Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Landscape of Learning – The Pragmatism

It is unsavory to say this but the fact remains that shamelessness and deceitfulness have come to stay as two exclusively human attributes in contemporary society and cultures, which most people acquire soon after their early childhood. They come as necessary tools to not only succeed in hugely competitive and painfully unequal socio-cultural milieus, but simply survive. Shamelessness and deceitfulness come up as auto-mode ‘awareness and evolving’ of an individual, contextual to the precarious and unsettling stimuli from a hugely unequal, competitive, farcical and depraved milieus. This reality of contemporary life-living is so over-encompassing that anyone can feel it on daily basis. Women have to be the larger and deeper recipients of this debilitation.

The individuality is almost always made to stand in a ‘context’ with collectivity, which is flawed; therefore eliciting deceitful responses. As the external milieus of families, societies, cultures, religions, politics, work places and economy are already highly depraved, conflicted, brutally competitive and full of shamelessness and deceitfulness; a person aligning his or her individuality with external milieus shall always imbibe only these vitiated elements. It is stupid and hypocritical to expect compassion and fraternity in individuals, who are faced with massive inequality, competitiveness and criminal intents of average people, politics and governance in society-cultures.

People in a society or family must trust each other and collaborate to optimize a common goal of wellness and excellence with honesty and simplicity. Family, society and cultures were designed and accepted for this golden and noble purpose. If people are not honest and competitive to the extent of shamelessly deceiving others for their personal goals of life-living, the society crumbles. It already has. The contemporary society and culture is no more a living entity. They are dead way back. That is probably why many people feel that there are loads of men and women roaming around in society-cultures very much like the popular metaphor of zombies. Many men and women have also come to accept them not as humans but as some sort of a robot or virtual entities, simulated by someone else, like in a computer game.

The societies and cultures all across the human world, shamelessly refused to update their ways and accept the new reality, which modern science now offers. They also could not respond in time and prudence to handle new emergent challenges that a burgeoning human population and complexities of growth created. The decayed collective spaces of erstwhile society and cultures have been usurped by lethally opportunist politics and economy.

Shamelessness and deceitfulness is learnt consciously and conscientiously in early youthfulness of an individual to fit into the external world of reality. Later, it becomes subconscious and primary artfulness of normal behavior and action. Most people do not even feel any wrong or sense of regret as they get hooked up to reward sentimentality. Shamelessness and deceitfulness often gives them instant success and every subsequent success gives them the Thumbs Up feel. Human brain is wired to continue with rewarding ways. Subconsciously, people accept shamelessness and deceitfulness as skills and intelligence. The contemporary society and culture, the politics and economic domains, all implicitly prompt and promote this ‘artistry’ in individuals. They hail this individual malice as ‘aggressive’ and ‘killer’ attitude to success and leadership. In contemporary humanity; success is the ultimate end; what means attain it, is irrelevant.

This affects all people but women feel the tenacity of this shamelessness and deceitfulness much more as they compete unfavorably in inequitable society and cultures. This affects the Self and Intentionality of average woman. Practically, it is hugely difficult to not get affected by these two dominant elements in external milieus. But, for personal sanity and long term wellness you need to learn to dump them and align your individuality with such elements, which keep you away from such scammed milieus. For a woman, it is very practical learning. This shall also mean changes in the way a woman perceives and actually goes about her ‘relationship’ with people, especially the intimate relationship and other elements in social milieus. This necessitates cognitive changes as well as physical changes in your life-living as a woman.

The changes in individuals shall come in two ways. First, is the process of aligning individuality vis-à-vis the collective spaces in a way, which is willfully conscious and thoughtfully opted out. You have to very consciously redefine and reorient the populist ideas and benchmarks of successes of life-living. You in fact have to consciously prevail over this contemporary sense of ‘survival-ritualism’, installed in your subconscious mind states since childhood. The same has to happen with this very powerful and innate intentionality of mating-successes. In contemporary human society-culture, majority of people do not have major issues of conflict-consternation with personal life-living but most of their troubles happen in relationships and in collective spaces. That is why it is important that you redesign your relationship with people and situations in external milieus, especially when it comes to intimacy with people and the special one. Nothing in external milieu is more important than your personal peace and poise. Only those people and elements in external milieus qualify to align with you, who only augment your personal wellness. Very naturally, you shall need those people and elements, which have sync and symmetry with your own intentionality. You need to be very certain about your own intentionality as well as the intentionality of all others. Only when you are sure; you allow your personal self to align with others. Your relationship with milieus matters most to your personal wellness.

Secondly, you have to rediscover and reinvent your individuality itself. You and your individuality are innately in a happy situation. Try to go back in time and feel the experiences you had as a child, when your innate individuality, not yet woven into collective-plexuses of appropriates, had a natural and autonomous flair to be in perpetuity of blissfulness of melody, rhythm and celebration. Get into this childhood skin of how then, your only success was a full stomach and unhindered space of innate playfulness of every speck of your being. De-skin your current individuality off the perceptional layers, which now stand you always in context with society-cultures and their benchmarks of successes and appropriates. Probably, you know it that in the long journey of reaching to your adulthood; you gained so many successes in collective spaces but somehow at the cost of personal and individualistic bliss, peace and freedom. This is populist success. There probably is no success worth a dime, if it does not enhance the homeostatic wellness and personal peace-poise of individuality. Most external successes take away something precious from personal domain and individuality.

You as a modern empowered woman need to understand and appreciate this pragmatic reality of your life-living in contemporary milieus. This existing milieu and its impact on your overall wellness and excellence need thoughtful reconsideration. The causalities are simple but hidden deep as undercurrent in society and culture. Your Self and Intentionality can never be in sanity and symmetry in this overly scammed milieus. Innately, your Self and Intentionality interact with these depraved and criminal milieus. This is bound to unsettle your true and real nature and disposition as the shamelessness, deceitfulness and depravity are all very unsettling elements for your beautiful and amiable consciousness.

Subconsciously, these elements vitiate your Self and Intentionality; as it is doing to men also. As you remain aligned and connected with this depravity of milieus, without you ever being aware; your consciousness shall acquire the same elements of fake, fudged, scammed and deceitful intentionality. It is no secret. You as an aware woman must be feeling that most people in modern milieus show up their fake and fudged Self and Intentionality. It has been accepted as success-benchmarks. It is altogether different that men blame women for their so-called fake attitudes and demeanors but the fact remains that this pathology is common in men and women. As we hypothesized earlier; may be, as women traditionally find themselves more disadvantageous in external milieus; they may subconsciously acquire fast and more, these pathologies of scammed and criminalized milieus. You as a modern and empowered woman have to understand this and keep guard against such subconscious intentionality.

An individual; especially a woman, simply cannot change anything in a massive ecosystem of depravity, stupidity and hypocrisy. An individual however can consciously opt out of the ecosystem; move away and un-align, detach and disconnect from such a vitiated ecosystem, which is killing the prospects of peace, sanity and poise. Somehow, it may seem tough to dump the contemporary ecosystem and align with a novel and alternative one but this difficulty may only be largely perceptional. This world is big enough and alternative ways have always been there. This contemporary madness and scammed world of depravity is not what humanity had always lived in. It is a creation of only last 100 years or so and have accentuated primarily in the last three-four decades. You already know how more than 50 percent of the 7.5 billion people live in only around one percent of land on Earth, which is marked as urban spheres called cities and metros. You can easily understand how this is sustainable. Humanity and its depraved ways have created this all and they do not seem to regret any wrong they commit and persevere.

An aware and knowledgeable person like you, especially being a modern woman; can see and understand how and where humanity digressed to depravity and self-harmful ways. Novelty takes no major changes but mostly cognitive reorientations. As a modern and empowered woman, you have to learn this cognitive artistry of gradually journeying back to your innate individuality and simultaneously distance away from the madness of scammed society-cultures.

We have detailed earlier as how Self and Intentionality are emergent entities. They emerge in constant and evolving interaction with milieus. Emergence process involves myriads of elements in assimilative, integrative and harmoniously cooperative ways. Emergence blends and rearranges the Field or Landscape of Consciousness in a harmonious loop, engendering something novel and beyond what elements can individually make possible. Society, cultures and families et al were designed to facilitate this emergence process. However, contemporary collective spaces have become so vitiated and depraved that an individual can very rarely find any harmonious process possible, having alignment with society, cultures, faith systems, politics et al. The contemporary collective spaces are killers of processes of emergence. The attainments of money, fame, power shall always happen only in these milieus of collectivity and they shall kill harmony. There is a need for alternative and novel means and ideas of true and real money, fame and power, which is largely, if not wholly, available at and aligned with internal resources of body-brain plexuses. This shall help in arriving at the holism and harmony without having to encounter the cacophony and chaos of externalities of collectivity.

For a woman, it is critical to ensure sanity and sanctity of the interaction of her individuality with external milieus. You as a woman already know that most women become a prey to the scammed society and cultures. This happens as their Self and Intentionality loses deep and intimate connect with their own individuality by aligning with vitiated and depraved external milieus. This happens as cacophony and disharmony creep into their consciousness and the very process of emergence of their Self and Intentionality gets disarrayed and disheveled. Very naturally, depression, conflicts and chaos descend on the horizon of their consciousnesses.

The alternative ways and novelty has to resort to dumping these cacophonous collective spaces and externalities. Individuality simply cannot breathe easy in massively polluted collective spaces. Naturally, alternative and novel living shall require redefining Loneliness and even Success. This populist and very partial perception of Success (survival or mating) is the biggest killer of sanity, sanctity, system and symmetry. A modern woman has to learn the novel and alternative meanings of Success. This shall help in reorienting the contextuality and alignment of individuality with collective spaces. In fact, when individualism shall seek novel and alternative experiences; almost all current and contemporary realities will have to be redefined and reoriented.

Globally, there is an emergent trend of some people accepting that primary wealth is health and true attainment is poise, peace and sanity of consciousness. The very basic idea of Sustainability is being redefined and rediscovered. It is such a joy and affirmation of the beauty of womanhood that women are leading this change and creating novel and alternative spaces, away from the madness and criminality of scammed milieus. This somehow helps in accepting a novel and alternative perception of Loneliness and Success, as against the populist perceptions. There is simple cognitive change in perception about loneliness. Many people are beginning to accept that society is not only about humans. There are lives outside the reality of humanity. There are animals, birds, trees and millions of living organisms, which also form the basis of family and society. Loneliness is essentially cognitive. If people need companionship and reciprocation from others; these others may not necessarily be humans only as there are millions of others than humans in the vast world of living beings.

It is essentially cognitive. All needs are expressions of desires of consciousness, deep within self and that is why; anything external only happens to be a media to present the required utility. This media may be anything. It is a choice depending upon individuality of a person; not the entity at externalities. For you as a woman, it is essential to learn that it is always better to be lonely than be in depraved and disharmonious company. It is always better to happily embrace failure and say no to madness-scams for ‘successes’, if they depreciate and destroy wellness and overall sanity of Self and Intentionality. Life was designed with its own roles and purposes of success and happiness. Humans have corrupted them all. It is time for modern humans to redesign their own purposes and sense of happiness and aesthetics. Who else but a woman can do it better!

There is a basic pragmatism of life-living, which you need to see and realize. We have already talked about how modern scientists believe that Intentionality happens at cellular level. Intentionality at cellular level may be accepted as the core insinuation for our innate and instinctive drives. Our brain states process and devises this cellular intentionality into drives. The drives are expressions and communication of body’s innate needs and instinctive purposes. Metaphorically; we can accept Intentionality as core Grammar of body-brain ecosystem and drive as syntactic landscape of the language of body needs for survival wellness. However, Poetry of living means that our individuality and Consciousness must understand that Intentionality is just the ‘Media’. The grammar and syntax are themselves ‘metaphors’ of meanings and holistic logic of body requirements of survival wellness. This media of Intentionality opens up the portals of myriads of shades of experiences of emotions and all of them feed into the larger and holistic expressions of Intentionality and drives in looped cyclicality. Therefore, you as an aware and intelligent woman must understand and accept your Drives as Media. Your intentionality is a powerful media, which can alter the very expressions of your drives. Intentionality as core, innate and instinctive ‘Media of Purposes’ is important only when we consciously and willfully lend different living experiences to enrich, evolve and embellish it. A true and powerful media must always be free, objective and holistic.

You as conscious woman must always be aware to ensure this to your own media of intentionality. There is an ocean of experiences within your own individuality. There is a vast landscape of experiences outside in milieus other than the suffocating spaces of society-culture-polity-economy. This is new learning. You as an empowered woman can learn to consciously alter your drives and lead them to novel and alternative experiences. This is purely personal enterprise as family-society-culture-polity never allows you to learn them as part of your education and academic routines since childhood.

Simply speaking; even if we accept that ‘survival’ is core and singular Intentionality and all drives feed into this singular need; we must understand that the word ‘survival’ is also essentially a media and metaphor only; open to multidimensional expressions and experiences. Survival intentionality can be experienced in infinite ways. I can say; I cannot survive without love, without a burger, without friends, without gaming, without this and that. In reality; I can survive well with a big bowl of fruits and vegetables only. Still; I align my intentionality of ‘survival’ with so many experiences. The trouble is; I am not very welcoming to hell lot of other experiences, which others are having and are possible. Most people are very singular and restricted in their choices and experiences. It is where a woman may be accepted to traditionally have an edge as women have been far more open to multidimensionality of experiences as well as experiments. Therefore, you as an aware and intelligent woman need to work your ways to optimize Experiences of infinite shades as purpose of life-living Successes.

As we conclude the deliberations about aspects of pragmatic learning, it is of very critical importance to talk about the hormonal system of women and their impact of life-living of you as a woman. Traditionally, women have been blamed for their attitudes, mood swings, unpredictability and depressiveness and most of these pathologies are assigned to the endocrine system of woman. No doubt, hormonal system of a woman is complex and it has deep impact on cognition and behavior of women but it is also true that much of these perceptions about hormonal trajectories in a woman’s life-living are misunderstood and over-explained. We need to talk about it.

You as a modern empowered woman need to learn in detail about your own endocrine system – the mechanisms and processes of your hormones. You need to have this knowledge not on the basis of psychology but through contemporary knowledge of pure science. There are loads of fake and fudged knowledge about hormonal realities. You need to understand that primarily, the endocrine system and its hormonal landscapes are designed to prepare you biologically for assigned gender specific roles and purposes. However, as contemporary science has begun to unravel the complex mechanisms of hormonal trajectories, it is very much clear that though hormones enact biological readiness; they in turn create cognitive effects too. In the last few decades scientists have begun to discover the details of the extensive registry of hormones in brain states, which engender cognitive alterations. Hormonal impact on cognitive and behavioral domains is not confined to women only; men too experience them. However, as hormonal trajectories are more undulating and seasonal in women; because of their specific biological roles, assigned to their gender; the cyclicality is too regular and too impacting on average women.

However, you as a modern and aware woman must benefit from the 21st century knowledge of body and brain functioning, as unraveled by contemporary science. You must discard and dump old, archaic and obsolete perceptions about your endocrine system and concomitant cognitive ‘actualities’. Knowledge is empowerment. Once you know about your endocrine system and are well aware in advance about your hormonal trajectories; you can very consciously break free of their psychological pathologies, which they might create.

You need to understand that hormones have to perform their biological functions and they cannot be wished away. However, their cognitive impact on you can very well be altered by your conscious choices and pragmatic initiatives. As it is said, ‘pain is inevitable and option-less but suffering is not’. Therefore, you need to understand that biological processes are inevitable but their cognitive registry is not, as you can consciously change them to your own advantage. This can happen as you have detailed knowledge of how hormones work and how, when and which ways they impact your cognition, mood and behavior. The moment you bring up your subconscious intentionality, caused by your hormonal trajectories, to your conscious domain, you can very successfully alter their expressions. Empowered people do the same with pain and emotions. This we have talked earlier too.

This is ancient artistry, where it has been mentioned in ancient spiritualism to be witness of your pain and emotions. Do not simply be a helpless agency of the expression of pain and emotions as they happen. Witness them, watch them come and then consciously resolve to align them with those well aware choices, which your own Free Will assigns them.

This process, even early humans 3000 years back could decipher and successfully practice. They could understand that human consciousness is like a bridge between two domains of biological being and cognitive being. They could understand that biological being was subconscious and unconscious and it in auto-processes engendered the cognitive or psychological being. The conscious and aware Self connects them both and the conscious Self can alter the cognitive being through intense thoughtfulness and resolves. The altered cognitive being in turn can successfully alter the biological being. Through meditative processes, the early humans thousands of years back could streamline both domains of biological and cognitive beings in singular Intentionality. This could tide the conflicts embedded in the difference of expressions between them. This artistry is truly human potential. No other organism can attain this magic.

You already know, the endocrine system and emotional registry are very much amenable to your own cognitive abilities. The hormones change their registry if they are consciously conditioned by thoughtfulness and resolve of individual self. Endocrine system also works its ways through your brain states but handled primarily by the limbic system. However, all brain states are synced in a brilliant cooperative ways. The limbic system of brain is also synced with cortex system, which is the evolved brain states over the limbic system; mediating every information processed by different brain states. That is why; almost all subconscious processes; like that of the endocrine system can be altered by processes of conscious thoughtfulness and resolve.

There is a newly evolving science of neuroplasticity, which essentially deals with how conscious self and evolved intentionality can alter the existing brain pathways and create new neuronal plexuses to transform cognitions and consciousness. Scientists accept plasticity as the most powerful intellect of human brain. You and your brain can do miracles; can change destinies and reality of realities. You as a modern aware woman have every wherewithal to successfully do this artistry and optimize your wellness successes.
