Mind of Man, An Animal Farm by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


Thinking Enabled & Thinking Disabled people


We discussed about thinking in the end of the previous chapter. It is possible to divide the people in a society into (a) Thinking enabled few and  (b) thinking disabled many.




" A proverb says that a Goat will follow a butcher". So does the poor following their leaders with very little to nil thinking abilities. There are comparable only to Goats and similar animals which are herbivore, which lives in herds and hunted by carnivore.


Do Animals have five senses?


Do humans six senses?


A belief that comes in our culture is that we the humans have five (sensory organs) like many other animals.


But we have an additional sense or faculty called "Thinking." This faculty is presumed to be absent in animals.


We can, very well imagine that.


The goats are blissful in the company of butchers and they never knew that the danger to its life come only from them.


Most animal life that we exploit, live and die in our environment. But they won't ever know that they are exploited by us.


They live their lives in peace as though the whole world exist only for their sake.


Anyone to know that they are enslaved and exploited they need to have some ability to think.


When they have some reasonable ability to think, they cannot be enslaved at all. Also they would have an improved economic position and social status.


It is not just animals alone.


Most poor in many societies have as much thinking ability the animals have.




They are exploited, enslaved and made to die for the fancy and comfort of small number of people with much higher thinking abilities.


Yet,  they live in perfect happiness within their world, though impoverished, exploited and treated as good or bad as animals.


Thanks  to those who write Indian constitution. They had given the right to elect their ruler through adult-franchises, to every person.


But for that, the poor would be treated like animals!