Shades of Pain by MEA Sattosh - HTML preview

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More fun with facebookzeroIV(10-2-2014)


February 7

"In the world, the payment of good is often bad." -ROOTS


February 4 takes too long sometimes.


God's Love.

February 1, 2014 at 3:38pm


I just had a dream a few minutes ago and in that dream I was seated with my nephew in a couch at a home for orphaned young women.


First a kid came accompanied by another man my age and we played with the kid till they left. Then a woman who seemed like she was in her late teens came followed by another woman her age who was pregnant. They played a bit with my nephew then he left, then the first girl left, and then I was left alone for a bit with the last woman.


Left by ourselves, the last woman made a comment about the first woman saying, "can you believe she has five abortions !" After that the dream passed and I woke up.

I felt that i should have told her that the previous girl isn't MAD, she is just a child(mentally immature). And as she is a child she should be looked at as such and be granted the same patience one would give a 3 year old.


I felt I should have told her that, "that girl is a child as you are a child. Protect her like she is ur baby. God has made you women POWERFUL enough to handle it."



January 30

"...promise you won't fall in love with me." Jamie in A Walk To Remember.


January 26

just reached the end of a chapter in this book i'm reading 'ROOTS', heart is pounding heavy and my head feels compressed... crazy stuff this is.



January 26

oh man when is it ever ok to doubt yourself...





January 24

it just hit me no more twichieichie nose, the flu left, i can breathe again ...mmm thats the life!...


January 17




January 17

WE exchanged snail"sealed-and-secured"mail for instant"open-for-all"messaging now the spammers have alot of access and they don't have to clutter up our mailbox they just read all our private messages and ask us if we want to buy CONDOMS!, OR PERHAPS A NEW BED!, OR EVEN PILLS TO MAKE US 'GO ALL NIGHT'..

...i mean WTF!!!


January 17


for CHRIST's sakes i had just woken up, i still had on my favourite sleepin socks, the ones with holes so big you can see my BIG TOE!... ...well serves them right!


January 15

anyone see that film ZERO EFFECT, cause it just hit me who one of my facebook friends reminds me of... the deep dark mysterious girl thats doing the blackmailing


January 13

CANNIBAL in the middle of Africa and the journalists found him, I want to now how?



January 12

ITS early morning here at that time when the cold settles in around the bed and you just have to coverup right up to your ears... a cozy fuzzy good morning to all!...mmmmm..yeea...



January 9

Like with smokers there must be advers effects from inhaling the second-hand vapor from this hungover person sittin next to me...


January 7

FACEBOOK reads like a female comedian's work, lots of horror and drama then a couple of jokes to decompress.


January 7

Wow I just had a very refreshing dream! It's amazing how my mind uses the information it has to put this stuff together.


January 2

OH MAN! nobody break your back carring heavy stuff, take it from me, IT SUCS, especially if your trying to get some sleeep!.. ouch!!!


January 1

WOW the night sky is in a 'SPLENDER OF SPARKLES' as we usher in the new year... happy new year all!...


December 5, 2013

STILL SNAILING through the first chapters of 'ROOTS'

...the man stays in his own hut with his hunting gear and his manly stuff, and the wife in hers... WITH THE BABY!


November 25, 2013

someone could burst a gut while attempting to control displaced gas brought about by the sudden onset of laughter... so be considerate.