also facilitate incessant evolving and progressive empowerment of Self and Consciousness. I very humbly seek that you; not only as a woman but also as a true and real human being entertain them; judge them using your own energy of skepticism and if you find utility-worth in them, imbibe them in your own personalized ways to optimize your potentials both as a woman and as a brilliant and successful human being. I list them with short description so that you have the feel of them; rest shall evolve out of your personal artistry –

More Reception; Less Reaction

Our body and brain is designed to be reactionary geniuses. Speed of reaction is populist benchmark of intelligence and success. But, you already know how many and how calamitous have been the crashes, which this speed causes. Higher human consciousness and sanity-sanctity-system-symmetry of more meaningful and robust life-living have been aligned with receptive mind consciousness, which sans reactionary priorities. It is now known that higher brain states of cortex layers, which are known as thinking brain, takes time span of hours to weeks for arriving at a decision. Reactionary decisions are assigned to mammalian brain states of limbic system and they are more akin to animalism than human. Therefore, an empowered and truly successful person shall always dump reactionary insinuations and be more receptive. This is the role of intellect. This also adds dignity, grace, poise, aesthetics and symmetry to individuality. Somehow, these elements have traditionally been associated with the innate intentionality of a true and real woman.

Assimilation, Holism

As we have talked earlier, reality is almost always probabilistic as different causalities are constantly working on a reality; making it transient, emergent and ever-evolving. Very naturally, it is always prudent to factor in all causalities to unravel the true and real nature of a reality. You already know how most people are prone to accepting only one part of this reality and be dogmatic about other dimensions of the same reality. Most people are reactionary and therefore are willing to accept only partial perception about a reality as the ultimate reality. This partial, fudged and scammed truth and reality unleash such pathologies in society-culture as well as within a person’s consciousness, which destroy wellness and poise. An aware and empowered person shall always believe in assimilation of all probabilities and dump the typically populist practice of segregated perceptions. Assimilation leads to acceptance of all causalities of an emergent reality and this is the idealism of seeing a reality in its holism. Holism is the ultimate journey of Intentionality. A successful life-living requires the intentionality of an individuality to be assimilative and holistic. This is the role of intellect. Assimilation and acceptance have traditionally been accepted as hallmark of true and real womanhood. A modern woman’s intentionality shall only optimize this artistry in novel and alternative ways.

Communication, Expression

Being human is something deeply associated with this artistry of exchange of intent with linguistic proficiencies. We earlier talked about how I could journey your Self and Intentionality only by imagining different probabilities of my own Self and Intentionality to successfully represent your consciousness inside me. This is possible only when both you and I have sufficient eligibility of artistic expressions and communication. It is important to accept that if my intentionality is not conveyed to you in clear, true and actual form, I cannot absolve myself of my incapability and culpability. If I am misunderstood or not understood, it is also equally my fault. Wrong, partial and misinterpreted intentionality has always been very traumatic for women. It therefore must be mastered. It needs to be understood that whatever I say or whatever I don’t say; both are information. Both are messages and expressions of my intentionality to others. I am understood and misunderstood both by my speaking and silence. Every situation is information and they communicate. That is why I always have to be very skilled and thoughtful in optioning my words as well as silence. Even my presence and absence are part of the expressions of my intentionality. Where I stand, with whom I stand or don’t stand and where I position myself in the milieus or don’t position are all expressions of my intentionality. Expressions and communication of intentionality need to be accepted in its holism. I must never disown any part of my responsibility towards my communication of my own Self and Intentionality. For a woman; it is equally important; if not more. Usually, we only care about our verbal communication to express intentionality. An aware woman like you must always take cognizance of all aspects and shades of your intentionality.

The exchange of consciousnesses and intentionality is hugely facilitated by language but this is not the only means of communication and expression. Animals and birds do not have language but they still communicate brilliantly. We humans also need to be master crafts-persons of this magical artistry of communication through body languages and non-linguistic acoustics. Music and dance are very potent tools of personal communication. Traditionally, women have been associated with his innate gift and superiority of communication and expression. In reality; this artistry is very bare basic eligibility to qualify as a human. Melody, rhythm and symmetry are hallmarks of evolved consciousness. Somehow, in contemporary cultures; this skill has remained neglected. In contemporary cultures of trust-deficit, confusion, conflict and chaos; women probably may need to be geniuses of communication and expression of their true and real Self and Intentionality for their overall wellness and successes, but it is the need of hour for everyone. This is also to be accepted that communication and expression artistry also includes clarity and specificity about one’s own intent; before it is truly and effectively communicated to others. This proficiency is not only about grammar but more about poetry of body and mind. Expression is vast domain of probabilistic cognitive landscapes. It takes years of practice to perfect the art.

Aesthetics, Symmetry

Contemporary scientists have been trying to unravel this seemingly very innate and embedded element of cosmos known as symmetry in scientific world. There is a scientific hypothesis that the cosmos and even reality is so fine-tuned that it has made life and its intricate complexities possible. This fine-tuning is accepted as expression of symmetry and scientists have been inclined to ascribe aesthetics as the language of this symmetry. As aesthetics and symmetry is popularly associated with feminine grace and munificence; probably for this subconscious reasoning, scientists also tend to ascribe feminine reality as default design of cosmos. This correlation may be debated, however, if we take into account the undercurrents of why scientists like to call feminine actualities as the default expression of cosmos and reality; we can see that may be, there is a male subconscious intentionality to imagine womanhood as a very fine-tuned probability. However, this insinuation is more human than actual or feminine. Fine-tuning, symmetry and aesthetics must be taken holistically and this holism requires that you and I accept the probability that symmetry and aesthetics are causalities for fine-tuning and fine-tuning is the mechanism of success for facilitating life, its variety and complexities. Fine-tuning is the success and symmetry and aesthetics are the tools for attainment of this success. You as a woman are therefore deemed as born success, as you, your consciousness and intentionality is considered to be innately associated with these elements of aesthetics and symmetry. These elements in actuality are more human than solely feminine. Men probably need them more as they seem more off target! However, the core question is – what aesthetics and symmetry actually mean? They must be accepted as landscapes; not a landmark. In entirety and holism; aesthetics and symmetry means acceptance of all realities and all causalities creating them in assimilative and integrative aspects. Fine-tuning is all about cognition of holism. This in other words mean – aesthetics and symmetry is about dumping and denouncing partial and reactionary propensities and embracing assimilative and integrative attitudes.

Connect, Harmony

It is so amazing that almost all idealisms of humanity have traditionally been associated with innate femininity. Connect and harmony however is not purely feminine reality but a human necessity, in holism and entirety. These two elements are core causalities of symmetry and aesthetics. The fine-tuning of Self and intentionality is not remotely possible if the causalities of connect and harmony are beset with pathological propensities. Tragically, they are, in contemporary human world. Connect is not about having your mobile phone number and email in my phone address book. Connect is not about I visiting your home and knowing about you. Connect is primarily about the fine-tuning of representation of ‘You’ inside ‘My’ own Consciousness. As we talked earlier; I can know about your Self and Intentionality only by imagining them within my own consciousness. I represent your intentionality within my Self by imagining about probabilities around your individuality. This representation of You inside Me has to match and be in optimal symmetry and aesthetics. If it happens, I can say I am in connect and harmony with you. The same is about Me and external milieus. I am in good connect and harmony with milieus of society-cultures-polity-economy-faith if I, in optimal symmetry and aesthetics, represent them inside my consciousness. If this representation misses symmetry in a big way; the pathologies of perceptions shall fly high and I shall never be in harmony with reality. This is artistry and it evolves in decades of persevered practice. As a woman; it has been traditionally ascribed as your innate intentionality to have better connect and harmony with others and milieus. This however seems a misnomer. Everyone needs them – man or woman. Idealisms are human; seldom feminine or masculine. Consciousness, cognitions and causalities are neutral in their holism and entirety. Connect and harmony is cosmic mechanism-process of reality and they must be truly and optimally represented in Your and My Consciousnesses. Somehow, as modern milieus automatically destroy this potential in average humans, there is also the need to realign individuality vis-à-vis the external milieus. We must opt out of cacophonous milieus.


This is a very misleading term and actuality. Compassion is not charity or some expression of givingness. Compassion is a beautiful and bountiful landscape of Consciousness. To understand it with the help of a metaphor; it is one thing to have a nice garden in your house and having a nice park in front of your house. However; it is entirely different dimension of actuality to live in expansive and exquisite forest. Compassion is a forest – it is huge, very beautiful, diverse and satiating. Yet; it is also intimidating and full of precarious probabilities. Compassion is also about a landscape of open and evolving probabilities. Compassion is about accepting life-living, milieus and all realities as probabilistic; ever-evolving and still, full of thrill and satisfaction. Reality itself requires the landscape of compassion to unravel its precarious probabilities. A jungle is probabilistic. Compassion is about being respectful and happily accommodative to all probabilities, sans the propensity to label them as good or bad, right or wrong. Compassion is about being an objective witness and relish the attitude of an unbiased and liberal judge. Compassion is about the beauty and joy of journeying a landscape; rather than being confined to the safety and suffocation of a room in a house. Compassion is the ultimate readiness to acceptance of all probabilities of every eventuality. Compassion is the toughest to percolate and settle in the depth of Consciousness but it is the singular causality for understanding the true and objective reality of cosmic construct. You being a woman are supposed to be the default construct of cosmos. Very naturally, compassion is the communication, expression, symmetry, aesthetics, connects, harmony and symmetry of your true and real Self and Intentionality. There is this beautiful cyclicality – They define You; You define them.



I humbly request you to kindly write to me after reading this eBook and ask me anything, you feel about or need to know better or more. This shall optimize the sharing process, which a book epitomizes. The emergence process shall happen as I shall try my best to revert to you, with my inputs on your queries or requests. This is the process of Personalization, which shall help a great deal in Internalization of the Ideas, within your consciousness, which we have shared here. I always believe that what you are currently reading is only half the book. The other half of the eBook shall be completed when you write to me with your questions, doubts, thoughts etc so that I could input the personalized ‘other half’ of the eBook, especially oriented to your specific requirements, to the best of my abilities. Thanks.


A Humble Request

As you have come this far, it must be now very clear to you that expression and communication of Intentionality is such a weird reality. What is there to be told and understood is a rather one or two line hypothesis. However, the same has to journey over 100 pages and 40,000 words to present its optimality in diverse ways of probable dimensions. This is the trouble with sharing of Intentionality. But then, there is also some utility and professed beauty in such a long journey of Intentionality. That’s probably why books are deemed beautiful. I am confident you understand and appreciate this reality. That is why I very humbly invite you to some of my other eBooks, which shall facilitate your journey in optimizing your true potentials. I know you understand that contemporary scientific knowledge about different shades of realities has the potential of leading us to larger and better wellness successes. These eBooks delve into the modern and contemporary scientific knowledge. Thanks. All best!

