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Some fun With Facebookzero(7-5-2014)

May 7


I just finished spell-checking my facebook posts since January this year and, some of the words I'm missing... WOW!!!... my spelling is just , so , very , well, to put it in plain terms , it NEEDS SOME WORK. Let me a p o l o g i z e, to all who had to read it. Sorry.



May 6



the 24 dude wouldn't poop the whole 'day', I guess that happens sometimes...


May 5


I'M a tiny tea-pot, shot and stout,

here is my handle, here is my snout.



May 4





May 4


I've been on facebook on my phone for most of today also a headache has been slowly brewin, don't you just hate when that happens!


May 4


IT sucs that every futuristic thing I've come across from #‎starwars‬ to a way back novel called 'Farmer In The Sky', and all the other stuff in the middle like matrix, star trek etc.., they all predict hostile environments and a harsh life for humans, the Avatar sequels are in the making any chance that may change hmm...‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬


May 3


No its settled, chess is not for the assertive but for the passive aggressive... just moves and counter moves...


May 3







May 3


I'm ok its just eye-sweat thats all.

-Gary in Kunfu Panda appologies


May 3


#‎BLOOMBERG‬ is a marketing channel for the top brands, using news-style reporting to create brand awareness OR mostly to restore it...‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

...the reporters have those sacry faces you find on the E or style or fashion channels.

...the question is who is it marketing to.


May 2


somuch to say umm... for all the guys out there, the privacy of the privy can be used to cure all your derier itches, you can just chill in there and just scratch and scratch heck you can just take your time in there and distress, we should thank the privy inventor for this great great comfort and life changing invention...


May 1


THE NEWS channels have in their hands a video of the sinking ferry(taken by a kid that also died)... i'll just stay away from tv news for a while cause you know they are going to abuse that video at our expense even when they have nothing of any value to add to the story...


May 1


ITS over and no it didn't get better...


May 1



gravityvs the perfect storm well i wouldn't know i never saw that one not sure i should have watched this one either... maybe it gets better let see...


May 1‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬


#‎gravity‬ should have been called "death in space" like the book... or the movie? i forget... lol woman driver alert


May 1


sex jokes about gravity would have blowup dolls and umm... a lil help...





May 1


I'm watching the gravity movie and i think this is a rip off... its not that different from those (i know what you did last Friday) haunted house movies... this chic sounds like she has expanded her larynx(i won't speculate on how she achieved that) the guy George Clooney is buzz light year brought to life...

to think it was among the nominees for movie of the year...


April 30


IF I were president of #‎nigeria‬ I would have retired by now... the damage is beyond repair. good luck just quite and declare Martial law... all this talk about the biggest economy in africa is rubbish... this is not the first time nigeria has claimed to be the best in africa while selling their people into slave-trade... south africa is great economically because its a great place to live in... one of their biggest problems is xenophobia, that only comes from influx of foreigners, i wish other people look at the colourful sa and not nigeria as they move forward...‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬


April 30


#‎THEROCK‬ brings back the good old action flicswe all miss... this was a fun watch, good guy vet takes on the bad guy gambling drug peddler who was his high school buddy, good guy bashes bad guy in a final fight scene, and somewhere in there he makes it with the hottest chic...‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

(feels like I could have cut that down to say FIVE WORDS...)


April 28


STUDDED LEATHER JACKET, only in the changing rooms on fashion tv... you can also spot the unslim bearded women of the fashion world, fir coats... one last thought FTV is almost the exact opposite of the NBA


April 27


WISH i could blender my cold pizza like arnold did in end of days


April 27


YEY yesterdays pizza for breakfast


April 27



The world will always welcome lovers as time goes by... wow a really nice song that one.




April 26



Coffee and soy-milk? I'm thinking about it and it doesn't add up... Not sure I wanna try it:( nope I won't, black coffee and cookies it is then :)


April 26


Wow in the buildup to war politics moves fast... in the news they are already talking about the G7 instead of G8, like when did that happen?!.


April 25


Made my first beef pattés today. They were low on the spices and high on the veggies, they tasted great without salt. But with salt all the flavors came together making it wholesomeish. I made sandwiches with them and squeezed a pineapple for juice to wash them down :). The whole meal reminded of tuna and mayo sandwiches something foody meaty and smooth. I still have a lot of the pineapple juice and i'm taking small sips at appropriate intervals :)


April 25


I was so sure this tea would burn the skin off my tongue but yey that did happen it went down real good:)


April 24


If this was porn most of the scenes would be censored but since its an e-cigaret its ok... some of these news channels make me wonder.





April 24


Outside is a little weird, its almost mid-night and a thick mist has settled around the the neighbourhood, at first I thought power went out but its just a dense mist over the valley... so its double blankets for me if I don't want to wake up sneezing and whizzing with a flu and sore throat which I can already feel creeping in...


April 24


These kids don't have some nice cartoons to work with... from the beginning you already know what to expect, man its depressing. The nephew has a pillow over his head, that how bad it is.


April 22


Thats snake number 4 this is really annoying



April 18


Am I the only roman catholic that thinks pope francis is superficial, maybe its because of the way the media is watching his every move an over analyzing everything he does. It seems ARTIFICIAL maybe like madonna or some diva's independence campaign... nothing he does matters the church will always remain just that the church!


April 14


So in "monsters vs aliens" the girl is a monster lol...


April 14


Title-sequence songs are exhausting to listen to thank goodness for the mute button:-)


April 14


Pistorius has it rough he gets a second chance at life and instead of finding he cure for cancer or something like that he goes and kills his girlfriend and on valentines day of all days.


April 13

12:52 pm


Fart -Butt.chics flapping in the wind :-)





April 12


Let her down easy, her heart is on the line:)


April 11

5:56 am

Hillary Rodman Clinton


April 9


MAN FACEBOOK now i have a weird black f that looks like a virus at the top on my fb wall. itscreapy...


April 8


DR DOLITTLE YEY this should be fun


April 7


yupfacebook just won't stop changing things... lets hope this one improves things


April 7


STAN goes to a gay strip club to earn extra cash as a stripper, then starts to complain about the underwear restricting his erections... the other guys are like you still get one of those; your still straight, and they gulp down their drinks, smh ...these guys are brutal!


April 5

3:27 pm

an electric eel sneezed big deal!


April 5

1:36 pm

my morning started with two hours of garden work while listening to radio then a nice heavy breakfast with about three hours of funny tv AND now maybe more tv yup the weekend goes on who knows whats too come...





April 4


BIG brunch turns into lunch


April 2

10:18 am

by staying home today and watching tv and catching up on my reading i'm going to save 4dollars, unfortunately that feels like a whole lot of cash to me... :'(


February 27

1:51 am

OUTSIDE its like a lake of stars scattered about before me; the security lights on at night at the many homes in my neighborhood.


In the still of the night, thats the tranquil 'nightscape' I get to look at before I lay my head down to sleep, nytnyt all!


February 22

2:49 am


FEELING LIKE I've bitten off more than I can chew. I'm hoping I wake up tomorrow feeling more up for the challenge.



February 18

9:04 pm

yey satellite tv back online... goodbye facebook, maybe



February 16

4:25 am

PORN FLIC ALERT... yup 'Wolf Of Wall Street' is a porn flic without a doubt.


February 14

12:59 pm

LOL, gay bill banning homosexual practices signed on VALENTINE'S DAY... talk about tough love.


February 13

9:42 pm

YO!-HO! YO!-HO! a pirate's life for me...


February 13

8:10 pm

Ok done reading ROOTS, yey... that was a li'l hard.. 2months of hardness to be specific. Now to try and finish 'STEVEN HAWKINGS BIOGRAPHY' I started last month...



February 12

1:36 pm

Huh! I betchanowdaysdem Indians wish dey's made dat boat look like a porcupine widdey arrows! -ROOTS


February 6

2:40 am

"In the world, the payment of good is often bad." -ROOTS


February 3

9:54 am takes too long sometimes.


January 30


"...promise you won't fall in love with me." Jamie in A Walk To Remember.


January 26


just reached the end of a chapter in this book i'm reading 'ROOTS', heart is pounding heavy and my head feels compressed... crazy stuff this is.



January 262:01pm

oh man when is it ever ok to doubt yourself...



January 246:05pm

it just hit me no more twichieichie nose, the flu left, i can breathe again ...mmm thats the life!...