Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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Is porn a trap, as they say?

Believe it or not but most people didn't end up on porn sites because they chose to in the first place. It is usually a random sequence of clicks, and boom, multiple tube sites are open.

This phenomenon is usually related to specific cues, like seeing a hot chick on Instagram or an ad on a website showing hot Russian brides. Then the last thing you know is you're already 1 hour in. All of this is because of that little sneak peek and sloppiness.

Porn is a different king of  trap because most people watching it think that it doesn't grip them, and that they can walk away from it anytime. Have you ever heard the example "He who supps with the devil should have a long spoon"? The same goes with porn, so beware and keep as long a distance between you and porn content as you can.

You might want to think about using this strategy in the first place and trust me that you'll be surprised by how well it works. Those little victories every time you refuse to give in to your impulses do add up, and self-control is strengthened.

So no more "Oh, let me just have a look at some Instagram booty pictures" it is best not to trust yourself with that so much because you will certainly fall for it. Can't you see how much you view people as objects? People are not objects, it's not natural to view women as objects, and it's typically what chases them away most of the time.

Viewing women as objects of pleasure will only attract the same energy as yours; you'll eventually fall into perverted girls in the same way you are. Only to discover out that they have no plans or sympathy for you which will only add up to your loneliness, unless your aim is to be encircled by prostitutes and perverted individuals.

Most of you guys out there have probably made numerous attempts to quit and gain control over yourselves only to find out that you're like a rat stuck in a wheel. The reason is that you never sought to understand how porn affects your brain.


Nobody has ever died from not watching porn. But on the other hand, it has caused a lot of harm to many people, and evidence is abundant on the internet. Take serial killers like Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer as examples. All notorious and mentally disturbed serial killers share one thing in common and that is addiction to porn, which is the primary reason they viewed women or men as mere objects for their twisted self centred pleasure.

It is seemingly comfortable and under control now but beware of the "quiet before the storm" do not wait until you lose your wife or job to change your stance, and let it be known that you've been fairly warned to take action and make your life better.

Porn is certainly not the most effective way to deal with stress. It doesn't work as well as you might imagine. You just haven't given yourself a chance to experiment with healthier and more nourishing activities that have the potential to refine your life.

If you haven't been able to quit yet, you simply didn't resolve to do so 100%. Your desire seemed genuine at first, but it only lasted for so long because you weren't prepared to sacrifice your dirty little pleasurable hobby.

For those that failed every day that went by, cravings kept eating out their motivation until they gave up to the addiction and got dragged more profoundly than ever before with more intense cravings. If you can’t bring yourself to stop  watching, you must know that you gave in to porn use again and that you were never sincerely motivated to quit in the first place.

There is enough content on the web that has the potential to scare even the most stupid person on earth away from porn. But being scared doesn't work, since if it did, you would have otherwise stopped a century ago.

Most porn viewers know that porn wasn't forced upon them. What started as a mere curiosity ended up as an annoying addiction. To be precise, most addicts end up there thanks to their own relentless and consistent efforts. In order to quit, you need to work as hard as you have to get hooked on porn in the first place. There is no other way.

Most of you recognize a number of pornstars by name, appearance, and probably even to the slightest detail. Doesn't it sound disturbing? It is. But you know what, congratulations, man. You have succeeded in memorising all these names and sites by heart while you find it hard to learn what you should do to improve your future.