Occasionally we all must deal with criticism. Although it's never pleasant, when you learn how to handle criticism in an effective way it will help you to lead a happier life and also help you address areas in your life that may need to be improved. NLP can assist in handling criticism in a proper way.
As we are often unable to view criticism in an objective manner we are unable to handle it appropriately. We get too closely related to the situation and view it in a way that is too personal.
We need to take ourselves away from the situation. The 'dissociative frame' (which is explained clearly in the resources linked to in this report) is helpful in this respect because it removes the emotion, allowing us to observe the criticism objectively.
Firstly, remove yourself from the situation. This is achieved by entering a dissociative state. So make sure that you are seeing yourself from a distance. And remind yourself that you are not the person that is being criticised; instead you are a bystander or spectator.
Step TwoStep two is to disassociate yourself from the criticism being made. This is often one of the most difficult parts of the process and you may need to practice this skill in order to master it completely.
Step ThreeNow imagine that you are watching a movie and that it's not you that is receiving the criticism. Instead, you are watching it in the movie. You can even ask the person who is making the criticism questions in order to receive more relevant information for creating the movie.
Step FourNow it's vital that you evaluate the criticism that has been given. You'll need to establish which aspects of the criticism you agree with and which aspects you disagree with.
The Final Steps -- Five, Six and Seven…This is just a brief report but you'll read, hear and easily learn all the remaining vital steps in detail in the resources revealed by clicking the links in this report…