Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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Kill the beast while still tiny.

Many people are afraid of drug addiction but fail to realise that they have a silent habit. This is even more dangerous than knowing you’re an addict; at least drug addicts understand that what they’re going through is a typical consequence of their addiction. They know that they should undergo therapy and medication to manage it.

Cut the monster loose before it grows. What are you waiting for? Do something about it, and stop feeding the beast once and for all, kill the damn little monster, torture him, do whatever it takes, but do not let it control your brain.

Stop, do not stray too far.

Like any other drug, Exposure to the same video over time grows to just not do it for you anymore. This is called the « Coolidge Effect,» Exposure to stimuli that causes a certain level of pleasure won’t give the same level of satisfaction that the first one did. It is the reason many porn consumers morph into shocking material.

Our brain is designed to seek novelty, which is why you continue to seek higher levels of intensity to get the fix. Our brain is designed to reward actions that keep us motivated and sustain our interest in life. But it is not equipped to deal with supernormal stimuli. That’s why most of us get hooked on the looks of an attractive model, only to find the same chick boring afterward.