Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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Let's talk about health risks

Many people walk around thinking that porn has no negative consequences at all. As human beings, we are not indestructible. Some of you might be feeling comfortable and sometimes even overconfident about your health, but that doesn't mean you should take it for granted.

Would you willingly go to the train station and sleep on the railway to be flattened by a train? Life is precious indeed, and every individual has it to preserve it, whether at peak shape or during the last seconds of life. This is how we are wired. We unconsciously do things to keep alive in almost anything that we do.

I have once started a fight with some thugs back at school and was outnumbered by them. I have decided to run away. If you could only see how fast I ran, one would almost think I was ready for a speed contest against Usain bolt. In reality, I was running unconsciously on autopilot; it was built in me to keep me alive.

Watching porn is the same as treating your body as an afterthought, even with all the knowledge about porn's harm? Are you waiting to get in trouble with the law due to compulsive porn use or getting caught cheating on your wife? It is about time now to stop putting the things you love most at stake just because you're filled with lust to have seconds of irresponsible pleasure.

It is safer to quit now to avoid any upcoming regrets. Enough is enough already, and all those wasted years of your life should be a lesson for you to wise up and take matters into your own hands. You are the master of your life. So own it and take the lead over it, but not after tomorrow, do it right now in this very moment.

Stop kidding yourself that you'll quit one day. Why procrastinate when you can change things now. Recognize your weakness in porn, and work to get rid of it. There is no point in lying to yourself all this time. Come clean about it. The first step to recovery is to recognize you're sick. You have to accept yourself the way you are now to get better in the future. Get help if necessary, but do not fool yourself.

Stop the flood already, and trust me that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain if you boycott porn. Do not put your mental health in jeopardy. You should value yourself as a human. You are worth the effort, and you deserve to be happy; you weren't destined to have a miserable life. The bottom line is that you indeed live a better life without porn, but you first have to come clean about it. You have to know that you and only you are the barriers to recovery.

If you are still resistant to the very idea of quitting porn use, imagine that you're falling off the top of the highest building in the world. Would it be safe to say that nothing is wrong with you as you're whizzing past the 20th floor? You might stay alive for a moment but will eventually crash and die. The faithful porn user is the same except that the torture from porn takes longer to show impact.

Deciding to continue with your porn consumption is the same as lighting a fuse. You don't know when the fire will reach the bomb, which is why you can't predict when the bomb will explode. That is why it is wiser to put the fire down and leave no room for unpredictability. Stop the fire now, and you needn't worry about any consequences. Think about it this way and make your decision, will it be leaving the fire on or shutting it down?

As someone who has greatly suffered from porn, I suggest you put an end to it without a second thought.