Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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Porn kicks your brain like an alarm bell.

You must be familiar with the feeling of depression you get when you wake up to nearby construction noise. The noise suddenly stops, and a fantastic sense of peace and tranquillity washes over you? It is, in fact, not peace, only the ending of an aggravation.

When the annoying noise ceases, you feel as if the weight of the world was lifted from your shoulders. It almost feels like ultimate peace. That is the same feeling you get after ejaculation to porn, except it isn't real peace. It lasts for seconds, only to be overwhelmed with feelings of guilt, shame, depression, low sense of worth, and disgust suddenly take over.

Internet porn's negative effects are still a mystery. They have not been subject to serious research. There is not much investment in the field, which ironically favors the porn barons. They must be having a great time, aren't they?

Porn is tricky because it has no first-hand effects. An awful feeling surfaces after ejaculation, but it is not enough to push users to question whether or not it has any negative impact on them.

Another reason users cannot see the truth is that they watch it regularly and have not yet deprived themselves of porn for extended periods to experience any withdrawal effects at all; this is why most porn consumers stay in denial.

To illustrate this properly, imagine looking at an iceberg from ashore. Porn doesn't relieve your pain. As most users would like to believe, it enhances it. It causes your brain to escalate to more and more extreme material.