Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Potential and Intentionality

What is best about life? What living has most excitingly brilliant about it; whichever way it happens? Hmm..! No easy answers! There may be nothing; or, probably everything. Yes! This probably is the domain and landscape of the answer. The best and most valuable thing about life-living is this long-stretched extremity between the two probabilities of nothing and everything. This probability unravels itself not only in the domain of actual attainments of tangible possessions; rather, also in the dimension of the intangibility of experiences. Ultimately, all tangibles have worth only in terms of the intangible experiences they extend to us. The diamond in your ring is worth not its price in millions but in the inexplicable experience of blissfulness of the symbols of love, grace, dignity, integrity and brilliance it stands for. The body as media and Intentionality as probabilities of processing of information of all such ‘diamonds’ of life-living, are the marvels of personally assigned and aligned experiences of myriads of dimensionalities.

In the very popular Indian spiritual traditions, it has been said that only God has this exclusivity of being at both ends of the extremes at the same time and experience all probabilities simultaneously. Naturally; if something is possible, even it is only for God; it sure is a potential we humans ideally list for attainment. It sure is a metaphor; the probability of an idealism. It simply points to the fact that human destiny is to remain obsessed and mired in parts; whereas its idealism is in attainment of holism.

There are the extremes of nothing and everything. There is this populist extremity of Male and Female – man or woman. Between these ‘perceived’ extremes is a huge landscape for blissful and satiating journeys of experiences. It is hugely perceptional – a man is neither everything of manhood nor nothing of womanhood; and the vice-versa. The man-woman experiences are not standing in mutual exclusivity of extremes. Rather, these experiences are assimilative and concurrent in their holism. Somehow, the denial of this assimilative reality is populism.

It is metaphoric, but every one of us can be aware and empowered enough to be ‘at both the extremes at the same time’ and experience all probabilities. Potentials are there to be optimized. Probabilities are there to be actualized. Restrictiveness of forms and contexts is killer of potentials of the Media of consciousness and intentionality.

The society-culture-polity may design and impose its restraining and inhibiting benchmarks and rules on the potentials but every aware person has this cosmic duty to break free of all such limitations and journey the optimality of potentials. There are populist and dominant culturally-appropriate labels of successes-failures, good-bad, right-wrong, just-unjust, male-female, etc. These labels are causalities, only valid and workable within the greatly localized ambient milieus of a society-culture-polity-economy-faith for attainments of very partial life-living conveniences. If you test their validity and veracity on the anvil of holism; most of them would fall apart. Every aware person knows that these above-mentioned labels are the manufactured products of the innate and embedded hypocrisies of human consciousness. This cosmos is billions billion times more colossal and probabilistic and this is now truly human horizon. It is utter slavery of restrictiveness of consciousness that one should accept himself or herself as citizens of a country or part of a society-culture. In modern scientific milieus of 21st century, it is truly reasonable for every one of us to accept ourselves as part of the infinite universe. It is time to liberate individuality from the restrictiveness of these handfuls of labels and journey into the true and real potentials of novel and alternative probabilities, which modern knowledge of science has facilitated for us.

This is for all but especially required for women as they have been the favorite and dominant victims of the purposeful assassinations of their true potentials by the status quoits forces of society-culture-polity-faith. The women have faced the worst eventualities of the ‘labels’ and monolithic perceptions of depraved-cruel-criminal intentionality of humanity. You as an aware and empowered woman need to be at the forefront of this knowledge journey and lead its percolation and penetration within your own consciousness as well as in societies and cultures.

It is probably the most heinous of criminality that since the very inception of human civilization and cultures, individuality was always sacrificed at the altar of collective. The liberty, wellness and potentials of individuals were killed most by the very institutions, the humans themselves made to protect and prosper the rights and wellness of individual. That is why human potential was and still is smothered most by society-cultures-polity-economy-faith. You can very well feel how state power, with the might of its administrative authority, is growingly criminalizing every individual liberty on the name of unsubstantiated security issues and hypothetical-vague collective goals. That is why; you as an aware woman need to accept that your true and real potentials cannot in anyways be optimized in contemporary scammed cultures and polity. You already know how the cultures and polity have failed big time since ages, in providing you safe and sanitized milieus. Instead, they have filled you with most of your fears and inhibitions. You need to gradually dissociate from them and create such personal spaces, where your potentials could get the wings and fly uninhibited. Your subconscious inhibitions and conscious fears must wither away for your true potential to journey its optimization. You need such a milieu to embark on the road to novel and alternative experiences, we are talking about.

Therefore, we can say, the best thing about life-living is the infinite potentials of the probabilities of experiences between the massively stretched extremes of nothing and something. This is what the greats of humanity and now modern science call the Magic of Holism of Probabilism. It surely doesn’t matter whether this ‘I’ has the form-finality of a woman or a man; the best thing about being ‘I’ is this infinite potential of the probabilities of experiences between the massively stretched extremes of nothing and everything. Consequentially, it is primary purpose of a person – man or woman; to unlearn such fake-fudged realities and dump those scammed milieus, which inhibit and emaciate this potential.

I am a Man, only in parts. You are a woman; that too only in parts. Metaphorically; body-brain only has this windows and doors of gender-viewpoints but the brain itself is a large house of infinite probabilities of everythingness. There is a huge and expansive landscape between the two parts, the two extreme ends of man-woman, which both You and I are innately potentialed to journey and experience. Both you and I have to unlearn our traditional associations with society-culture-polity-faith and evolve to dump our subconscious and conscious inhibitions and fears.

We also need to clearly understand the evolutionary aspect of gender morphology for sexual reproduction purposes. Our consciousness has journeyed the Intentionality of 3.5 billion years and have evolved experiencing the extremes of this huge evolutionary travel. The first living cellular organism happened 3.5 billion years back. The sexual reproduction mechanism however is said to have evolved only one billion years back. Moreover, sexual reproduction mechanism evolved because of some genetic advantages over asexual reproduction system. Science tells us that evolution proceeds and designs changes in organism by keeping in eye, the sustainability and survival superiority of cellular life. The gender reality, which this new reproductive mechanism created, only much later evolved its morphological and especially the cognitive frills. The sexual reproduction happened when society-culture-polity-faith was not even born but the gender stupidities and hypocrisies happened only when the society-culture-polity-faith happened and killed individuality and its liberty. Especially, the woman gender roles and appropriates are only few thousand years old when the so-called civilized and cultured life-living emerged. One just needs to go into the history of the dark ages of medieval times to know how cultures-polity-faith wreaked havoc on women by imposing the perceptional stupidities and hypocrisies of man-made rules. This leads us to the critical hypothesis that gender may be a different biological reality as it was energized by the evolutionary processes, which respond primarily to genetic processes aimed at cellular survival optimization. Dimorphism, later gender divides and their cognitive frills probably evolved, responding not to genetic necessities but perceptional suitability of social-cultural-faith milieus. That hypothesis makes it easy to decipher the scams of society-cultures in the idea of dimorphism and gender divides.

That is why; irrespective of me being a man or you being a woman; we both have to be aware of, internalize and stand true to this antiquity, evolutional journey as well as historicity of criminality and its expressions. This consciousness and its journey must stand true and attuned to this expansive and universal Intentionality. The scammed cultural influences on socialization of subconscious Self and Intentionality must be understood and unlearnt. The politics of deception and deceit behind cultural populism must be busted and dumped.

It is a huge domain of unlearning to admit that essentially, it is an equal culpability of an individual, if it confines its potentials only to the ambient landscape of society-culture-polity. Individuality; be it a man’s or woman’s; must consider this slavery of subconscious mind and should think over the conscious movement beyond them to liberate the individuality from the restrictive and suffocating influences and insinuations of scammed society-culture-polity-faith.

In the massive expanse of life-living landscape and in the colossal universe of Realities; this small and very peripheral evolutionary ‘event’ of having a ‘form’ or ‘reproductive role-specificity’ of male or female, does not inhibit or excite, even a miniscule magnitude of probabilities. You and I as woman and man know this and have experienced this in shades all along our lives. There are innumerable roles, other than biologically assigned ones and an individual must never always be identified and be restricted to its biological being. Humanity has always accepted itself as a superior being and has always struggled to liberate itself from its animalistic intentionality. If modern human journey in contemporary world can be defined in a singular way; it could be by saying – This journey is about rising above the slavery of most ‘identities’ and ‘labels’, which humanity accepted and flourished because of partial and fudged information about objective and holistic reality. Much of the female empowerment traverses this journey.

However, this journey should not remain confined to gender-identities but should include the wider and generic identities of realities of life-living. This reality has familiarity with us but we haven’t explored its optimum potentials. The Reality and ‘I’ are too big and powerful potentials for expansive probabilities, to be restricted in any structural framework. This hypothesis we journey in this 50th eBook.

What we intend to do is to embark on a journey into these probable experiences. Contemporary science has facilitated this all. It has made us know not only novel and alternative experiences, hitherto unknown to humanity; rather, has also equipped us with the knowledge of how we actually experience Reality and how our true and real Self and Intentionality works for us; in all its magnanimity and holism. Gear up, step in, to journey experiences – novel and often, non-intuitive…
