Mind of Man, An Animal Farm by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


Four levels of


Knowledge among people


We saw in the previous chapter four class of people in any society. We also saw that each class has their own strength and weaknesses.


What makes four classes of people is their extend of their Knowledge.


1, In any society there are very few people who highest in their Knowledge.  We see them as Saints, Sufis, Zen Masters and Siddhas. They are known as men-of-knowledge.



Except an occasional help they extend to people they have no interest in any of the activities that we generally have. Their live in their world beyond the normal Sense-perceptible world!


We will ignore them in this discussion for they do not become a part of our day-to-day world. present, in these discussions.


They do not play any active role in our world of material which is driven entirely by the senses, seeking pleasure in possessions and positions.


2.Elite: There are the people known as  business men & Industrialist in every Society at every level, say a village to capital city.




Their Knowledge level of such an entity is far below that of the Men-of-knowledge but far higher than any other ordinary citizen in a given society including a smallest in it, the sub-society..


They do not produce primary products. But use the primary products and with the help of a few men and many machinery produce secondary products. These are safe, nearly no risk and brings huge profits.


They do not build houses like masons and carpenters. But use their effort to build building complexes. While the Masons and Carpenters get wages to survive, their masters make profit several fold the cost and effort.


The sum total of wealth they own in the society far exceed several fold that of the rest of the citizens of the society or sub-society.


They do not seek to become Kings but they are king makers. The deadly money lender in village and small towns who charge exorbitant rates of interest, (that lead to suicide of farmers) belong to this class of people.


The small traders all over the society also belong to this class.


In general, they   are ruthless when it comes to their business and money. Kindness or compassion is a word not in their dictionary. Their knowledge is used to enslave others who have lesser knowledge.


3. Leaders: In the order  of Knowledge, next comes, the leaders of all hues in any society, big or small.




They work on the weakness of common man. Keeps away from middle class. This strategy comes handy in enslaving common man,


The inherent nature of the leader for fifty people in a small village or state or national leader for a few Crore of their followers are not very different.


Just as any profession,   grows his knowledge by experimenting and experiencing, thleaders too grow bigger in stature with experimenting and experi