Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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Porn is a silent energy drainer.

How does a person end up overweight? The answer is overeating; a person cannot get to such a state due to one cheat meal alone. The result of overindulgence in eating leads to obesity and the same could be said about porn addicts.

When you start watching porn, everything seems fine. You hardly notice any effects on your energy levels, even after two years of frequent use. But as with being overweight, escalation leads to porn addiction. The trap is that porn’s negative impact is gradual and imperceptible. The only moment you’ll wake up is because of significant damage, such as losing your job, family, or health.

Many heavy porn consumers relate low energy to the fact that they are getting older. But are they that old? Most have not yet reached age 20 and walk around with an elderly mindset. You are not that old, and yes, porn contributes to your energy problem. If you don’t believe this, refrain from porn for 90 days, substitute it with a regimen of exercise and a healthy diet, and you will experience outstanding results for yourself.