Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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A guide to never falling into the porn trap again

Do not allow yourself yet another sneak peek. Always remember that it's what got you all the trouble in the first place. If you fear that, you might forget. Write it on a piece of paper, and read it aloud to yourself in a crowded place. Read, "It never brought me any happiness and walk for some minutes, and it will go away" if it happens again, repeat the action until it's gone.

 When you have seemingly obsessive uncontrollable thoughts about watching again, wake yourself up and recognize that these are sounds of your complete creation. You can lower voices like you do stereo. You can even mute the sounds. It's a great feature of intellectual potential to behold. Accept the newly acquired power and embrace it.

Always choose the path of less resistance to reach the set goal, it can sound funny, but that's how it goes for the most part. The more you think about sleeping, the harder it becomes. It's the same thing here. The more magnitude you give to your thoughts, the more they feel like a beast to you. While in reality, you only need to talk your way out of getting dragged to worry. Do not indulge and break the pattern by doing something, such as moving from one place to another.

You can use many techniques, such as meditating back to your beautiful childhood memories or remembering a happy experience from the past. Do that for 5 minutes or more, and your head will magically clear up all the fog and doubt.

Don't be bitter about the process. Go out and seek more exposure to life. You've made a great decision to quit porn. You've already wasted time that could have been used to achieve something great. You now have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Start a new adventure? Or challenge and keep yourself healthily busy. With now porn behind you, focus on things that would bring more value to your life, whether a wife, getting a job, starting a business, or even going out to the mountains. Pick a goal and move on with your life, and put an end to all negativity.

Encircle yourself with faithful compatible energy friends, and stay away from the avid fans of porn. It's no secret that we become who we spend the most time with. Spend your time around perverts, and you'll turn into one yourself. Instead, be choosy and pick only friends that will help push you in the right direction to get to the next level.

Beware of unconscious psychological programming, and don't let your mind stalk free without self-monitoring. Stay alert and on top of your thoughts at all costs. Do not allow any idea that bothers you to sneak around.

Stop doing things that made you miserable in the first place. Remember that you hated porn after orgasm, recall the bad feelings of guilt and shame that came as a package with the misery. That's what made you stop in the first place, so rest assured that you're missing out on nothing.

Be careful about your self-talk. Only throw in there what makes you feel good. Your thoughts are of your own making, whether negative or positive. Do not fall prey to the illusion that you need to bargain with your mind. There is no such thing as asking permission from your mind. Still, if you choose to believe that you need to ask permission, that's when it becomes natural and will make it harder for you to overcome porn. Telltale your mind precisely what you want and how you want to achieve it.

Ditch porn and so-called hot content, turn your back on it with pride and embrace a healthy lifestyle. Find yourself a girlfriend or eventually a wife and start a family. Why watch porn when you can have real genuine sex.

Your thoughts are of your creation, and there is no such a thing as thoughts popping out of nowhere. Don't be bitter and frustrated even about the wildest idea that might pop up, but rather debate these thoughts and degrade them to a dull state. Feed your mind only quality positive reviews only.

Never doubt your decision never to watch porn again. You already know that it's the correct one.

There is also nothing wrong with reaching out to a therapist. It's also crucial to find one who's knowledgeable on the subject of internet porn. You can find lists of these online, but take your time to find the suitable one for you. You also don't have to worry about confidentiality since doctor-patient confidentiality is law in psychiatric circles.