Mind of Man, An Animal Farm by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


Where is the mind?'




The science has not reached so far as to pin-point where the mind is. If it is found, probably the world that we live in will change drastically.


Our ancestors believed that mind was in the heart. May be because, the heart-beat changed with the changes in human emotions,


Some others believe that the Brain itself is the mind. Alternately, some argue that the brain must be the container/ storage for the Mind which stores the information and bodily actions are driven.


But several medical mysteries and several medicolegal cases prove that, this is not true.


For all practical purposes, one can imagine any life human or animal consisting of a computer like hardware, with two types of storage. One volatile (easy to loose) and thsecond, a non-volatile (never loose) variety.


The Physical body of humans must be like a computer hardware and the life is comparable to Operating system and application software that normally reside in non-volatile storage but brought to volatile storage for execution,


There are reasons to believe that programs reside somewhere outside the physical body and generates the thoughts and determine the actions in human body. It is likely to be a preposterous suggestion from a normal person's point of view.


Some experts dealing with hypnotism have made such revelations that prove our understanding of life is often wrong or falls very much short from being accurate. But, just enough to accomplish the purpose of the creation of life.


This book is not the right place to discuss and a discussion on that is redundant too, This is discussed in detail in a book titled the Science of Spirituality. Now we will discuss mind leaving the issue "where it is located", behind us.


Animal specie has only one mind.


What that means to us?


The mind which is also referred as a thinking faculty or the program is same for all the animals of one specie. This implies that every dog irrespective of the place, where they live, the situations that they are in behave exactly same as every other dog


All urinate to mark their territory. Wag their tails to show their  love, bark when  it fear for a stranger or other dogs enter their territory. No animal seem to be exploiting fellow specie the way the humans do.


They act the same way irrespective of its birth in Africa, Asia or Europe.


The dogs that lived in Before Christ or 2000 years after Christ did not behave differently.


Thus their behavior is predictable across places and across times.


We are different!


We have mind-set and not a mind.


No two human beings have identical behavior. The human behavior have changed with time and also with situation or environment.


This can be thought of man having either a complex computer program or a collection of several simple program, each running in different situations.


When discussing about human mind, we refer it as mind-set and not human mind.


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