Madness: a form of love (free edition) by Max J. Lewy - HTML preview

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Beautiful Id


Freud annoyed the drug-barons, by proposing the 'talking cure',

When he spoke of 'healing through love', their jaws just hit the floor.

Still, he didn't eschew their ways completely-kidnapping remained to the fore,

Not wanting all his business to dry up, or to lose test-subjects galore.

He gave the squalid profession an ounce of intellectual allure,

Allowing it to grow beyond the confines of the four padded walls.

Suggesting the hidden sexual motives of humanity, especially of kids,

He did his best to shock - nay, appall -, like all outstanding yids.

And even if, by Joe, his work was mostly titillating fables and fibs,

At least he managed quite well of extreme prudishness the world to rid.

He excelled in showing how society, makes our true natures become hid,

But because of his inherently hypocritical profession, only half-lifted the lid.

The way his heirs rape and pillage their patients, it is an ugly sore,

That leaves all true seekers amongst us, wanting so much more.

We await that liberator of the spirit, to go so much further than he did,

To tear away the straight-jacket, the chemicals, and free that beautiful id.