Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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The method breakdown

It may sound weird, but as you're reading this book, you're allowed to keep using porn. The goal is to enable you to see that as you read on and grasp the meanings, you'll start to lose interest in porn altogether.

For starters, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain out of this book, so there is no meaning in trying to postpone completing it. It should be read with a great deal of urgency and focus.

Quitting porn use isn't the big problem; it is relapsing even on day 1000. It is possible to relapse if you get sloppy and drop your guard because of arrogant overconfidence.

As previously disclosed, many users have no idea of the self-inflicted damage upon their brains, and this is what this book is for. People naturally have an urgent need to preserve their overall health and well-being. Once you learn the real motives behind your porn use, I doubt that you'll think twice about quitting.

Porn is enticing and preys upon a particular and delicate need, sex. Due to the dependency it creates in the brain, most people hardly ever question the argument. It is such an evil bliss. Even though most people are disgusted by it after they cum, they still wouldn't make what they consider a sacrifice even though they hate themselves and despise the grip it has upon them.

Here is a simple test that you can run to see if you get any satisfaction from it:

1. What is porn doing to me?

2. Am I enjoying it?

3. Do I need to go through life sabotaging my mind and body?

The obvious answer is that porn has no recorded benefits, so why keep it in your life? Doesn't that sound hypocritical? Isn't this what porn is turning you into in the first place? Are you a hypocrite or aspiring to be one? Unless you're willing to take a blow to the head, it's about time you convince yourself of the above.

It's only an illusion that you're playing on your brain. Do you think you'll ask people to play you a porn video on your deathbed?. Be very careful about the unconscious autosuggestions that go in your mind; it's often the negative self-talk of dependency that reinforces addiction in certain subjects.

Soon you'll realise that it is not such a big deal to quit. Yes, you will feel cravings from time to time. But You will be rewarded by getting your long lost powers back.

Withdrawal symptoms are common in most addicted subjects. But it's not a problem since they only arise for a short period in the form of unpleasant feelings , it’s a means to an end and is a great indicator of recovery.

Most people are so scared of the possible feelings of depravity that they might experience upon the attempt to quit but in reality, it’s not as scary as you might think. It's a part of human nature to amplify things and give them more than their average volume; these feelings generally disappear in seconds if you practice meditation and shift your mind back to a relaxed state—no need to panic.

The more these feelings bother you, get yourself to relax by whichever way calms you down faster, break the pattern, anchor the experience, and reprogram your mind to ditch those feelings and diminish their impact.