Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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It’s time to correct the false beliefs.

Our miserable generation has been unconsciously programmed to consider sex as the Holy Grail or the best feeling on earth. Some people even think it is the reason why they were born.

Just pause and think about it for a second and let it sink in. Just remember all the movies you’ve watched. It is not funny, but most movies depict kissing scenes as the crowning part of the movie.

But what about people who can’t have sex?

The answer is straightforward, isn’t it? Just go jerk yourself off, and you’ll eventually feel better, which then escalates to bitter feelings of loneliness. We have been systematically brainwashed to think that it is complicated to get a partner. Since almost all movie relationships are complex, a young teenager would instead go for the easy route that is porn. It develops men into cowards and gives a significant blow to self-esteem.

The following figure depicts the porn trap. First, you have a trigger response to random stimuli or cues that can be as simple as seeing an attractive girl on an ad. It turns into a craving that almost feels like a tempting magnetic field pulling you to dig deeper. The next you know is you are already watching porn. You get temporary relief for no more than seconds, only to be left naked in the cycle of regret, guilt, and shame. It should be noted that the more you give in to your desires, the more it takes away from your willpower.


If you want something, then go for it. Why go through the day-to-day torture of peeling your shlong if you wish to have a girlfriend? Quit jerking off so much and invest some effort into creating a genuine romantic relationship. Enough skinning the snake already; it's time to kick some ass.

Do the things that make you feel better and seek more of life. Avoid mainstream brainwashing that regards masturbation as acceptable. The more you masturbate to porn, the more you'll view women as objects of mere sexual fantasy. Unfortunately, it will make you a creep. It will drive women away from you because of your negative perverted energy.

There is no such thing as safe porn use.

Beware that constant exposure to supernormal stimuli rewires the brain completely differently. Stop buying into the brainwashing. Mainstream narratives would have you believe that it's ok, and no one has ever died from porn, but the truth is that these people don't have a clue of what you're going through.

You should instead be out there on the field, socialising, getting experience, not behind closed doors in a dark room, spending hours looking for the perfect picture. There is no such thing as safe porn, unlike what the media would have you believe. Porn is porn, no matter the genre, so make no mistake.

So if you're thinking to yourself, what's the big deal? I am only watching softcore porn, and it doesn't make me feel as bad as people claim. You're on a dark road, pal, and you need to wake up because time flies, and boom, there goes five years. Do something to change your situation now.

Learn that the more you surrender to your urges, your willpower gets weaker every time. The more difficult it will be to resist temptations, the more complex other life struggles will appear before you. It would become harder to exercise, socialise, talk, go out, which could eventually lead you down the road to complete isolation in a dangerous cycle of porn.

Stop now and kill the beast while it is tiny, do not feed it until it overshadows your thinking and leaves you paralyzed to porn. Now is the time to regain your feeling of control back. You have to say no, and make your mind obey your instructions. So no matter what it takes, do not give in to any sort of pain.

The bandwagon effect

The bandwagon effect implies the following:

"Everybody is doing it." This argumentum ad populum asserts that, since most people believe an argument or choose a particular course of action, the statement must be valid. The action method must be followed, or the decision must be the best choice.

For instance, "85% of consumers purchase IBM computers rather than Macintosh; all those people can't be wrong. IBM must make the best computers." Widespread acceptance of any argument does not prove it valid, nor does the general use of any product necessarily prove it is the best one.

After all, 85% of people have once thought that planet earth was flat, but that majority's belief doesn't confirm the world to be flat! Keep it in mind, and avoid this type of analytical fallacy.

What hooks people to keep watching porn initially is the fear of missing out. Many people believe that it must be something great because others enjoy it. Which keeps enticing people to think it is safe to sneak peeks into sexy pornstar profiles.

Ask yourself this question: What do I get from watching porn all the time? Does it give me any peace? Stop believing that you keep watching porn because you enjoy it. Stop for two weeks, and you will learn that you can't stop cold turkey, then you'll realise that you have a problem.

Let's clear the brainwashing legends.

In situations of high stress, our mind's capacity for thinking and reasoning is altered, and our overall performance drops significantly. This is why a boost is needed. Among the very boosts is orgasm, and it's part of the reason many people give in to their favorite porn because they use it to manage stress.

Does porn relieve stress?

It's only a temporary feeling; it is certainly no illusion. The dopamine surge is real, but what's the point of getting a high only to experience a drop afterward. Getting a release of feel-good chemicals can make you better for seconds but adds to your already aggravated state.

If you think you're doing yourself a favor by watching porn, you're wrong and should reconsider the behavior. Porn destroys your nerves rather than cooling them off.

Eventually, if you keep the reasoning that porn is great. You'll escalate to more extreme material and will no longer find the necessary content to fill your thirst.

Imagine not waking it up to a willing attractive woman. Is there anything more tragic than being sexually numb to normal stimuli? Don't you think it is time to wake up and recognize that porn is no good for you? I bet it is, and I trust you to do it if you sincerely love yourself.

To sum up, internet porn isn't calming your nerves by any means. It destroys them, numbing them to natural stimuli, making your life miserable. The best thing about getting rid of porn is getting yourself back, and trust me; it is worth any pain and effort.

Does porn relieve boredom?

Most people that masturbate to porn are not doing it because they crave it all the time. I remember from experience that many times, I forced myself to do it, even though there was no pressure or urge at all. I only did it because I could, and there was nothing else more interesting to do. I was bored and a porn addict at the time, so I turned to porn and masturbation to fill the void, but I couldn't be more wrong.

I remember that when I was busy and occupied with more important matters, porn didn't even cross my mind. I didn't even think about it. It felt like an obligation to watch porn, almost as a ritual to be completed when there was nothing to do.

Does porn help with boredom? No, and the truth is, it only makes it worse by driving you lonelier, sluggish, with less energy to do anything but lay down. In contrast, you could do much more exciting things in life had you not decided to waste your valuable time on porn.

The key takeaway is that when you feel no need to masturbate to porn, do not force it upon yourself. Instead, occupy your mind with an activity that has a healthy return on your investment. You'll see that as you get rewards from your work, you'll hardly see any benefits in porn at all.

Does porn level up your concentration?

Concentration is, by definition, to avoid distractions. Sexual desire can indeed be a distraction that can irritate and alter your attention, but who said that you need to concentrate 100 percent? As with anything in life, you start at a level, and you can get better over time.

If you're experiencing a lack of ability to concentrate fully, don't be disturbed. Do not chase sexual thoughts away by seeking out more porn. That's the definition of surrender. You need to develop resistance and the ability to say no to your urges. It will take time but is entirely worth the sacrifice.

From experience as a recovered porn addict, especially after a porn session. I was utterly disinterested and had no energy to continue what I was doing in the first place. This should sound familiar, right? The next time a nasty thought pops into your mind, you just need to get it out of the way. Remember all the times when you did the same thing and ended up lazy to accomplish anything for an entire day.

But wait, porn helps me relax.

Many people believe that porn puts them to sleep faster, but it is not the case. As a former porn addict myself, it didn't help me sleep; in fact, it only made me have a sleep deficit. I stayed awake 3 hours after midnight, looking for the perfect shot, only to be depressed that I had 3 hours left to sleep, assuming I slept right away. So if you think that porn helps you sleep, think again.

Here is what a porn addict has to say about porn's effects on sleep:

"Porn addiction has ruined my sleep cycle. Please suggest to me how to have a better sleep.

So I was holding myself from watching porn recently.

It's been 16 days of no fap... And last time I watched porn for two days, and then I stopped.

Urges are extreme. So today I decided to take a day off.

I have gathered enough self-control to not masturbate to it...

But after watching porn, my mind feels so weak...

Not able to sleep. Not able to work correctly.

Need help"

If you're still convinced that porn assists you in sleep? Do the following exercise :

If you're a compulsive porn masturbator, try abstaining from it for longer than a week, and see if you can sleep properly at night without getting irritated. If you find difficulty sleeping, then my friend, this should raise an alarm bell for you. You should at least question your feelings of dependency on porn.

Did we ever encounter sleep problems as kids? The answer is no. What I want to prove is that porn doesn't help you sleep, as many would have you believe; in fact, it alters your natural ability to sleep easily.

Read the following smoking analogy. A couple of years ago, adoption authorities threatened to prevent smokers from adopting children. A man rang up, irate. "You're completely wrong,” he said, "I can remember when I was a child, if I had a contentious matter to raise with my mother, I would wait until she lit a cigarette because she was more relaxed then." Why couldn't the man talk to his mother when she wasn't smoking a cigarette? Did his mom seem that threatening before putting a cigarette in her mouth at the time?

Why do almost all porn addicts report unsatisfaction after real sex? Because the brain has been desensitised and dependent upon porn, they are addicts. It is as simple as that.

Why do non-users register complete satisfaction from sexual intercourse and are excited to repeat the behavior? While porn consumers, on the other hand, have the closest thing to an alien experience during sex and still think that masturbating to porn gives them more dopamine.

Why are non-users fine then? Why are only porn consumers not able to relax without getting a daily dose of porn? It is safe to say that peace of mind is the price porn users have to pay.