Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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I, You and Reality…

There is an enchantment; beyond description but marvelously simple, to imbibe and feel the blissfulness of. I, my sense and feel of ‘Me’; my realization of Self; becomes viable only because there are definitive and distinctive ‘Others’. Science says, I am subjectively and personally ‘valid’ only as there is the certitude of ‘You’ as Other. I may have happened but; its feel, beingness, causality, situation, maneuverability and utility formalizes and optimizes; in all multidimensionality of experiences, only when You happen. There are tangible processes within brain states, which make this possible, as it engenders a reality called Consciousness.

In a magical way; the ‘I’ journeys its Self and Intentionality, embarking on the vehicle of consciousnesses of other ‘I’ and the milieus they are available in. This reality and its true cognition are tough to come; tougher to get internalized! But it is the bare basic; of life, living and cognitive universe, which ‘I’ has the potentials to traverse. This dimension about the Reality of Intentionality is core element of cognition; be it a man or a woman. This is our design.

Just think of it! Stop, sit in solitude of tranquility and try to internalize – what would be your consciousness like and how would you feel, if you were all alone in this huge world, with no one to see and nowhere to go? Very tough to visualize? Why? Primarily because, you were born among people, breathed your first gasp of air in the company of parents, family, society et al. You grew up expanding the horizon of your milieu space; walking and journeying into larger space with more people, as you added years in your life-living. Everything; from people to places to situations; all came along and happened; you orchestrated none of them. You imbibed them and your Self and Intentionality unconsciously and subconsciously assimilated their automatic registry. You grew up and independently opted to align with new set of people and new milieus, as your own individuality dictated. However, what if nothing of this sort would have happened; you were all alone, not moving far away and still grow up?

It seems scary! It is not. It is reality and its probabilistic universe. It is the seed reality of landscape, which the Self and Intentionality have the potentials to journey. Only other thing is this alignment of consciousness with this reality about the landscape and its probabilistic causalities. You happen at a point of time but before you happen; loads of causalities in the milieu where you happen; have already happened and are there before you could realize they are there. The people and milieus of family-society-culture-polity-economy-faith-traditions et al have happened much before you happen. They and these are the causalities, which lend energy to the potentials of possibilities of your Self and Intentionality in this expansive and enormously probabilistic landscape. They mark your threshold and horizon; often, restricting your potentials. You already know and have felt that large quantum of these ‘causalities’ is subconscious; without you ever having any choices to allow them registry in your unconscious and subconscious. Only a small portion is conscious; which too is debatable! This juxtaposition and situational reality of your own Self and Intentionality, vis-à-vis these causalities; which you may like to call ‘contexts’, or ‘filters’; must always be very consciously accepted, witnessed and internalized by you. There is no other way to ascertain and discover your true and real Self and Intentionality.

However, tragically, there are no bridges or pathways for ‘I’ to journey into the ‘You’ and the landscape of your ‘Me’. I can only reach You, by extrapolating and extending my own Self into some probability of your ‘I’. Simply speaking; ‘You’ are what you may be to yourself but for me, ‘You’ are manifestation and expression of my own self, which makes a representation of your Self and Intentionality within my brain states. Very stupidly, there are innumerable ‘I’ in the expansive milieus, whose perception and intentionality are there to define ‘You’ and your Intentionality, since your birth but still; there is no easy and true accesses to their Self and Intentionality. Together, they form the collective space of cultures and they shape up, condition and impact your Self and Intentionality subconsciously; without you ever being aware. They are powerful contexts and filters.

Interestingly; even the external milieus have no sure, easy and true access to your Self and Intentionality as they are only what your brain represents them as probabilities of a navigational map inside the brain states. This is culture and society – in its populism and microcosm. This is the landscape of relationship of you with all others, which form the cognition of life-living. This partial, subjectively varied and precariously perceptional mechanism and processes are the basis of your Self, Intentionality and Reality of Society-culture. This debilitation and restrictiveness is huge but very rarely felt by conscious and ware layers of consciousness. This realization is not auto-process knowledge but a consciously evolved and practiced artistry. Tragically; this feel, cognition and internalization seldom happens to people, as they lack knowledge and are unwilling to invest on it. You need to keep this hypothesis in mind as we journey this eBook.

How stupid, yet, magical that ‘I’ cannot in any other way have any cognition of ‘You’, but only through imagining my ‘Me’ into the skin and skeleton of your ‘Me’. It is very partial; very subjectively precarious; still, the very basis of cultures and civilization. It is the design of human consciousness in its innate functionality. In a way; the society and cultures are also a representation of a navigational map, which is created inside your brain states and is formalized by your consciousness. In a way, entire spectrum of your life-living is not outside but as some plexuses of neurons inside your brain states. Also, most of these neural plexuses and their pathways acquired primary Intentionality through contexts and filters, you were not even aware, as they got registered and imbibed during a timeline, you were either in cradle or busy playing with toys. This dualistic and cyclical process of Intentionality and its perceptional landscapes need to be understood, internalize and constantly kept in aware mind consciousness. Why?

Simply because; this dualism and cyclicality is the innate basis of all marvels of brilliant artistries and at the same time and space; they are also the primary culprit of massive scales and varieties of scams and criminalities, which human world is infested with. Most do not do feel and register it, as they are not even aware. They are easy prey of scams and criminalities of intents of humanity and also the culprits of equal loads of scams and criminalities, they subconsciously and unconscientiously upload on societal firmament. Intentionality in all its multidimensionality needs to be known and accepted.

This reality about intentionality can be easily understood by an example. My apologies for using my own personal example but it shall facilitate the understanding of a complex idea. Very early in my life I had decided not to marry. Different people, including my family, relatives and acquaintances confronted this decision in course of time. Almost 80 percent of them didn’t even ask me why I had decided not to marry. However, they already had ascribed a ‘cause’ to it, which they thought was the definitive reason for me not marrying. They presumed, they knew and were sure about it; as they told to others. The most amazing and interesting part is that almost 99 percent people attributed only one single reason, which they were sure was the only cause of my decision. Like, someone said, he is not marrying because of his family, other said he is not marrying because his girlfriend ditched him, yet another said he is not financially secure etc. There were nastier ‘causes’, which were assigned to my not marrying, but the common thread was that everyone ascribed only ‘one cause’ for the eventuality and they were very sure about it. Moreover, not a single person ever came up with a possible cause, which could be related to life’s philosophy, personal determination or thoughtfulness. They all ascribed material and physical situations as reasons.

This is the magic as well as malaise with intentionality, consciousness and how reality is intuitively perceived by most humans. Happening or not happening of any reality; intentionality of marriage in this case; is a complex reality and it can have multiple reasons. The reality can have innumerable causalities; not necessarily a single one and they may include tangible as well as intangible ones. However, people do not accept this. They all did what we have talked earlier – they assigned their own intentionality, an imaginative shape and skin and presumed it as my intentionality. They assumed my Self and Intentionality to be what their own subjective Self and Intentionality led them to see and accept. And they were so confident of this subconscious process of Intentionality and its veracity that they didn’t even bother to ask me and verify with my subjective Self and Intentionality. They anyhow would not have believed and accepted, had they been told of my own true and real Intentionality.

This is labeling; this is objectification, this is how realities and intentionality are perceived and accepted; innately, intuitively, subconscious and routinely. My own Self and Intentionality does not matter when ‘I’ am in social-cultural milieus and interacting. My Self and Intentionality become the collective expressions of different people assigning their self and intentionality into a probability of mine. Intentionality and personhood are complex realities, having multidimensional probabilities and they are also ever-evolving. Even if I am an aware person, I can never and should never claim that I know and am in total ownership of my own intentionality. It is not possible. It is therefore only a scammed situation that most people intuitively and very confidently accept intentionality of others as what they presume and perceive and seldom accept their version. This labeling and objectification is what everyone does to all others. On this scammed process is based the entire foundation and bulwark of society-cultures-polity-faith. One scam creates another scam and they get cyclically influenced by chain of scams.

It also has to be understood and accepted that the intentionality, which was there, when it was shaped up in my youthfulness, is not exactly the same when I am 55, as it has evolved and assimilated experiences as well as novel causalities. This is the journey in space dimension too, though it is popularly registered in time dimension only. Womanhood and its intentionality are also labeled, objectified and accepted in monolithic and partial ways. The idea of womanhood and its intentionality are emergent, multidimensional and ever-evolving. Even for a woman, it is tough to ascertain and fix her own Self and intentionality. This task becomes more strenuous as she is constantly bombarded with loads of ‘presumed and perceived’ intentionality of society-culture-polity-economy-faith domains. That is why; it is hugely important that intentionality should always be accepted in holism, totality and entirety. Tragically; they are never, as it is human design of consciousness. The scam of fake-fudged-partial-fraudulent-populist perceptions spares none and nothing.

This very reality of the innate design of human perception is the seed of almost all pathologies, which humanity is infested with. Partial perception and fake-fudged intentionality is what human mind consciousness intuitively creates and most people perceive and accept as reality. The purpose of sharing this personal example was to showcase the reality of the worst trouble of humanity. This trouble is the subconscious, unaware, un-owned and un-conscientious intentionality of people, which mass majority of people never ever know and accept. Sadly enough, in all forms of formal and informal education; there is no space for such awareness and knowledge. The livelihood eligibility is all that is popularly accepted as the ‘Qualification’ for all ‘Successes’ in life-living. This pathology of perception has now become a pandemic and massively killing the sanity, system, symmetry and wellness in people.

This primeval and transcendentally scammed relationship between ‘I’ and ‘You’ in one hand and ‘I’ and ‘Milieus’ on the other, is the voluminous basis of everythingness of life-living, which human perception and creation can make possible. As you can clearly see; this reality is also at the core of most troubles and attitudes behind gender and all other ethnicities. This pathology of human perception of realities must always be understood and accepted in its holism. Between the perceptional domains of ‘I’ and ‘You’; the morphology, body-identities and all sorts of ‘contexts-filters’ creep in and they unleash myriads of shades of Pathologies of Perception. This perceptional representation of everything ‘Other’, inside the consciousness of ‘I’ is both marvel as well as malaise. One humanity; divided, segmented and segregated into uncountable gender, ethnicities, nationalities, faiths, strata, et al; perpetually engaged in war of one-upmanship, at both subconscious as well as conscious levels, is the scammed and criminal manifestations of this pathologies of perceptions. However, compassion, fraternity, amiability, assimilation et al are also the expressions of the same representational reality. Human history is full of the details of both probabilities in their extremities; though scams of pathologies have always outclassed the gems of human nobility. This needs to be understood and internalized.

Somehow, this manifests a possibility of the reality of one Life, one Self and one Intentionality. Is it possible? The answer is both yes and no. Doesn’t seem so, as we have already hypothesized that for human mind consciousness; as it has evolved and stands now, reality is primarily probabilistic and that is why diversity is seed reality in human world of perceptions. Also, cosmic reality itself underlines the beauty and utility of diversities and multidimensionality. However; this also seems a part perception and the holism of reality tells us that one Life, one Self and one Intentionality is possible in very realistic way. We know that the mechanisms and processes of life and its interactional causalities have broad and basic universality. All lives; from a single cell organism to the most complex humans have common creed and seed of DNA and cellular reality. We already know that body-brain has singular language of intentionality, through chemical messaging, engendered at cellular level. This dualism and cyclicality between the probabilities of unity and diversities must always be kept in mind, as we journey life. In this eBook too, we are journeying all probabilities.

All diversities have utility and they are welcome as in them is embedded the potentials of unity. Man-woman diversities, as expressed in evolved idea of dimorphism; and for that matter all diversities of ethnicities also have utility and worthiness in some ways, as the very symbiotic complementarities entrenched within the processes of diversities are beautiful and fruitful. As mentioned above; they also have the undercurrent of unity and universality, within the expressional paradigm of diversity of dimorphism. This perceptional duality between unity and diversity in all shades of realities is magical as well as pathological. This must always be understood.

The issue at hand is not about rejection or vilification of man-woman diversities. The trouble is not with Diversity but with Divide. Segregation, compartmentalization and unwarranted competitiveness of probabilistic realities for narrow and selfish attainments are criminality and they stand against the cosmic reality of assimilation and holism of all probabilities. Man-woman realities are probabilistic and innately assimilative and aligned to holism. The diversities are perfectly evolved designs for the singular life goal of optimizing survival and successes. It is only to be clearly understood that the very age-old idea of survival has changed in modern milieus and pathologies of society-cultures have scammed the diversities into divides. The cultural and perceptional Divides are unlearning agenda. The beauty of unity in diversities is learning spectrum. Conscious and knowledgeable assignment and alignment of choices of Self and Intentionality for unity are learning agenda and unconscious-subconscious segregation and compartmentalization for divides are unlearning spectrum.

Sadly; acceptance of this reality is the most neglected and poorly perfected art of humanity. Tragically, most people are neither aware nor willing to take into account this reality into their understanding of life-living situations and problems. The man-woman divides and so many other divides; have killed the sanity and system in human life-living. The pathologies have become pandemic; since ages.

This expansive domain of pathologies of the interactional information-processing between I and You as well as I and Milieus must be understood scientifically, accepted and internalized objectively to unravel and decipher the true and real Self and Intentionality. The interactions are inevitable; so are the probabilities of relationships. A man’s interaction and relationship with all others – men and women as well as external milieus are inevitable. Same is a woman’s journey in her life-living. It is the survival-design of nature and evolution. However, the interaction-relationships must be guided by the sanity-system-symmetry of unification, within the broad spectrum of diversities. They also must be journeyed in a way to minimize divides. Pathologies cannot be wished away; they are only willfully and skillfully handled to minimize scams and optimize wellness.

This is the beauty and fruition of man-woman diversities. The diversities in their holism are, the embedded energy to journey the processes of unification and assimilation as man and woman interact and relate to each other in all life-living situations of diverse intentionality. That is singularly why; in 21st century; when we definitively live in a knowledgeable society, we all need to understand and internalize the complex yet critical mechanisms and processes of Self and Intentionality, in holism and totality.

There needs to be an acceptance that this seems the only functionally valid landscape of relationship and also an inevitable one. ‘I’ has no choice but to be in constant and perpetual relationship with ‘You’; otherwise ‘I’ has no soil to be. But it is always a valid and imminently unavoidable question to ask – What this Soil actually is? You already know it very well that all spiritualism and philosophies of perceptions of life-living are essentially this understanding of the multidimensional situation and juxtaposition of ‘I’, vis-à-vis the vast milieus and other lives in them.

Since the inception of human civilization, humanity has strived to unravel the mysteries of Self or ‘I’ but their journey could not be fruitful as only modern science has now deciphered the deep and complex mechanism-processes of Intentionality. This objective knowledge in 21st century gives every aware human being the wherewithal to unravel the true and real ‘I’ or me. For a woman; this journey into her true and real Intentionality is the core-critical knowledge she must have as since ages; she has been told and made to accept her own Self and Intentionality, explained and imposed on her, without her own personal and subjective experiences and knowledge. It is almost like you accepting your own face and persona, which a distorted and scammed mirror shows you. As a truly aware and empowered woman; it is spiritually and otherwise incumbent upon you to seek true knowledge about the Soil, Mirror and all Navigational Maps your brain states engender.

But then; this is also the beauty of life-living. Every trouble is a potential for excellence. As my ‘I’ aligns with your ‘I’ to begin the infinite journeys of probabilities of realities; you and I are ‘related’ and share our Consciousness in an unimaginably probabilistic ways. This sharing is a huge art and science. This is one massive learning as well as unlearning domain for we all – man or woman. There is this colossal expanse of landscape, which ‘I and You’ have to journey and experience. Relationships are seed-inevitability. All I, all You and all Milieus are related and incessantly sharing. This is the causality of cosmos. To borrow from scientific vocabulary – it is the Cosmological Constant. All ‘I’ or Self journey along and into infinite Others and expansive milieus and they all shape up the Intentionality of ‘I’. The Self and Intentionality are also related.

However, all these probabilities are blossomed into myriad dimensions of fruition and finality by individual enterprise. Only knowledge blossoms relationships and other realities. Only true and real knowledge in its objectivity and holism saves from the calamitous pathologies of life-living. Knowledge; about all probabilities and causalities, about all mechanisms and processes, about all evolutions and emergences; is the only valid and fruitful enterprise, all worthy and aware men and women must embark upon in their sojourn on this planet. Intentionality is core knowledge. Knowledge means – You accept diversities, multi-dimensionalities; remain optimally aware and conscious about all such causalities of all realities and enterprise to bring about unity, symmetry, linearity, assimilation and holism in their expression to yourself and others.

Incidentally, this ‘I’ can be structurally Male or Female. Its form and firmament is popularly labeled as Man or Woman. It is no big trouble to be on one side of a diversity, as it does not in any ways smother the possibilities of unification and assimilation. Functionally; in totality and holism of Intentionality; this restrictive and partial demarcation of gender may not hold all and universal grounds of truth and reality. In fact; as modern science has unraveled the body-brain structures; there is a long and wide range of beautifully yet precariously amalgamated realities between the two extreme ends of male and female. Nature seems to have innately designed all realities as probabilities. That is probably why; it seems, a reality has almost all probabilities, though in myriads of permutations and combinations. It is such a beautifully amazing probability that many men are truly mothers at heart and innumerable women are fatherly in maneuverability. It is only metaphoric in linguistic restrictiveness but very expansive in interactional actualities.

That is probably why; one reality seems different from other reality as different perspectives or observances align with different probabilities. By evolutionary design and probably as part of nature’s innate law; a man-Reality also seems to have probabilistic elements of woman-Reality and the vice-versa. The biology as well as cognition plexuses have both diversity and unity within a man or woman. Both man-woman realities are equally probabilistic for each of the dual realities. The realities have all informations and each information creates its own causalities, which in turn shape up the ‘Specificity’ of reality. In that way; a man or a woman is probably only a specificity of probability of the informational-landscape of the Reality called Humanity. It is a complex science but you as an aware, empowered and modern woman must journey and delve deep into.

Above and beyond body-brain actualities, the Intentionality of ‘I’; as it stands in perpetuity of interactional loop with your ‘I’ and that of Others; may not always be restricted and smothered to this Form-Finality of populist and culturally benchmarked Gender identities and realities, which are assigned to forms. After all; a specificity is just a small part and portion of the immensity of the generality of a reality. The Reality is too colossal and its causalities are too massively complex to enslave it to and chain it with peripheral element of male-female situation. The Consciousness, cognition, causalities and the Intentionality, which pervades them, are too multidimensional to be restricted to populist gender-validities.

May be, I and You; irrespective of gender identities, ready for the journey of life-living with different backpacks; having different things stuffed in it; depending upon subjective perception about the upcoming reality of the impending journey. However, as the journey begins and the causalities of the external landscape unravel themselves; the experiences that come have very little to do with ‘subjective preparedness’. The experiences are usually neutral and objective. Holism is always neutral; only partial perceptional realities are subjectively value-loaded. This partialism of Intentionality and its suffocating restrictiveness has to be understood and holism must always be journeyed.

This ‘I’ is a huge landscape. The consciousness, this feel and finality of ‘Me’, the subjective self, is a universe in itself. Why? Simply because ‘I’ and Consciousness is probabilistic! The Intentionality is probabilistic. The morphology, the body-mind causalities, the form-finality are only a miniscule aspect of the vastly stretched reality of ‘I’. They are only a ‘context’ and ‘specificity’ for certain causalities and there are infinite contexts for expansive realities. The experiences, feelings, perceptions, purposes, the will, expressions, learning et al are massive landscapes, all constantly and endlessly evolving within ‘I’ in entire lifetime. These landscapes of ‘I’ are interacting with infinite causalities and gender morphology is only a small ‘context’ of these massive interactions. Beyond people and ambient milieus of society-culture, there are infinite probabilities of interactions and relationships. Both internal and external realities of ‘I’ are huge and expansive. That is probably why ‘I’ and its Intentionality, in their holism and entirety, must always be counted and lived out.

Man or woman is a benchmark of partialism; especially their populist expressions. In holism and entirety; ‘I’ or Consciousness is only a Media – assimilating something of everything; processing all information. All lives are Media. The media has to be objective and neutral. Because; in finality, all Information, a media processes, are objective and neutral. The Intentionality also therefore has to be objective; even in acceptance and expressions of its subjectivities.

Consciousness and Intentionality are too colossal and multidimensional a landscape to be restricted and specified by microcosmic ‘context’ or specificity of morphology; labeled as male or female. Anyways, cognitive dimensions of probabilism of realities are too powerful and impacting to be stopped from journeying beyond physicality of form-finality of man or woman. All realities are probabilistic and very innately; a man-Reality has probabilistic potentials to express and portray the colors and musicality of woman-Reality, and the vice-versa.

Somehow, probability is an expansive universe and ever-evolving. Intentionality only needs to journey into this cosmos of potentials, beyond this narrow and limiting bandwidth of man-woman realism of populist perceptions. Science has unraveled it all but we all need to rise beyond our intuitive thinking or perceptional habits and evolve the non-intuitive cognitions to understand and accept this novel and alternative reality of Self, Intentionality and Life-Living.

This hypothesis; we are going to journey in this 50th eBook of mine, with all objective and logical scientific information we have at our behest, in a very humble but sincere ways to arrive at a meaningfully profitable probability. The very basis of this journey is pure science; not philosophies or pop psychologies. My humble appeal is – As your and my ‘I’ journey the landscape of Intentionality; we should drop our respective ‘labels’ of man and woman. I am sure; you understand and appreciate this. My books and writings have no meaning and utility without this assured acceptance.

It is such a magical thing for the consciousness to accept and relish forever. The body-brain realities are too insignificant, standing engulfed inside the infinite expanse of the universe or multiverse. However, this body-brain is probably the most powerful ‘media’ to unravel, decipher, journey and arrive at different dimensions of the infinite reality. Look at the journeys humanity has been able to take! How much of the mechanisms and processes of this infinite Reality this hugely insignificant media of body-brain has successfully deciphered. This Reality and its cosmic Intentionality is objectively neither male nor female. It is neutral. Even if it is not possibly neutral; it is beyond forms; it is probabilistic. You have the potential of everythingness – it needs to unshackle the slavery of somethingness of partial and populist perceptions.

Thankfully; modern science has added more magic into that process of understanding the Self or ‘I’. It has unraveled and facilitated the mechanisms and processes, through which, ‘I’ can know in reasonably good details, not only about You, but also more and better about Me. The Intentionality now has scientific basis. Not only human mechanisms and processes; rather, everything about Reality, is now available for completely novel, deeper and holistic understanding and internalization. Many Walls, between You and Me, which hindered and vitiated mutual understanding, now stands crumbled, thanks to the objective knowledge contemporary science has extended to us. ‘I’ can now journey into the landscape of ‘your’ Consciousness, as pathways are clearer and broader. I can now journey into your Intentionality, which even ‘You’ may not have ever thought is You and inside You. Knowledge is the cure of all pathologies.

My 50th eBook could do nothing better than journey your Intentionality. My Trillionality has journeyed, since 3.5 billion years; when first single cell living organism happened on earth. I’ve begun to internalize my own antiquity. Science has now extended pathways and leeway to my stupidity, to journey the most mesmerizing landscape of your Intentionality as I have begun to objectively and holistically understand my own Intentionality.

Isn’t it bizarre yet exhilarating that someone you don’t even know; takes you to journey inside your life-living landscape? This is the probability of blissfulness, which unravels, as we travel, together! And why not! As I have already told you; you and I are eternally ‘related’. We ‘share’ our Consciousness since times unknown. The ‘divides’ are mostly cultural and perceptional and that too scammed ones; after millenniums of stupidities-hypocrisies of humanity. This deep sense of familiarity, mutuality and emergent faith, makes the journey beautifully satiating. Welcome…
