Establishing rapport can be achieved by matching and then mirroring someone's expressions. This might include matching and mirroring the other person's breathing, tone of voice or gestures and so on.
The skill of building better rapport can be used in practically any field of life. While it can certainly be helpful in the world of business, it will also be beneficial in your personal life, as you try to develop stronger relationships with your friends and family.
So for example, when having a disagreement with your spouse or significant other you could try to build rapport so as to reach an amenable conclusion to the conflict.
It's also vital to learn how to build and establish rapport in order to avoid conflicts, get along with others more and generally have a more enjoyable life.
Using Mirroring and Matching MethodsMirroring and matching is an excellent way to start building rapport with other people. In order to understand how to make the most of this method, you need to know that in most cases people tend to act, sound, look and even move like each other.
By and large, we notice these similarities at an unconscious level and make an effort to get along with others. Therefore, mirroring and matching is in fact a completely natural method that is often not difficult to develop and use.
There are many different ways in which we can establish rapport by using the mirroring and matching technique. You'll discover more details in the resources linked to in this report.