Madness: a form of love (free edition) by Max J. Lewy - HTML preview

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Dionysus On The Dole 


I wear a masquerade ball mask,

And am trailed by melancholy nymphs.

Well, bi-polar single mums, that is!


I ride the South wind down the town,

Leaving mayhem in my wake.

The coppers are easy to ditch,

They're hardly awake! Or on the take!


For those who have not the strength to conquer, their only hope lies in





Wine flows freely on my lips;

We come in gulps, never sips. 

Breaking the balustrade by life's river,

Making sure they all fall in.

Ecstasy, silence, pandemonium and sin.


I am the fateful diver -

Morose machismo,

Law-shattering lethargy, 

Insidious inflame -


A spur of destruction and rebirth;

(And that's just this cut-throat economy!)

Collecting my welfare checks of course...


I am a god, I don't need a job.


I bring madness, I bring joy.

I stir you into incensed rage like a toy.

Why am I not hunched? Why am I so elated?

Why do I have the nerve to lay low and yet resist unabated? 

Give in, give in, to my Mesmer-eyes-zing;


We all end up in the gutter eventually,

But only some of us ever truly rise through the pipes!


You think I'd work for 8 bucks an hour?

Yeah, well, maybe... but I'd rather your souls devour!


I give the shrinks the cold shoulder;

Sure of an insanity plea, I just grow bolder!


Ah yes! My disciples and I are crazy orgasms incarnated...


Tremble, oh ye weak-hearted.