Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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Stop wasting valuable time.

Have you thought about how much time you've spent on porn during your lifetime? Would you brag about it to your children? Is it a wise investment of your time? What about growing genuine relationships? Your favorite porn star doesn't care for your wellbeing. While you're so faithfully contributing to getting them more views– you're throwing time away!

Perhaps you're still not fully aware that time cannot be repurchased. You're misusing time and are gradually deteriorating your mental, physical health, self-esteem, and confidence just to live a lifetime of slavery, pain, shame, and guilt.

Did it cross your mind to estimate the time you wasted on porn during the past year alone? Shouldn't it be frightening to know that some people spend 1000 hours a year watching alien sex scenes? Couldn't it be enough time to build a solid and reliable business? I bet it is, but you just don't care, do you? You don't value your time because you primarily don't even value yourself, which is apparent from the disgraced way you're abusing your mind.

Some compulsive porn consumers might argue that they have no problems investing time watching what they love. But at the same time, they wouldn't invest even half of that time in something as valuable as looking for a job or getting knowledge. I don't know about you guys, but this doesn't seem like a tremendous positive to waste all that precious time on porn.

Today you are feeling fine, but it doesn't change that you won't feel bitter in the future. It might be that many doctors today are still not fully awake to the negative impact of porn, but tomorrow a revolution will undoubtedly arise. So unless you want to find yourself as the last of the pack, pick yourself up and do not just heal yourself but use your own experience to help others along the way as well.

It is about time to wake up to the fact that Internet porn is nothing but a rope wrapped around your neck and would show you its dark side sooner rather than later.

Don't wait until you find yourself having sex with a prostitute in the middle of nowhere. Prevent problems by coming clean about it and cutting porn loose before it cuts you. Take the matter with much-needed urgency. Just proceed by simply trying to estimate how much porn you've consumed in the past five years to know what I'm talking about. Let's say that you watch porn 30 minutes a day and do the maths; you should come up with a month and a half of porn consumption.

To illustrate how golden time is, let's imagine you have been so invested in wasting an hour a day for ten years straight; if you do the maths correctly, you'll find about 152 days. Now let's assume that you had invested your time in a freelance job online for 10 dollars an hour doing copywriting work. That should leave you with an amount of precisely 36480 dollars.

Do you still believe that porn is or was worth your time? Let me tell you that the amount of money mentioned above is only a tiny fraction when compared to what you could have gathered had you not chosen to trash your time as you did.

You need to refrain from porn use now, no matter what it takes. Even if it means dry masturbation, always remember that you shouldn't and can't ever return to your former self, not because you're forcing yourself to. It is about time to invest in becoming the best version of yourself, the one you were born to be.